Death by Police Defunding

Posted on Tuesday, December 14, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

People want security, not insecurity, accountability, not vilification, calm, not the destruction of health and safety.  The Democratic Party is off-base, and numbers show it. Defunding is an utter failure.

Incredibly, Democrats continue to defund the police. Many politicians are quick to body-count COVID – but they miss the other body count, the one tied to their own hard-bitten social policies. That body count is high and rising – especially with the continued defunding of police.

Examples of leftist policies gone wrong are legion, “open borders” producing the rampant drug and sex trafficking, homelessness, social unrest; undeterred violent riots ruining inner cities, destroying minority businesses, defacing churches, spurring antisemitism, dividing communities; government mandates that backfire, reducing employment, imperiling families, elevating suicides; Marxism in public schools, using the rubric of Critical Race Theory; killing the energy sector and overspending, making Americans struggle with inflation and heating costs.

But defunding the police – a Democrat hallmark – may be the most devastating Party priority. Costs can be measured in public insecurity, elevated levels of fear and crime, also body count.

Data is rife showing major city police are neither systematically racist nor bereft of minority participation. Not discussed is the downstream effect of Democrat defunding initiatives. Death and loss follow this indefensible policy.

Today, we see record levels of public fear, homicides, police ambushes, deaths in the line of duty, suicides, resignations, retirements, unfilled police academies, rising crime, gun buying, and a breakdown of trust within communities – especially distrust of elected leaders.

People want security, not insecurity, accountability, not vilification, calm, not the destruction of health and safety.  The Democratic Party is off-base, and numbers show it. Defunding is an utter failure.

Public fear is high. In 2020, 62 percent of Americans – split across all parties – feared sharing opinions. But fear of crime was “off the charts.” In November 2021, the fear of crime is higher. See, e.g., Crime Fears Rebound in U.S. After Lull During 2020 Lockdowns; See also, Poll: 62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share.

From 2020 to 2021, fear of specific crimes climbed. Fear of mugging and car theft rose nine percent, fear of burglary eight percent, carjacking and identity theft six percent, fear of getting murdered up to five percent, and so it goes.

The “body count” tied to defunding police, something beyond the quality of life, is more compelling. Many cities have rolled back police, imagining ubiquitous racism – and suffered badly.

Nationally, homicides are setting records, along with police ambushes, line of duty deaths, suicides, resignations, and indicia of a stunning policy failure, immoral political maneuvering.

CDC reported in October 2021, the “highest increase in the nation’s homicide rate in modern history,” a 30 percent increase, continuing to edge upward monthly – paralleling cuts in city police forces. With fewer police, deterrence is down, crime up. Even liberal media see it. See, e.g., US records highest increase in nation’s homicide rate in modern history, CDC says.  

More than 20 major cities cut police, a total of 840 million dollars. See, e.g., These US cities defunded police: ‘We’re transferring money to the community.’ Not coincidentally, these cities are suffering mass homicides. See, e.g., ‘It’s just crazy’: 12 major cities hit all-time homicide records.

Thus, Philadelphia has seen 523 murders, New York 443, other cities similar spikes this year. Nationally, 2020 saw 19,400 murders, 2021 is higher. Absent deterrence, crime soars.

Pivot to the police themselves. With Democrat leaders vilifying officers, ambushes doubled for the year prior to October 2021. A total of 93 officers have been shot. See, e.g., Ambush attacks on police more than doubled over past year, FOP says.

Police killed in the line of duty hit 447 in late 2021, a 27 percent increase. See, Honoring Officers Killed in 2021.  Officer suicides are spiking, they are underappreciated, placed at risk, lives turned upside down. Dozens of good officers ended their own lives in 2021 – an “epidemic.” See, e.g., Death by suicide among police is a quiet epidemic. It needs to be acknowledged.; 38 law enforcement officers nationwide lost to suicide so far this year.

Finally, for those who doubt the source of these scary numbers, Democrat voices resound.

Said Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf in 2020: “Oakland is doing it right; we did respond to immediate requests by cutting $14 million out of our police department…” Oakland has seen a jump to 129 murders this year. See, VIDEO: Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf on coronavirus, calls to defund police; Oakland Homicide Rate 2021 – Murders Month by Month.

Portland, Oregon, slashed 15 million dollars from their police force in 2020. In 2021 Mayor Ted Wheeler notes: “Many Portlanders no longer feel safe in their city …Business owners have closed up shop, for fear of doing business in high-risk areas, commuters fear for their safety, whether taking public transport or going by foot, Parents are scared to let their children play outside.” And yes, the city is seeing record homicides. See, ‘A Dangerous Time’: Portland, Oregon, Sees Record Homicides; Just one year after defund the police cuts, Portland mayor calls for big budget increase.

Meantime, police resignations and retirements are way up, resignations up 45 percent. See, Police Officers Calling It Quits, Retiring Early at Alarming Rate.

Net-net, what does this mean?  We see anti-police activists, Democrat mayors, governors, and members of Congress still pushing defunding police; Seattle just did it again.

We see consequences piling up, whole states shuddering, a tectonic plate shift in public confidence, security, crime rates. We have a devastating impact on the public and police.

In short, while some want to divert attention to Omicron cases, there is another body count, the one that continues to rise from defunding police. “Death by police defunding” is real.