Breaking: New Poll Shows Biden Down with Independent Voters

Posted on Friday, August 27, 2021
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

Washington, DC — Today, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll showed Joe Biden’s honeymoon phase may be over. In response to the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan, the border, and a new COVID-19 Delta variant sweeping across the country.

The polling showed that 46 percent of Independents Disapprove of the President’s performance up from 38 percent in June. Since June, Biden’s net approval among independents has fallen by 14 percentage points overall. 

According to Reuters, foreign policy and an inconsistent approach to the coronavirus is to blame: “ Among all Americans, Biden’s net approval for the coronavirus dropped by 21 points from June to August: 55% approved of his handling of the virus, down 10 points from June, while 39% disapproved, which was up by 11 points.”

AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom said: “These poll numbers show the Americans, and particularly independents important to the 2022 midterms are very much doubting the policies of the Biden administration. From foreign to domestic policy, this administration has showed ineptitude and tone-deafness with respect to the state of the economy and our overseas relations. On the economy, the Biden administration has disregarded the current unsteady footing the country is on by pushing more economically destructive tax increases and wasteful spending. In Afghanistan, the world is seeing an unorganized shoot from the hip approach to evacuating Americans. The Biden administration would be wise to back off from their broken record approach to pushing for more tax hikes, as most Americans and small businesses are still struggling to stay afloat. This administration’s mishandling of the economy and foreign affairs so far is not going unnoticed by voters.”

With the 2022 midterms around the corner, AMAC Action continues to educate lawmakers on the public’s distaste for far-left economic and social policies and is stands opposed to the harmful tax increases being pushed. The administration faces many hurdles in the coming months, as they work to quell the crisis in Afghanistan and enact their legislative agenda. Please stay tuned to AMAC Action for more breaking news and updates. 

You can read the analysis and polling here:  Biden shedding support from independent voters as Delta variant spreads – Reuters poll