Brady Statement on China Task Force Report

Posted on Wednesday, September 30, 2020
by Outside Contributor

WASHINGTON – The top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement after the China Task Force released its report outlining actions Congress and the Administration should take to address China’s national and economic security challenges toward the United States:

“China is the greatest economic and security threat we face, and Republicans are committed to bolstering America’s economy so that current and future generations are prepared for the challenges ahead. As this report lays out, we can use our tax and trade tools to position America as a force for good in the world while creating jobs here at home.

“Ways and Means Republicans, led by Rep. Darin LaHood, have worked well with the Task Force to develop recommendations aimed at enhancing our competitiveness through smart tax incentives that will make America medically independent and establishing pro-growth tax policies that will bring back home more research, development, and manufacturing. 

“In addition, we have developed a series of bipartisan substantive trade recommendations that will discipline China’s unfair trade practices, strengthen relationships with our allies and establish U.S. standards worldwide, and reform the WTO and enhance its ability to capture Chinese economic aggression.

“Darin’s leadership on the Task Force paves the way for a safer and more prosperous future for our children and grandchildren. I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and with the Administration to implement these concrete and consequential recommendations.”

CLICK HERE to read the report of the China Task Force’s findings.

CLICK HERE to read recommendations in Ways and Means Committee jurisdiction.