Dem Donor Who Bought Hunter Biden Art Appointed to Commission by Biden

Posted on Tuesday, July 25, 2023
by Matt Kane

Another on-brand example of Joe Biden selling his office to enrich himself and his family has been uncovered. Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, an investor and philanthropist from California who was appointed to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad by Joe Biden, is reportedly one of the purchasers of Hunter Biden’s infamous, outrageously-priced pieces of art, according to an article from the National Review.

The article revealed the most recent quid-pro-quo scheme that has become synonymous with Biden’s career in public office. Naftali is a major donor to the Democrat party who contributed $13,414 to the Biden campaign, and another $29,700 to the Democrat National Campaign Committee. In July of 2022, she was appointed to the Commission by Biden, just eight months after Hunter’s art debuted in a New York City-based art gallery.

While most of the art listed on the commercial market was between anywhere from $75,000 to $500,000 per piece (already outrageously high), internal documents from the gallery revealed a purchaser paid 875,000 dollars for his pieces. From the time Hunter started selling his art, there were major ethics concerns, and it now appears those concerns were legitimate.

To assuage fears of ethics violations, the Biden Administration announced that the identities of buyers and bidders would remain hidden from not only the Biden family but also the public; because nothing says “we have nothing to hide” like hiding all persons involved in a highly suspicious business scheme that involves the President of the United States and his family.

Thankfully, Hunter was able to discover the identities of two of his buyers (long before the public learned of them of course), which is how Naftali’s involvement was revealed. National Review was not able to determine whether the purchase came before or after the appointment. However, whichever action came first likely led to the second, meaning such details would not exonerate those involved.

Further, a place on the commission is not insignificant, as the article suggests that it is “highly coveted by Democratic elites.” And according to leaked emails from Hunter’s laptop, a business associate named Eric Schwerin was seeking a position on the committee as far back as the day after the 2008 election, which he eventually secured when he was appointed to it by Barack Obama in 2015.

The White House maintains that Hunter Biden is just like any other “ordinary” private citizen who has the right to operate a business or make a living. That may be true, but what is also true is that the Biden family has been implicated in numerous, credible allegations from whistleblowers claiming the family has been selling Joe Biden’s political offices for personal financial gains for a long time. And regarding Hunter’s career path in particular, it is crucial to note he does not have any prior artistic experience, training, or portfolio, yet has now successfully made millions of dollars in this field, and this is in addition to the gains he’s made from the energy industry despite lacking experience there as well.

The Biden family somehow makes massive profits in areas Hunter lacks experience in, but the life experience he actually does have adds another layer to the improbability that everything is on the up and up. Thanks to Hunter’s very own laptop, it is evident his most extensive life experience includes drug addiction, sexual deviance, and being a deadbeat dad.

With that background, it is pure lunacy to suggest that Americans should not be suspicious when looking at the big picture. And despite accompanying Hunter on multiple trips abroad on Air Force 2, Joe Biden continues to insist he has zero knowledge about any of his son’s business dealings, which makes this recent revelation unfortunately unsurprising. It is far from the first instance of an unethical quid pro quo scheme headed by Biden, and very unlikely to be the last.