Biden’s Tangled Web – Attacking Parents

Posted on Monday, October 25, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
biden speaking on CRT, parents opinions

The truth is not public, but we can put the pieces together like a puzzle.  Biden’s team is colluding with leftists in education to push Marxism in schools and clumsily.  It would be comical, if not dangerous. Pushing CRT and lies, recall what happens “when you practice to deceive…”  You fail.  We are onto you.

The Biden White House first pushed the Marxist “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) into schools, as well as on military, federal employees, and companies.  Their first idea:  Do it, or you are racist.

Parents figured it out, said “whoa!”  The White House pulled back, saying they did not know about CRT.  Sure… as Biden pushed CRT for anyone with a federal paycheck, a “Marxist ideological vaccine” against accusations of racism, smearing America to sell Marxism.

Unfortunately for Biden and Democrats, calling people racists and proscribing a Marxist cure does not sit well with average, non-racist, non-Marxist Americans.  Even those glad Biden is not Trump imagined “unity” meant something constitutional.  They are not happy.

Biden’s polls show it.  The Democrat brand, from Virginia’s anti-parent, pro-CRT gubernatorial candidate to act-out Squad in Congress, is tanking.  Democrats are worried.  See, e.g., Biden drops to 38% approval in new national poll.

First, 2022 could be a rout, a landslide for Republicans, flipping Senate and House. Democrats know it as more “retire” each week from Congress, announcing they are done.  See, e.g., GOP holds advantages on security, prosperity in new Gallup poll.

Second, Biden’s falling numbers suggest mass frustration with his policies – Afghanistan debacle, indulging China, social experiments in our military, crippling our energy sector, upending women’s sports, mismanaging the economy, growing border mess, anti-business.

More, polls show mounting distrust.  That you do not recover fast, if ever.  Americans do not like presidents who walk away from questions, get angry, are unaccountable.  They do not like leaders who spend money they do not have, based on jobs they do not have, and up taxes. See, e.g., Nearly 80 percent of Americans blame Biden for inflation surge: poll.

Third, given Harris’ low popularity – even among Democrats – they are in a bind.  If they oust a muttering Biden, they get giggling Harris. Suddenly the world is dim, going dark. See, e.g., What does America think of Kamala Harris?.

So, what do they do?  The natural course would be a re-think, listen to the American people, at least to all the unhappy moderate Democrats and Independents, even if you ignore liberty-obsessed, capitalist Republicans.  But no.

Instead of changing course, Biden has doubled down.  We learned his White House pressured the National School Board Association (NSBA), led by a Democrat, to write that stinging letter to the Attorney General – calling parents “domestic terrorists” for speaking out against CRT. See, e.g., Kayleigh McEnany: ‘Parents found their voice and that is unacceptable’ to Biden admin.

That letter was an excuse to federalize a local problem at Biden’s request.  School boards, always local, are now federal FBI investigating parents who speak out.  Sounds like an attempt to chill speech, doesn’t it? DOJ talked with White House before issuing ‘domestic terrorism’ school protest memo.

Duplicity is also afoot, obviously.  Only a few hours separated receipt of that NSBA letter and Justice’s detailed, ready-made FBI investigation.  That is called collusion – real collusion. See, e.g., White House in contact with school board group for ‘weeks’ before controversial ‘Patriot Act’ letter: emails.

It gets worse.  After pushing Marxist CRT at schools, deploying federal coercion and anti-terror laws to investigate parents, the Attorney General last week testified he preferred not to use the term “domestic terrorists” for parents.  Nice.  See, e.g., Garland denies DOJ labeling parents as domestic terrorists following school board memo.

Not missing a beat, NSBA issued a second letter, suddenly agreeing with the Attorney General that the term “domestic terrorists” for parents exercising speech rights – might be a bit much.  See, e.g., National School Boards Association sorry for ‘language’ in letter that likened parents to domestic terrorists.

So, where are we?  Right here – The Biden White House and Department of Justice are pushing an FBI investigation into parents speaking up at school board meetings. That has not stopped.  They are aggressively pushing Marxist CRT, seeking to indoctrinate, moving left.

The White House and Justice are using fear to chill speech, fundamentally wrong, as wrong as trying to acculturate young Americans to the notion of hating America, liberty, hard work, entrepreneurialism, capitalism, getting rich, the American dream, and our history. 

All this is rotten theater, bungled attempts to intimidate average Americans.  It will not work.  Arguably, the federalization of local school board actions, incursion on the First Amendment is an abuse of federal power.  Does Biden really think this helps Democrats in 2022? 2024?

The problem with duplicity and deception is it involves self-deception.  Lies and feints, tricks and traps, hoping to ensnare the innocent, often catch those who set them.  Why? Because parents are not stupid or disengaged.  They care about their kids more than federal pablum. 

They can see the facts; the sequence put the puzzle together.  They can see that they are being unfairly harangued, unduly pressured, and an attempt is being made to intimidate them. 

Note to Biden:  Americans do not like being intimidated, regardless of party. And as Sir Walter’s Scott warned: “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”  Americans are onto you and the leftist agenda.  They are having none of it.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.