The Progressive Left Is Hell Bent on Protecting Abortion

Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, July 27 — The Left is having a meltdown because the Supreme Court did the right thing when it overturned the 50-year-old Roe v. Wade decision. The Supremes simply put the issue of whether a woman has the right to kill her unborn child in the hands of state legislators. It did not outlaw abortion as some would have us believe. The Court simply put the onus on local authorities to legalize the murder of children-in-waiting– or not.

In his majority opinion, Justice Samuel Alito summed it up when he wrote: “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start…It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.” The Constitution never gave citizens the right to an abortion.

There is nothing to be afraid of if you advocate abortions; all you have to do is petition your state lawmakers. So, why did deep Left socialists, including 16 members of Congress, get themselves arrested last week during an unruly anti-life demonstration in front of the Supreme Court? As Shakespeare once put it, they “doth protest too much.” Included among the 16 who got taken away by the D.C. police were Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, [D-MN], Alma Adams, [D-NC], Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, [D-NY], Carolyn Maloney, [D-NY]. 

Meanwhile in Massachusetts, that Native American-wannabe, Senator Elizabeth Warren, has apparently decided she and her fellow abortionists are no longer “pro-choice.” She declared war on Crisis Pregnancy Centers. “We need to shut them down here in Massachusetts, and we need to shut them down all around the country,” she said Newsmax reports. Warren is upset with the fact that the Centers offer alternatives to abortion and she wants to shut them down, leaving concerned pregnant women who might have doubts without a “choice.”

The murderous intent of the abortion movement has not only Senator Warren as an ally; President Joe Biden, who calls himself a “devout Catholic,” has doubled down on his anti-Catholic decision. His Department of Health and Human Services [DHS] “has released guidance saying that health providers who perform abortions in emergency situations [including Catholic hospitals] are protected under federal law regardless of what bans are in place in their states…[the order] is aimed at giving assurances to abortion providers who fear they could be prosecuted for offering potentially life-saving care,” according to the Axios news site.

DHS is also telling the 60,000 retail pharmacies across the country that they have “obligations under federal civil rights law,” obligations that seem to include providing abortion pills. The agency “Issued guidance on the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) reaffirming that it protects providers when offering legally-mandated, life- or health-saving abortion services in emergency situations.”

Congressional Republicans are not sitting idly by while the progressive Left seeks to go on with their war on unborn human babies. Senator Kevin Cramer, [R-ND] and Congressman Mike Johnson, [R-LA] have introduced legislation, the Unborn Child Support Act, in both the House and the Senate. Senator Cramer explains that “Caring for the well-being of our children begins long before a baby is born. It begins at the first moment of life – conception – and fathers have obligations, financial and otherwise, during pregnancy. Mothers should be able to access child support payments as soon as she is supporting a child. Our bill makes this possible.”

Senator Marco Rubio [R-FL] is also coming to the rescue. He says his “Providing for Life Act, [would enlarge] the child tax credit, strengthening child support enforcement, creating a national clearinghouse for maternal resources, making adoption more affordable, providing for parental leave, and more.”