How to do Market Research

Posted on Monday, October 24, 2022
by Outside Contributor

In order to reach, connect with and sell to your target market, you need to have a firm grasp on who they are.

Conducting market research will help you develop a fuller picture of your target customers.

There are two kinds of market research. In primary research, you conduct your own research on customers who match your target demographic. In secondary research, you get information on your target customers from outside sources, such as government statistics or industry surveys.

No matter which type of research you’re conducting, your goal is to gather the following information:

Last, but not least, find out what businesses that are competing for the same target market. Learning as much as you can about your competition will give you an idea of their strengths and weaknesses, and how much market share you can potentially capture.

Secondary Research

Where do you get all this information? Generally, it’s best to start with secondary research to give you a big-picture look at your target market. Here are some secondary sources:

Primary Research

Once secondary research has given you a general overview of your target market, dig deeper by conducting your own primary research. You’ll need to find a representative sample of your target market, which you can do by mining your own connections, renting email lists or contacting organizations to see if their members are willing to take part. Here are four primary research methods to try:

  1. Surveys: You can conduct phone surveys, surveys by mail or online surveys. SurveyMonkeyZoho Surveys and QuestionPro are free survey apps that let you create, conduct and analyze the results of your own surveys online.
  2. Interviews: Interviews can be done by phone or in person. They’re often an effective way to capture target customers who don’t spend a lot of time online, but they are more time-consuming than online surveys.
  3. Focus Groups: In a focus group, individuals participate in a group discussion about some aspect of your business in exchange for remuneration. You’ll need someone to lead the focus group discussion and someone to record the results. While focus groups can yield good insights, be wary of extrapolating from a small group to your entire customer base.
  4. Test Marketing: Doing a “test run” of your product or service by selling to a limited group of target customers is a good way to work out the kinks in your business model. However, you may need to follow up and ask your test customers questions to determine what influenced the test marketing’s success (or failure).

Take the time to do your market research, because understanding your market is key to your startup’s success.