Feminism: From Fighting to Vote to Fighting for Abortion Rights

Posted on Friday, August 5, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

Let’s set the record straight… not all ‘young people’ have liberal views on matters such as feminism and abortion; especially those working for the Association of Mature American Citizens. One of the youngest associates, Alexa, who is also the Associate Editor of the AMAC magazine, joins CEO, Rebecca Weber in lending hope in assuring that not all young people are alike.

In a new episode of AMAC’s Better for America podcast, host Rebecca Weber is joined by her colleagues in a wide-ranging discussion of what has become of modern-day feminism and what it means to be Pro-life.

Completely unorthodox from usual BFA’s, Rebecca overheard conversations from her colleagues at their Head – Quarters location and insisted they join her on the show to share their views and give hope about the stigma that’s at the guise of younger generations.  

When asked what her views were on the topic of abortion, Alexa responded, “it all stems from not having faith in God and having this self-centered idea of yourself …  [to those who have a pro-choice viewpoint]. It’s like they are not realizing that it is a child inside of them. The left say, ‘It’s my choice! It’s my body!’ Well, it is not just your body. You are now sharing your body and sharing your uterus with another human being.  You are still a mother. Regardless if you birth your child or not, your hormones change, your endorphins change. Your body is prepping you as a mother. And you will not see the left acknowledge that and you don’t see enough people talk about that.” Alexa showed her passion for the lack of attention to these viewpoints and what many pro-choice advocates fail to bring up. “They don’t want to talk about the trauma that comes with having an abortion. There are so many articles I’ve seen of people – women coming out and saying that Planned Parenthood, which is government funded, coerced them into having an abortion. I mean, how many stories do you hear of doctors convincing people to get an abortion for selfish reasons like ‘your life is going to be more difficult’ and ‘you are not ready’… is anyone ever ready?”

Alexa also expressed her outrage with what feminism has become. Even though she was not alive to see it from the start, she acknowledged that the women who fought decades ago were fighting to vote and fighting for independence. Yet now, being in her early twenties, all she sees is hypocrisy. She tells Rebecca how women were fighting to wear suits and be in the workplace and now women say to be empowered, you must ‘flaunt your naked body all over the internet’ which is exactly why feminists hated Marylin Monroe and Jane Mansfield in the first place. Now, however, those risque type of women are idolized in the feminist culture.

When Bob, one of AMAC’s Financial Advisors, joined the discussion, he revealed a personal “what if” story.

We have all heard stories about the mom who gave birth only to discover her newborn son or daughter suffered from Down syndrome. Some are quick to say she should have had an abortion for her sake and the child’s sake or that she should get tested. But according to the Centers for Disease Control [CDC], “Screening tests do not provide an absolute diagnosis.”

One day, Bob noticed a bump in his wife’s stomach. “We went to the doctor, and it turned out to be an ovarian cyst about the size of a tennis ball. The doctor wanted to remove it with a complete hysterectomy,” he said. That was not an option as far as he and his wife were concerned; They wanted a baby and so they wanted to find an alternative. The doctor offered a “risky” procedure, but while thumbing through medical magazines in the MD’s waiting room, he came across a potentially safer option. He and his wife discussed it with their doctor, who agreed that it was, indeed, a way to remove the cyst without having to take out her reproductive organs and so they planned to undergo the procedure.

“Lo and behold, the cyst started to shrink to the point where it could be safely removed.” It worked. The cyst was removed and just “a couple of months later, my wife was pregnant, and we were on our way to having a child.” Two months into her pregnancy, however, there was another hurdle to overcome. Tests showed that the child would be a Down syndrome baby.

Their physician suggested that “probably the best option would be to abort it. She told us, ‘You don’t want to bring a child, you know, with birth defects into this world.’ And I have to say, there was a lot of pressure at that point to terminate the pregnancy, but there was no way we were going to do that.”

They had a baby girl and “kept a close eye on her. We never went back to the Down Syndrome Support Group,” Bob said. “Our daughter started to develop and we kind of kept a close eye on her, and then we realized it didn’t seem like she was a Down’s child. So, we took her to get tested, and lo and behold, she was not.  And today she is going into her sophomore year as a college student studying math and physics.”

Abortion advocates might say that Mr. and Mrs. Chartuk simply got lucky, but that is not the point. Life is sacred whether a baby is a boy or a girl, has blue eyes or brown, has Down Syndrome, or is a healthy son or daughter. They have a right to life.

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URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/feminism-from-fighting-to-vote-to-fighting-for-abortion-rights/