BLM is Playing the Race Card in Order to Upend Our American Heritage in Favor of a Communist Future

Posted on Tuesday, December 21, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Dec 21 – The deliberate incitement of racial unrest by progressive elements of society inside and outside of government has been exposed.  Adam B. Coleman, founder of Wrong Speak Publishing, explained it for us in a recent Newsweek opinion article entitled, Progressives Are Using Black Americans to Experiment with Communism.

In it, Coleman explains that “what we’re seeing on the progressive Left is the use of Black Americans as an experimental lab for what can only be called a communist utopian fever dream.” Instead of a so-called Build Back Better initiative, they have launched what Coleman calls a “destroy-and-rebuild” movement 

As he put it: “today’s progressive Left has been applying this kind of Marxist dichotomy and utopian destroy-and-rebuild to our community. In the name of equity for Black Americans, the far Left has turned against meritocracy and capitalism, which in classic Marxist fashion, represent absolute threats to society. Instead of ensuring a world in which Black Americans can take advantage fully of the fruits of American capitalism, the far Left—in the grip of the communist utopian mindset—has been hard at work advocating for tearing down all of the existing institutions, abolishing standardized testing, defunding police departments and turning against things like private property.

Coleman is a Black conservative who grew “tired of people using black people like a political football, throwing us from one cause to another to manufacture outrage for policy change and to appear virtuous. You people are our villains pretending to be our saviors,” as he put it in a recent social media message.

The fact that Black Lives Matter is, at its roots, a Communist movement is no secret.  Its founders, Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi, have admitted as much in a YouTube video.  In it, Cullors unabashedly admits that “The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame.  Myself and Alicia, in particular, are trained organizers.  We are trained Marxists.  We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories.  And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folks.”

It is interesting to note that while Cullors declares herself to be a devout Communist, she sure spends like a Capitalist.  Earlier this year, she was able to purchase four pricey homes in California for $3.2 million. That’s what I call “playing the race card.” Last year, BLM raised $90 million dollars for its activities, not the least of which is spreading unrest in support of progressive Left goals. They’ve managed to raise these funds from unwitting corporate donors.

Companies such as Nike and Netflix “have shrewdly channeled their donations elsewhere, like the NAACP and other organizations that have led the struggle for civil rights for decades. These companies are likely aware of BLM’s ­extreme agenda and recoil from bankrolling destructive ideas,” according to the Heritage Foundation. 

John Perazzo, author of the expose, Black, Lives Matter; Marxist Hate Dressed Up as Racial Justice, summed up the goal of BLM, noting that “It is indeed a tragedy that a movement so evil and so ruinous has been able, with the help of a compliant mainstream news media, to dupe millions of Americans into embracing it as a crusade for ‘racial justice.’ In reality, BLM is the very embodiment of Marxism, anti-Semitism, and racism – a trifecta of wickedness capable of destroying any society.”