Condescending Maloney: The Democrat Party is 'Too Smart' for the American People

Posted on Friday, August 19, 2022
by Tammy Bruce
Representative Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY)

It made a lot of news when the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee told the New York Times editorial board recently that his party has a “likeability problem.”

Representative Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) isn’t Einstein to realize that but it made headlines because it’s rare for a Democrat to be honest about the pathetic state of their party. The real story wasn’t that Maloney was being critical or insightful about what was happening, because he’s not. This matters because as Maloney was critiquing the party for style and some substance issues, he unknowingly illustrated one major reason why the Democrats are so unliked—and it’s something none of them can or will admit—their policies are a disaster because the party does not like or respect their own base or the American people as a whole.

When speaking to the Times Maloney is quoted as saying, “I think that most of the voters… think we are out of touch, they think we are elitist, we think we are better than they are. And they don’t like it. We have a likability problem.” On this he is correct, but it doesn’t occur to him that the voters are right. He offers this up as though it’s a mistaken impression which, ironically, confirms all of his assertions about the voter’s opinions.

For Maloney, this failure of intellect among the voting class can be cured with a patronizing change in style. He notes in the interview that Democrats “could talk more like human beings, we could build a relationship with voters.” Moreover, they “could be more comfortable on the factory floor, or at least as comfortable on the factory floor as we are in the faculty lounge” implying that empathy and interest should be feigned since it’s been naturally absent.

How does one feel comfortable with the normals? Training? Acting lessons? He described one style problem of using certain words that are not embraced by the average person, like “rubric,” or “Latinx,” or “cisgender,” a favorite of the woke crowd. He also noted how putting pronouns on email signatures was also irritating to people. All of that is well and good, and he’s right about the repulsion most Americans feel when being lectured at by smug far-left wokesters using words meant to push an agenda that Americans are rejecting en masse.

But as Maloney was contemplating all the ways the Democrats can shake their own constituency and other Americans out of their prison of ignorance his own words exposed one of the primary reasons Democrats are not liked—they view the average person with a patronizing contempt. When asked by the Times why the Democrats were so “out of sync” he mused, “…[Y]ou’ll find broad agreement in our caucus, from the conservative Democrats to the most progressive, that we have a likability problem. My answer to that is that we move really fast, and we are really passionate about the solutions we want to bring. And we sometimes don’t give people enough time to understand what we’re doing and to bring them along.”

So there you have it. If people were only smarter, sharper and more cosmopolitan, they would understand what the Democrats are doing and love them for it. Yes, that’s the ticket. The Democrats are too fast and too clever for lesser humans to grasp their plans. They must be helped, they must be led. Because the Democrats are sure that if people were smart enough to understand what the Democrats are doing and that it’s for their own good, their frustration and rejection would disappear, just like Hunter Biden’s last bit of crack cocaine.

This narcissistic blindness keeps the Democrats isolated from real people and real life. This contempt of people who don’t use hair gel or have letters after their name and maybe even have dirt under their fingernails keeps Democrats in their disastrous woke bubble threatening the political and cultural foundations of our nation.

This will be a shock to the Democrat establishment, but the American people understand completely that it is deliberate Democrat policies destroying this nation and our future. We can also conclude their refusal to change their policies and attitudes, despite the damage they cause, can only be explained because they simply have more of a commitment to a dead and failed political theory and to their own power and money, than they have to the American people.

As Maloney waxed on about the stylistic problems of the Democrats he never admits the fact that their atrocious policies are destroying American lives and the security of this nation. That alone would lead people to an unfavorable opinion of your character and intentions.

It is likely he doesn’t think about their policy choices because he, like the Democratic leadership in general, genuinely does not believe that the American people understand the world around us, but we do. We feel their failures every day. We know what it is they’re trying to do, and we do not want it. It’s not because we’re too dumb to understand, it’s because we understand completely, we love the country, and we want and know we deserve a future for our children that is better than the present.

We also know the Democrats are not going to see the light. But we already have.