Do Rainy Days and Mondays Really Get You Down?

Posted on Tuesday, July 26, 2022
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson

People active on social media and the internet undoubtedly have seen memes poking fun of Mondays, the beginning of the work week. A few funny ones include a grumpy-faced cat with the words, “Monday already?”,  a yawning baby with the caption, “I haven’t been this tired since last Monday!’ and a woman in pajamas with wild hair and words that read, “That Monday morning glow.” Take it from me as a person with that glow, it’s hilarious. Oh, and let us not forget the rainy-day memes to include a man walking a fish on a leash, a science formula to explain how to drive in the rain, a guy who just washed his car watching it get splattered in mud from a car passing by in the rain, and a man in a work suit swimming to the office. Equally funny. Folks often use humor to muddle through things they don’t enjoy – say Mondays and rainy days, but do these days indeed get us down? Curious to know if there is any science behind this idea, I set off on a search for information to see if there is any truth to the popular song, Rainy Days and Mondays. In that song, the lyrics emphasize the negative feelings one may get from these two events, “Hangin’ around, nothin to do but frown’ rainy days and Mondays always get me down.” Here’s some of what I’ve discovered:

If you feel down on rainy days and Mondays, understand that some lows are quite common and are generally short lived for most people. However, should you experience any severe or prolonged effects that you simply can’t bounce out of, call your doctor. Signs of depression which require immediate professional medical advice may include mood swings, insomnia, sadness that doesn’t go away, unexplained loss of appetite, excessive sleepiness, difficulty waking up, inability to function as normal, loss of joy, depression, weight gain, experiencing helplessness, lack of self-worth, or thoughts of self-harm. If you experience any of these symptoms, seeking medical help can put your life in balance. But, for those of us who find themselves simply frowning a little bit on Mondays or rainy days, remember that Friday’s coming, and sunshine follows the rain.

This article is not intended as medical advice. It is purely informational.