COMMENTARY: You Are Not In Touch If You Are Not 'Woke,' So Say the Radical Elite

Posted on Friday, August 27, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
woke definition; catholics

WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 27 — Forget what your English teacher told you; the word woke is no longer the past tense of wake; it has new meaning. As awkward as it may sound, the modern, distorted meaning of the word is “to be aware.” In other words, if you are not woke, you are not aware that you will soon awaken to a new dialogical reality. At least, it is the purpose for which it has been thrust upon America’s younger generations: to lure them on the road to socialism.

It’s not a new concept. George Orwell thought it up when he wrote his cautionary novel 1984 and introduced us to the fictional language of a totalitarian superstate called Oceania. The powers that be in Oceania created what they called Newspeak– a way of twisting words in order to make it easier for the socialist masters to control the masses. Woke is just another word for Newspeak and is intended to indoctrinate Americans when they are young and impressionable by brainwashing them into rejecting the American dream. The idea is: who controls the words controls the past, present, and future. They use woke-words to disassemble and divide.

And it appears to be working because a Fox News poll conducted just last week found that the progressive element of the Democratic Party is fast gaining control. It showed that the majority of voters who identify themselves as Democrats have acquired a newfound taste for socialism. “Fifty-nine percent of registered Democratic voters who participated had a positive view of socialism, compared to just 49% who felt that way about capitalism.” The pollsters noted that the new poll showed a “sharp reversal from just a year and a half ago …. In February 2020, when the question was last asked, 50% of Democrats who participated said they had a favorable view of capitalism, with just 40% saying the same about socialism.”

It looks like “wokemen,” 21st Century Newspeakers, are making headway and that it is not just a silly new fad concocted by restless youngsters but an effort to replace Democracy with a dangerous new reality. Winston Churchill is alleged to have said: “If a man is not a socialist by the time he is 20, he has no heart. If he is not a conservative by the time he is 40, he has no brain.” Let’s hope that when the Gen Xers and the millennials turn 40, they will come to their senses. Until then, let us beware.

The word woke used to mean simply to be awake after a good night’s sleep. But in the distorted dictionary of socialist Newspeak, it means becoming awake to an insidious reality that calls for abandoning our ideals, our love of country, and our Democracy. Emily Brewster, an associate editor at Merriam-Webster, called it a “linguistic weapon.”

Their aim is to use their contrived vocabulary to challenge the status quo. For example, calling a transgender woman a man is “an act of violence,” and describing someone as a Latino or Latina is off limits; no need to specify gender-just call them all Latinx. It apparently doesn’t matter that “only 4% of Hispanics prefer the term,” according to John Stossel in an article published by The Daily Signal.

In another example of the absurdity of it all, Stossel described a congressional hearing focused on the topic, “Birthing While Black.” He pointed out that “nearly every politician used the words’ birthing people’ instead of ‘women’ or ‘mothers.’ Asked why, Shalanda Young, President Joe Biden’s budget director, said, ‘Our language needs to be more inclusive.”