HHS Secretary Azar Statement on Victory for President Trump’s Price Transparency Agenda

Posted on Thursday, June 25, 2020
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

On Tuesday, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia granted summary judgment to the Department of Health and Human Services in a challenge to the Trump Administration’s new hospital price transparency requirements, which are scheduled to take effect January 2021. HHS Secretary Alex Azar issued the following statement:

“Today’s court decision is a resounding victory for President Trump and HHS’s agenda to lower Americans’ healthcare costs. President Trump has been clear: American patients deserve to be in control of their healthcare. With today’s decision, we will continue delivering on the President’s promise to give patients easy access to healthcare prices. Especially when American patients are seeking care during a nationwide public health emergency, it is more important than ever that they have ready access to the actual prices of healthcare services.”

URL : https://amac.us/blog/health-and-wellness/hhs-secretary-azar-statement-on-victory-for-president-trumps-price-transparency-agenda/