Economics 101: Biden Doing Everything Wrong to Restore the Economy 

Posted on Tuesday, July 5, 2022
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom
biden speaking on economy and small business

It’s the economy, stupid! That phrase, made famous by former President Clinton’s Chief of Staff and Democratic strategist James Carville, is apparently not resonating with the Biden White House. Since Day 1, President Biden has pushed for policies across the board that make it harder for families and small businesses to succeed. In addition, he has installed leftists in key government agencies to enact his socialist agenda, all-while the economy continues to sink. Biden is clearly doing everything wrong to restore our economy.

Biden’s obsession to enact an excessive regulatory regime has manifested itself in various sectors across the economy over the last two years. The Biden White House has issued Executive Orders (EO) implementing excessive environmental standards, slowing down small businesses, and making it more costly for entrepreneurs to do business. One Biden EO canceled the KeyStone XL pipeline extension from Canada to Texas, stripping the region of good paying jobs and making America more dependent on autocrats and thugs around the globe. 

Another EO to supposedly promote “competition in the American economy,” in reality promotes federal government intervention across the economy, from railroads to internet service providers. According to expert economists at the Heritage Foundation, “The Biden edict claims to promote competition, yet it actually suppresses it and hinders innovation. The order protects failed incumbents by encouraging them to go to the government for favors to help them against companies that customers actually prefer.”

Biden’s Build Back Better (BBB) tax plan is another major threat to small businesses and the economy. When Biden’s former boss President Obama alluded to the fact that it isn’t wise to raise taxes in a recession, he was right. President Biden should take Obama’s words to heart. The economy is showing signs of heading towards a recession yet the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress continue to push almost $4 trillion in tax increases. Spending and tax increases is the opposite of what this economy needs to recover.

When it comes to simple economic principles, including those driving 10% inflation, Biden has his head in the sand. We are seeing this administration stumble from crisis to crisis, like the recent baby formula shortage and $6 gas. Americans cannot afford the “new liberal world order” that the Biden administration is pushing.

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action