Climate Crisis Promotors Buying Oceanfront?

Posted on Tuesday, May 4, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Just makes one wonder. Something does not smell right.  The sky-is-falling crowd – those high-rolling Climate Change warriors – say the world is ending, oceans to swallow coastlines, cities sink, global warming prevail by 2030.  They cite a 2018 UN report, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez giving us “12 years” to live – or now, down to nine.  Just one question:  If so, why are all these climate change celebrities – buying coastline properties?  See, e.g.,; and

The latest eco-warrior is Mark Zuckerberg, who testified recently on Facebook’s policies, and is apparently concerned.  Reports Bloomberg: “Climate change has emerged as a key priority in Facebook’s quest to stomp out misinformation, a complicated effort that involves policing user posts while simultaneously defending free speech,” perhaps more the former than latter.  Responding to pressure from “environmental” groups, he has “started fighting climate misinformation.”  See, e.g.,

But wait a minute.  If the global warming crisis is just a few years off if private sector solutions like carbon sequestration, carbon capture, reforestation, and mitigation are not to be trusted, why are celebrities like Zuckerberg gobbling up coastal properties? This week, he added to his coastal holdings with another giant buy in Hawaii.  See, e.g.,

Nor are coastline purchases by celebrity climate warriors unique. Climate activists across Hollywood are buyers and owners of vast tracts of oceanfront which, if their politics prove true, should be underwater shortly.

The list of celebrity oceanfront buyers and owners is long – their properties expensive.  The eye-popping part is that these same coastal property buyers – scooping up high-end beach homes like Zuckerberg – are shouting loudest that oceans are inexorably rising, coastlines doomed.

Compare lists.  A sampling helps.  For multi-million-dollar coastal owners and buyers, big lists include ocean homes for celebrities like Leonardo  DiCaprio, Barbara Streisand, Courtney Cox, Cindy Crawford, Celine Dion, George Lucas, Lady Gaga, Bon Jovi, and the list goes on.  See, e.g.,;;;

The fascinating part is that many of these big-name, high-end oceanfront buyers – are liberals, pushing government involvement for “climate control.”  Thus, a quick scan pulls strong pitches on the environment from a raft of the same people buying and retaining oceanfront land.

In fact, a huge swath of Hollywood – and celebrity America – are both seaside dwellers and big-time climate change activists.   So close is the relationship that one is hard pressed to find those with expensive Malibu houses, not climate change activists or Hollywood personalities not in the climate change game. See, e.g.,;;;;

So, what should we make of this strange phenomenon – those who publicly declare and scare the public with announcements that oceans are swallowing shorelines are buying shorelines?

The answer is one of three:  These Hollywood elites are either rah-rah champions for whatever the liberal political machine champions – in this case, more government for the sake of changing the globe’s weather; or they are deeply conflicted, just as many are in their personal lives – sure one day the world is ending, the next a (government) miracle will keep their property above water; or they are pure opportunists, buying big chunks of coastal land – like Zuckerberg in Hawaii – while nursing a loud “chicken little” narrative.

Which answer applies to which liberal is hard to discern.  The main point is that the narrative falls apart.  If the climate change clan – determined global warming is irreversible and coastal lands doomed – believed what they were saying, why would they be buying oceanfront?  Why would they throw money at future fishing waters?

The only other explanation – in line with the liberal tendency to serve themselves at the expense of others – is that they want big government to save their big mansions, thus push the idea that only government can address a crisis in their resale values.  Whatever the inner conflict, there certainly is one … and if you wonder about that, ask why so many climate change promotors are investing in coastal land.  Just makes one wonder.