Confronting Russia and China – Biden is Stumbling

Posted on Tuesday, June 8, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Protecting national security involves “looking around corners,” recognizing patterns, connecting dots, understanding where the dots lead. Beyond algorithms, human intuition is needed. The Biden team is stumbling – and nowhere more than confronting Russia and China.

Public facts – and clear patterns – should cause pause, make anyone wonder what is next. Here is the deal: You are now an intelligence analyst. I will back you up. Questions and answers.

What happened on May 6? Where did that event originate? How did it affect American life? Why was it different? And to date, what has Biden done about it?

Answer: The Colonial pipeline cyberattack, reportedly originating with Russian cybercriminals, possible foil. The cyberattack shut down fuel to 17 states and DC, contingent on a multimillion-dollar ransom payment. The Biden White House declared an emergency, allowing trucks to carry fuel, warned people not to put gas in bags, and formally excused Russia. See, e.g., Colonial Pipeline cyber attack.

What happened on May 30? Where did that event originate? How did it affect American life? What did Biden do about it?

Answer: A cyberattack on the world’s largest meatpacking company shut down a quarter of all US beef packing, fifth of pork, affected 10,000 US jobs, caused meat prices to spike. Plants went dead in 13 locations, including Colorado, Nebraska, and Texas, plus Canada and Australia – contingent on ransom. Plants are coming up, but huge impact—origin likely Russia. Biden’s staff held a press conference, and Biden pushed companies to improve cybersecurity. 

What happened on June 3? Where did that event originate? How did it affect life? Biden’s response?

Answer: Largest ferry service to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, where elite politicians vacation, was shut down, a “third notable cyber breach in a month.”

Origin? Unclear, but possibly Russia. Biden team? No comment. See, e.g., Ferry service to Martha’s Vineyard targeted by ransomware attack.

Now ask yourself – who is likely behind attacks originating in Russia? If Russia is not acting against perpetrators, what does that say? Plus, Russia’s Foreign Minister said the US should expect “uncomfortable signals” before the Biden-Putin summit on June 16. See, e.g., Russia signals ‘uncomfortable’ run-up to Biden-Putin summit. Would the foregoing seem “uncomfortable signals?”

Final question: What do Americans need? Which sectors are necessities? How about energy, food, and transportation? If you were sending a signal to an adversary – that you could hit them where it hurt – what sectors would you hit? What other sectors are vital?


How about communications (of all kinds), health care (including hospitals), financial services (banks to markets), water and wastewater (life support), air transport?

So, if you were predicting the future – and thought an adversary was sending signals – where would you look?

Second pattern. This one is tied to China: What do members of the Biden family, Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA), National Institute on Allergies and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, more than 20 top Biden officials, more than 500 US scientists share?

Answer: They have close ties to Communist China, with concrete financial ties to the Biden family (raising legal questions), a reported sexual liaison between the Democrat representative and a Chinese spy, “gain of function” research paid by Fauci’s NIH through a non-profit to China’s suspect Wuhan lab, and circumstantial evidence leading to other investigations. See, e.g., Navarro: Top Biden admin officials ‘compromised’ by China, urges president to ‘stand strong’ against Beijing; Over 500 U.S. Scientists Under Investigation for Being Compromised by China; Fauci has not been ‘exactly honest,’ questions on Wuhan lab funding must be answered: Nancy Mace; Fauci emails all the more reason for US to get to bottom of COVID origins; Swalwell Refuses To Disclose Whether He Had A Sexual Relationship With A Suspected Chinese Spy; Bobulinski: Biden Is ‘Compromised’ By China

Final question: What does a mountain of Chinese connectivity, much prudentially suspect, mean? Answer: China is actively seeking to compromise American political leaders, infiltrate US institutions, and – to some degree – is succeeding. Where does that lead? To more of the same? Public corruption invariably accelerates. We are forewarned. China is coming.

Net-net, finding patterns is not so hard. Russia is sending signals. Whether troops at Ukraine’s doorstep or cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, Russia is testing Biden.

Ditto for China.

They are trying to compromise American leaders in any way they can. They see weakness in this White House, and critical sectors, and no unity. They are testing all of us.

Ominously, China and Russia are in tight communication, suggesting the testing process is not bilateral but coordinated. That, too, is about connecting dots. Any wonder that Russia and China are viewed as converging – at least in their appraisal and testing of bumbling Biden? See, e.g., China and Russia’s Dangerous Convergence.

What is the answer?

The answer is to start “looking around corners,” connecting dots, understanding the broader meaning of events – what they portend. That art is critical to national security. The Biden team is stumbling. They need to get it right. If not now, when?