How to Create a Butterfly Garden

Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2022
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson

A butterfly garden is designed to attract and feed butterflies to promote their well-being and survival. These gardens are also called butterfly sanctuaries and butterfly habitats. This diurnal insect of the order of Lepidoptera (suborder Rhopalocera) is closely related to the moths they evolved from. Butterflies are deeply connected to flowering plants. The adult insects feed off and lay their eggs on flowering plants. Their larvae are dependent upon plants and especially enjoy eating leaves. Butterflies also pollinate a wide variety of flowers that open during the day, though they are less efficient pollinators than bees. These beautiful flying creatures enjoy frequenting large and attractive blooms. Unlike bees, butterflies have good color vision and are often attracted to the color red. However, many are in trouble today due to habitat loss. Another cause of declines in butterfly populations is the use of chemicals designed to keep pests away from garden plants. Chemical sprays can harm butterflies. To help populations flourish, humans can plant attractive and colorful flowers where butterflies can lay eggs and caterpillars can hatch and feed. Additionally, humans can avoid chemical usage to enable butterflies to thrive. Here are some tips for planting a successful butterfly garden at home:

Creating an ideal space in your garden for butterflies is a wonderful way to support nature and the environment. Not only will your garden provide opportunities for flowers and butterflies to flourish, but it also offers chances to welcome, watch, and appreciate these beautiful, winged creatures up close and personal.