Four Democrat Debacles In Four Weeks

Posted on Monday, April 12, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

A wildly-left-of-center opening to Congress and the Biden administration has put plenty of heat on Democrats as a result of numerous unforced errors that have included a failed second attempt to impeach President Trump, a divisive inter-party feud over the filibuster, a reckless reignition of the culture war by executive fiat, and a massive border crisis. But over the past four weeks, additional Democrat party and media debacles have turned up the temperature even further and suggest that Democrats may soon face a political inferno. Things have gone from bad to worse for Democrats as Biden’s poll numbers have tumbled, a leftist media smear of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has gone horribly wrong, Biden’s boycott in Georgia has backfired, and Republicans have set fundraising records while moderate Democrats rush to return the money that socialists from their own party have donated to them.

Here in detail are the four debacles.:

  1. Biden’s poll numbers have fallen down the stairs. New presidents have historically had a lengthy “honeymoon period” with extremely high approval ratings. But Biden’s appears to be over before it got started as his disapproval rating has actually increased by 12 points, up to 42% from 30% at the start of his term, according to a Monmouth poll. Biden’s popularity during his first weeks in office has peaked lower than Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, and Truman. This should come as no surprise. Over the past four weeks alone, Biden has given Americans plenty of reasons to be furious with him after blatantly attacking the Second Amendment as he rolled out six gun control measures, directly assaulting the separation of powers by creating a commission to pack the Supreme Court with Democrat justices, and presiding over what has become the nation’s worst border crisis since 2006.

Biden’s open border policies appear to be driving his disapproval ratings, with 55% of the public now concerned about the disaster on the Southern border, according to a recent AP poll. After Biden rolled back the proven border security measures of the Trump administration, illegal border crossings have increased from February to March by over 70% to over 170,000, with nearly 20,000 unaccompanied minor crossings in March alone–a nearly unfathomable number.

  1. Leftist media attacks on Republican Governor Ron DeSantis are so dishonest they shock the conscience of Democrats. Whenever big media organizations spot an effective new conservative on the national scene, they can be counted on to target him or her and come up with a smear that is often pushed or even spoon-fed to their reporters by Democrat Party opposition researchers. This time though it did not just fail to work – it backfired spectacularly. Although Democrat Governor Cuomo faces an impeachment investigation in New York and Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom is looking at a recall election in California, 60 Minutes decided a little over a week ago to ignore those real scandals and try to manufacture a fake one of their own about Republican Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida. By selectively editing the Governor’s answer to a question to make it appear as though he was engaged in quid pro quo corruption with the supermarket chain Publix. 60 Minutes claimed that DeSantis had chosen to distribute COVID vaccines through Publix grocery stores because he had received campaign contributions from the company. 60 Minutes then aired only 18 seconds of the Governor’s lengthy response to their question about the topic, during which he explained that the vast majority of Palm Beach seniors live near a Publix and that Publix was the only chain store ready to distribute the vaccine. But those details did not fit with the false narrative 60 Minutes was pushing.

Unfortunately for 60 Minutes, the facts came out in brutally obvious terms, as in countless stories and columns even Democrat officials in Florida started criticizing the program for its inversion of the truth. For instance, the Democrat director of the state’s Division of Emergency Management, Jared Moskowitz, called out 60 Minutes saying, “I said this before and I’ll say it again…the other pharmacies were not ready to start. Period! Full Stop! No one from the governor’s office suggested Publix. It’s just absolute malarkey.” Palm Beach County Mayor Dave Kerner, another Democrat, asserted that 60 Minutes reporting “was not just based on bad information – it was intentionally false.” He continued, “They know that the Governor came to Palm Beach County and met with me and the County Administrator and we asked to expand the state’s partnership with Publix to Palm Beach County… We asked and he delivered. They had that information, and they left it out because it kneecaps their narrative.” Kerner concluded: “They are hellbent on dividing us for cheap views and clicks. 60 Minutes should be ashamed.”

  1. Biden’s Georgia boycott has exposed his brazen hypocrisy and pro-China worldview. It is hard to believe that “Joe from Scranton” who campaigned on the theme of “unity” would support a job-crushing, revenue-depleting boycott of an entire state in the middle of a pandemic just because the state passed a common-sense voter ID requirement. But that is exactly what Biden did when he said he would “strongly support” a boycott of Georgia because the state now requires all voters, rather than just in-person voters, to present voter ID to cast a ballot. When Major League Baseball’s All-Star game left the state, Biden said that “[i]t is reassuring to see that for-profit operations and businesses are speaking up.” The move cost Cobb County residents, many of whom voted for Biden in 2020, more than $100 million in lost business. In supporting the Georgia boycott, Biden took an even more extreme position than the leftist former gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams or radical Senator Raphael Warnock. Ironically, Biden’s boycott caused Major League Baseball to move the game to Colorado, a state with a more restrictive early voting law than Georgia.

What stands out is the sheer hypocrisy of the move. Biden recently watched a sporting event, the men’s NCAA national championship basketball game, and then praised the players even though the event took place in Indiana, a state with a nearly identical voter ID law to the state of Georgia. Further, Biden has refused to call for a boycott of the Beijing Olympics in China, which has falsely accused the U.S. military of creating the coronavirus, disappeared doctors and journalists who tried to tell the world about the virus and forced 1.5 million Uighur Muslims into concentration camps, where they are often brutally tortured. Regarding the oppression of China’s Uighur minority, Biden said recently: “Culturally there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow.”

  1. House Democrats are beginning to see the trouble they are in as swing district members send back Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign contributions and Republicans set fundraising records. After a wild leftist voting spree from January to March, House Democrats who finally escaped the DC media bubble and returned home seem suddenly worried their constituents see them as extremists. For example, Representatives Conor Lamb (PA-17), Carolyn Bourdeaux (GA-07), and Elissa Slotkin (MI-8) recently received an unexpected and apparently unwelcome wire transfer into their campaign coffers from Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an extreme socialist and prominent supporter of the defund the police movement. These vulnerable Democrats each received $5,000 from Ocasio-Cortez and promptly declined the initial transfer or said they would return the money as they did not want to have Ocasio-Cortez on their donor rolls. These swing district Democrats may be going out of their way to try to distance themselves from one of the most radical politicians in America, but they are still willing to vote the same way Rep. Ocasio-Cortez does in the vast majority of cases. For instance, according to a ProPublica analysis, Rep. Lamb votes the same way Ocasio-Cortez does 88% of the time, Rep. Bourdeaux does it 95% of the time, and Rep. Slotkin votes the same way 89% of the time. Donald Trump used to call this their “corrupt bargain” with Ocasio-Cortez and her socialist forces. If Rep. Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t run an expensive left-wing primary challenge against them, they will vote her leftist line.

While Democrats are busy returning the campaign cash they received from fanatical socialists, Republicans are busy collecting record numbers of donations from working class Americans. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Republican Representative Kevin McCarthy alone raised a historic $27.1 million in the first quarter of 2021, the most money any Republican representative has ever raised, and less than 2% of it came from corporate political-action committees. The National Republican Congressional Committee also announced that it had raised $33.7 million in the first quarter and $19.1 million in March alone – “an odd-year fundraising record,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Four debacles in four weeks are a lot, even for the Democrats. But, is there a fifth one on the way?

The Biden forces have recently been pushing Hunter Biden out on TV with his book release and a string of interviews in what may be an attempt to shore up public sympathy for the former crack addict and scare off Justice Department investigators, especially FBI Director Christopher Wray, from continuing their probe into not only Hunter’s taxes but also money laundering and foreign influence peddling. Time will tell. But nothing freezes a party’s legislative agenda like corruption.