Hispanic Voters and “Devout” Joe

Posted on Tuesday, March 26, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Hispanic Voters; republican or democrat

Hiding in plain sight is a big electoral shift, a four-million-voter jump in the legal Hispanic American voting population – 32.3 in 2020 to 36.2 million in 2024.  Biden is in trouble with these voters, now pumps being a “devout Catholic.” Really?

Before we get to what Biden has done to damage, demean, undermine, and redefine what being Catholic, Christian, or religious for that matter, look at the data.

While Asian voters jumped 15 percent in the past four years, legal Hispanic voters are up 12 percent, accounting for 14.7 percent of all voters in 2024. They will play a large role in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, and California – and big roles in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Illinois, and Colorado. 

While eligible Hispanic voters are less likely to vote than average (53 versus 72 percent) and only half of Hispanics are eligible, they may yet decide big races.

While each voter is entitled to their individual worldview, that is, has their own thinking process and right to vote as they wish, what priorities might guide Hispanic voters? Not surprisingly, three rise to the top – hard work, family, and faith.

Unpacking this reality, the “Hispanic vote” is also diverse – with measurable differences among Cuban, Venezuelan, El Salvadorian, Dominican, Colombian, Guatemalan, and Mexican-origin voters. With that said, they tend to be hard workers, dedicated to their families, fiscally conservative, and Catholic

This profile is promising for Republicans and frustrates Democrats, including Joe Biden, who seems to be losing Hispanic allegiance daily. Not only are eligible Hispanic voters trending Republican and for Trump, but Democrat leadership is stumbling in response. 

Among the issues driving Hispanics away from Democrats, who have often alleged prejudice, offered entitlements, and imagined “block vote” algorithms for Hispanic (and Black) turnout, are concerns that align with conservative priorities, independence, economic prosperity, security, family, and faith.

Ironically, 2024 – which has seen more illegal immigration than any year in American history, much of it Hispanic – may be a tipping point for Hispanic voters. They see the pain in Biden’s economics, inflation, interest, unemployment, and unaffordable housing

They see anti-traditional family policies, demeaning parents, taking parental rights from families (rewriting Title 9, disenfranchising girls), a hijacking of free speech, worship, self-defense, and abandonment of the border – which law-abiding Hispanic voters respect.

They see Democrats pushing late-term abortion, anti-religious and anti-constitutional policies, arresting peaceful anti-abortion protestors, putting federal surveillance and undercover agents in Catholic churches, and disrespecting America’s strengths.

Suddenly facing an uphill climb with Hispanic voters – for the first time – what are Democrats doing? Floundering. They cannot say they are pro-girl, pro-family, or pro-life when they push transgenderism – men naked in girls’ locker rooms, taking away girls’ awards and scholarships, on top of pushing late-term and at-birth abortions, villainizing anyone who is concerned about a loss of core values.

What is left? Joe Biden can be escorted on stage, given a large-type, low-syllable cue card, and says: “I am a devout Catholic,” as if this will change things. That is exactly what he is doing, hoping Catholic Hispanic voters bite. Not likely.

Reality: The average American, and increasingly Hispanic voter, no longer trusts Biden, and doubts the Democrat Party. They see Biden as a fake, an empty suit. One poll just released shows only 13 percent see Biden as “very religious.”

In plain sight:  Americans are catching on, including hard-working, pro-family, faith-based Hispanic Americans who want a different future. However “devout” Joe Biden thinks he is, whatever his “lineage-of-the-day,” people are done with the lies. Smart Hispanic Americans are just not buying it. Their definition of “devout” and his … differ. Expect that to tip a number of states in 2024.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/hispanic-voters-and-devout-joe/