Did Biden Just Accidentally Reveal His Plan to Make Kamala Harris President?

Posted on Thursday, April 13, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

One year after infamously taking directions from the Easter bunny to avoid answering a question about his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, Joe Biden has once again been implicated in a head-scratching moment at this year’s Easter Egg Roll. This time, Biden may have inadvertently revealed his plans to step down from the presidency midway through a hypothetical second term—presumably handing the reins over to Kamala Harris, Biden’s historically unpopular vice president.

“Well, I plan on at least three or four more Easter Egg Rolls,” Biden said to journalist Al Roker this week in response to a question about his 2024 plans. After Roker asked Biden to confirm what he had said, Biden appeared to have quickly caught himself, adding, “Maybe five. Maybe six. What the hell? I don’t know.”

Though most of the news coverage surrounding Biden’s comments at the Easter Egg Roll has understandably revolved around his statement that he does indeed “plan on running” in 2024—a comment that follows months of speculation about his decision—Biden’s apparent suggestion that he plans to leave office before the end of a potential second term is even more newsworthy.

Of course, it is not unreasonable to believe that Biden, a well-known gaffe machine, simply committed one of his many blunders when responding to Roker’s question. After all, basic math has never been Biden’s strong suit.

But the quickness and confidence with which Biden first answered the question makes it entirely plausible that Biden did indeed show his hand—and that his prospective 2024 bid is simply a stalking horse for a Kamala Harris presidency.

This episode would not mark the first time Biden has alluded to stepping aside for Harris. Both Biden and First Lady Jill Biden have repeatedly referred to Harris as the “president.” Many in Biden’s circle—including California Governor Gavin Newsom—have expressed hope that Harris would be the next U.S. President. And as early as 2020, reports surfaced that, given his advanced age, Biden would step aside and effectively promote his vice president to the highest office in the land shortly after taking office in 2021.

If these are indeed Biden’s intentions, it’s no wonder he would feel compelled to keep them secret. If Biden were to opt out of running for reelection, all evidence indicates that Harris—presumably the next in line for the nomination—would be unsuccessful against virtually every Republican presidential hopeful, including former President Donald Trump, who has consistently beat her in hypothetical matchup polls.

Even more notably, Harris has retained her place as the least popular sitting vice president in 50 years.

Despite some Democrats’ eagerness to elevate Harris if Biden were to step aside, others on the left are less convinced. Last month, CNN reported that multitudes of Democrats and left-wing political consultants are warning the Biden team that “years of Harris negativity could now prove a political problem”—and are urging Biden to swap Harris out for a more politically palatable alternative on the 2024 ticket.

This challenge puts Biden in a tough political bind. Consequently, it would be easy to see how his team could have convinced him that the best path forward for the Democrat Party is for Biden to run in 2024, but to ultimately resign following a hypothetical general election victory.

Naturally, this strategy comes with massive political risks—and if Biden’s comments at the Easter Egg Roll signal his sincere intentions for the coming election cycle, Donald Trump and other Republican presidential hopefuls should not hesitate to make it a major campaign issue.

The possibility of a bait-and-switch campaign in which Harris is ultimately elevated to the presidency should be of grave concern not only to Republican voters, but also to every American concerned with the failing economy, skyrocketing illegal immigration, rising crime, the surge of extreme left-wing ideologies in every corner of American life, and the survival of the political system itself.

Based on every indication, Harris is the single most radical vice president in American history. Despite her evident flaws and leadership deficiencies, a Harris administration would likely be more radical, more left-wing, and more dangerous than Biden’s presidency.

With these risks in mind, the American people must demand a response from Biden on whether he intends to complete a second term if reelected. His answer could have extraordinary implications not only for the 2024 presidential election, but for the future of the nation itself.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/did-biden-just-accidentally-reveal-his-plan-to-make-kamala-harris-president/