Democrats Own This Mess

Posted on Thursday, July 25, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

After you throw up, you feel better, but .. you are still sick. Know that feeling?  That’s the Democrat Party right now, ejecting what made them feel miserable, despite saying they were fine, but still in denial, or not really, but not ready to admit their policies have made the nation … seriously ill.

So, Biden is gone.  Prepare to see the Democrat Party flail a bit, deny a bit, twist a bit, gnash their teeth, spit, snarl, and then smile, and say they are fine, right where they wanted to be, new face.

Crazy to cautious, nuts to unexpectedly nimble, we could see Harris and Hillary, or Harris and Bloomberg, or Harris and Taylor Swift.  We could see the old mix and match, wild ego jostling, backbiting, and media leaks pushing Michelle Obama, Gretchen Whitmer (MI governor), Gavin Newsom (CA governor), Josh Shapiro (PA governor), Andy Beshear (KY governor), or Obama for Veep.

In the end, it does not matter.  You can give the old junker a paint job, lather rotten boards with sealant, and watch the snake shed his skin, but you are there again – still a junker, rotten, snake.

The Democrat Party is in this mess because they have termites in the foundation, policies that by any historical standard – traditional Democrat, Independent, or Conservative –are flat wrong. They have done enormous damage to our nation, moral, cultural, institutional, economic, personal, community, border, and national security.  They have betrayed the public trust, and we know it.

So, as you watch the drama unfold in weeks ahead, handwringing by Democrats, shadowed by their pocket media, over donor money, the virtual convention on August 7, the real convention on August 19-20, ramped up demonization of Trump and Vance, sainthood for their nominees, take a breath.

Most of America will not be hoodwinked again. Forget Russia collusion, fake indictments and convictions, China money for the Bidens, the endless caravan of illegals, Afghanistan called a victory, and Iran given cover. The biggest lie, bigger than “Biden is fine,” is their policies work.

To talk street for a moment, to take it down to everyday dialogue, their policies suck. They have driven older Americans from secure to insecure, with a cumulative 20 percent drop in the value of savings, as prescriptions, heating oil, housing, groceries, and everything else have become unaffordable.

They have killed the energy sector with anti-energy independence policies, killed the real estate sector with interest rates at a 20-year high, chasing inflation that hit nine percent, and have irresponsibly overspent – by eight trillion in three years, as Democrat politicians get richer.

The anger level in the nation toward those in power, Democrat leadership in the White House, Senate, and until recently the US House, not to mention unaccountable governors from California to Maine, has reached a boiling point. People will tolerate likes only so long, then they revolt.

Young people have no affordable housing, a third living with their parents, and 60 percent of those working. Their dignity and intelligence are insulted, as Democrats try to buy their loyalty with student loan forgiveness, legalized drugs, and promises of more free stuff, like tamable pets offered dog treats.

Medicare is slashed, border flung open, drug overdoses let rage, and illegals shipped around the nation – given free housing in places like Maine, as homeless veterans live under city bridges.

People are suffering and they know it, and they also know why. It is not the faces on the Democrat ticket, not Democrat legislatures, governors, and national leaders taking them for fools, not even the lies that get told over and over, which never stick. It is because the Democrat party is ailing, being led by those without integrity, and projects failure as success, which is sick.

The reason swapping names and faces will not fix what ails Democrats is not complicated. No matter how the next team tries to recast events, sully, jail, deny, or defy the truth, it is their mess; they are caught in a vortex. Americans have had their fill, know Democrats made our nation ill.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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