California’s Population Declines For The First Time Ever

Posted on Sunday, May 16, 2021
by AMAC, Parker Bono
pelosi, california population

In 2020, California’s population declined for the first time since it became a state back in 1850. California saw a net population loss of 182,083 in 2020, a loss far larger than any other state. As a result of last year’s massive net population loss and a full decade of slow population growth, California will lose a congressional district in 2022. 

Americans are fleeing California for an array of reasons, but the predominant factor seems to be high living costs combined with high taxes. According to the 2020 Cost of Living Index, California has the third highest average cost of living in America. The only two states with higher average costs of living are New York and Hawaii, which are also dominated by Democrats. 

Furthermore, California has the highest state income tax rates in America, by far. California has a total of ten personal income tax brackets. California’s top three tax brackets are each higher than the top tax bracket in any other state, with California’s top state income tax rate being 13.3% for those making over $1 million. This means that thousands of Californians are paying over 50% of their income in state and federal taxes alone, leaving them with less than half of what they actually earn each year. 

California also has the highest state gas tax rate in America. Californians pay 61.2 cents per gallon in state gas taxes, as well as an additional 18.4 cents per gallon in federal gas taxes. Since the average price of gasoline is currently about $4.12 per gallon in California, this means that nearly 20% of gas-related expenses in California are spent on taxes alone. 

In addition to having the highest state income tax rates and state gas tax rates in America, California has the highest state sales tax rate in America. Californians pay 7.25% in state sales taxes, plus up to 3.25% in local sales taxes. This means that millions of Californians are paying upwards of 10% in sales taxes on nearly every retail purchase. This excessive sales tax must be paid by all, regardless as to age or income level. This combination of high costs and exorbitant taxes is detrimental to Californians, and forces many to needlessly suffer. 

Additionally, Americans are leaving California in droves due to its increased level of support for radical Democrats. In every statewide election since 2010, California has voted more Democrat than it had in the previous election cycle. Democrats also hold increasing levels of power in the California State Legislature. Democrats currently hold 31 of the 40 seats in the California State Senate, and 58 of the 80 seats in the California State Assembly. These are veto-proof majorities, meaning Democrats can steamroll legislation through the California State Legislature without a single Republican legislator even so much as being present. 

Americans have been fleeing California consistently for the last decade. Since 2010, approximately 6.1 million people moved from California to other states, whereas just 4.9 million people moved from other states to California. This is a net migration loss of around 1.2 million people. It is not a coincidence that millions of Americans are fleeing from California at the exact same time that the state is becoming more radical than ever. 

California is not the only Democrat controlled state that will lose a congressional district because of disastrous Census results. The states of Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia will also lose one congressional district each in 2022. This means that five of the seven states that are losing a congressional district have Democrat governors (CA, IL, MI, NY, and PA). 

To the contrary, conservative states seem to be growing at rapid rates. Due to positive Census results, the states of Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina, and Oregon will gain one congressional district each in 2022, and the state of Texas will gain two congressional districts. This means that a majority of the congressional districts that were gained were gained by states with Republican governors (FL, MT, and TX).

Conservative states across America are growing as Americans rightfully realize that liberal policies are detrimental to their success, safety, and well-being. Now, those who have fled from liberal states should abide by one simple rule: stop voting for what caused your suffering to begin with by leaving all radical politics in the failed liberal state that you fled from.