Fed’s Epiphany: Illegals Taking US Jobs

Posted on Wednesday, September 25, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

You don’t say? After three and a half years of open borders, millions of illegals flooding every state – some selling fentanyl, others taking legit jobs from US citizens – we see high crime and pressure on state budgets, but now also higher unemployment among US citizens. Surprise? No.  

Last week, we got the true confession – not from Biden, Harris, Mayorkas, or Walz, and not from the pro-Democrat media, or even a Democrat governor, but from the Federal Reserve Chairman.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said Wednesday that immigration is helping push the unemployment rate higher as they [illegal aliens] enter the labor force and look for jobs.” In other words, Biden-Harris created this higher unemployment, along with inflation and interest.

Asked to explain why job creation numbers are so low, again barely 100,000 per month – never mind inflated last year and just revised downward by 800,000 – he laid his cards on the table.

Unemployment is rising, along with our cost of living, cost of energy, and – until this week – interest rates, which Powell just dropped by half a percent. The situation is termed “alarming.”

In short, what was a dynamic, high-growth, job-creating economy – as late as 2020 – with growth near five percent, inflation one percent, interest close to record lows – is slowing fast.

Continued Powell, in his mystically circumspect way: “On job creation… it depends on the inflows, so if you’re having millions of people come into the labor force, and you’re creating 100,000 jobs, you’re going to see unemployment go up.” Indeed.

He continued: “So it really depends on what’s the trend underlying the volatility of people coming into the country.” Spit it out, Mr. Chairman. Say it like it is, just please stop pretending inflation and unemployment are under control, as you goose the economy this election quarter.

Inflation is three times what it was the day Biden-Harris started. Then at one percent, is at three percent, hit nine percent in August 2022 after radical Biden-Harris energy cuts, overspending, and over-regulation, causing you to raise interest to a 22-year high, which is not doing much.

Let’s talk turkey, put all those cards back on the table for once. The Biden-Harris economic policies, even before her promise of anti-business, neo-Soviet “wage and price controls,” higher taxes, and more hits on fossil fuels, are a disaster, tanking the economy even as you force rates down.

Bottom line: Illegal immigration – with tens of millions here illegally, many committing crimes and taking US citizen jobs – was all invited by Biden-Harris for dependents and Democrat votes.

That plan has damaged the US economy, as it has the nation’s social fabric, sense of security, and public safety. The latest data point is just another the Fed cannot deny – even if Democrats, especially Harris and Walz, refuse to admit it: Illegal aliens are not hurting our public safety, forming gangs, selling drugs, and committing heinous crimes, but taking citizen good jobs, raising US unemployment.

As Powell confessed: “We understand there’s been quite an influx across the borders and that has actually been one of the things that’s allowed the unemployment [rate] to rise…” Well, good of you to notice.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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URL : https://amac.us/newsline/economy/feds-epiphany-illegals-taking-us-jobs/