Good News for Us Happy Warriors

Posted on Friday, April 22, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

AMAC Exclusive By Tammy Bruce

Every single day there is some new fresh hell, as writer and satirist Dorothy Parker would likely assign to the dumb times we are living in. The compost used to bury us keeps getting shoveled in from Washington, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley. And wherever else Democrats plot and Marxists organize.

Those who would assign us to a Marxist struggle session hell for the rest of our lives are on defense on every single issue. They’re in such trouble, their mascot Joe Biden had to be assigned another mascot during the White House Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Bunny was enlisted to keep the ‘Leader of the Free World’ from saying something that hadn’t been approved by Nurse Ratched.

There’s a lot of winning out there, as President Donald Trump would say. Winning is good, but it’s important to know about it so we can remain energized and inspired. Fighting back is worth it. Being on the offense is worth it. Saying no and doing something about it is worth it. The left has succeeded most often because conservatives and other concerned Americans did not push back.

The left doesn’t crush us politically and culturally because they’re right; they get it done because the legacy GOP has never really gone on the offensive. Why now? Because Mr. Trump has set the tone and showed everyone that standing up for your values works. In the process, he exposed the left and so many in the establishment. They aren’t a bunch of bleeding hearts, breaking a sweat to improve people’s lives. No, they’re grifters and Marxists and opportunists. They’re shallow, lying cheaters who melt the moment you turn on the light and look them in their beady eyes.

Fighting for what you believe in matters. There’s lots of winning which also inspires others to step up and do the right thing. Consider this raft of winning and good news:

And of course, the big news that could not be ignored by a bitter legacy media: a U.S. district judge vacated Biden’s federal mask mandate impacting public transportation determining the CDC did not have the power it was wielding, the mandate was unlawful and she vacated it. Being able to reverse government overreach is exactly how the Founders designed our system to work. It took a lawsuit and a judge to reverse the madness of a specious order that was all about power from the start.

The White House admitted this in their response by stating: “To protect CDC’s public health authority beyond the ongoing assessment announced last week, CDC has asked DOJ to proceed with an appeal in Health Freedom Defense Fund, Inc., et al., v. Biden, et al…”. [Emphasis mine].

That’s right, they’re admitting they’re not doing this to protect your health, but doing it because they don’t want to lose the power they’ve become addicted to courtesy of the pandemic.

White House spokesperson Jen Psaki also said this was about protecting the CDC’s authority to do this in the future. An appeals court might let that happen, but the Supreme Court will not.

What I outlined for you here is just the tip of the iceberg. Happy Warriors out there are acting on the fact that we no longer have the option of sitting back and watching the destruction unfold. The Democrats and their leftist enablers do not mean well and are finally realizing the American people are not sheep.

All of this is because you won’t give up. Speaking of which, I’ll leave you with another headline with one more piece of good news reminding us it takes time, but fighting back is worth it: “Two election forecasters shift more than a dozen house races in favor of Republicans.” Stay steady and focused everyone!