Biden’s Broken Promises to the American People

Posted on Thursday, February 24, 2022
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

Every politician from the dawn of time has made promises they can’t keep. It’s part of the reason why so many people distrust politicians or don’t participate in the political process at all. Sometimes politicians make small promises; one’s that don’t have a huge impact on people’s lives. Sometimes, the broken promises are so blatant and devastating that they deeply hurt American businesses and families. This Democrat Congress will certainly have a lot to answer for as we approach midterm elections this fall. President Biden has led the charge as Liar-in-Chief, as the mainstream media cheers him. Here are just a few examples of Biden’s broken promises to the American people. 

One of the most notorious broken promises that Joe Biden ever made was on the campaign trail when he tweeted, “If you make under $400,000, you will not pay a penny more in taxes when I’m President. The super-wealthy and big corporations will finally pay their fair share — and we’ll invest that money in working families.” It turns out that under the President’s fiscal year (FY) 2023 budget bill released last year, “nearly 6 million taxpayers taking home less than $100,000 per year would see their taxes go up in 2023,” the Heritage Foundation reported. To make matters worse, should Biden’s tax package pass, by “2027, more than half of all families earning $75,000 to $100,000 would see their taxes go up by a total of more than $3 billion,” Heritage reported. 

Also included in the White House’s $3.5 trillion dollar spending bill is a corporate tax hike to 26.5%, which is even higher than the 25% corporate tax rate imposed by the Chinese Communist Party. To propose such reckless spending under the pretext of a broken campaign promise and on the backs of the American people is dishonest and counterproductive as the country still struggles to recover. To make matters worse, Biden’s wild tax and spending plan will give tax breaks to wealthy elites in blue states and bailouts for bankrupt Democrat-run cities. Perhaps Biden had a slip of the tongue and meant to say that ‘working families will finally pay more and that that money will go to the super-wealthy and big corporations’, like the ones that contributed to his campaign.

On the economy, Biden has failed all of the American people, despite his broken pledge to specifically “fight for middle-class and low-income Americans.” Last month, the U.S. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that year-over-year inflation for 2021 was 7.5%, the largest annual increase since 1982. Inflation can be the single most destructive and hurtful tax of all. Low-income families and American workers are being particularly hard-hit by skyrocketing prices because they spend a larger proportion of their earnings on things like utilities and transportation, which are rising faster than the overall rate. With President Biden and Congressional Democrats spending nearly $6 trillion in the last year, fueling record inflation, and then proposing trillions more in the Build Back Broke plan, Biden’s agenda is going to shut down the American economic engine that was roaring under Trump.

Number three relates to the biggest humanitarian disasters in the world that unfolded in the last year on the U.S. southern border. “The U.S. Border Patrol reported more than 1.6 million encounters with migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border in the 2021 fiscal year, more than quadruple the number of the prior fiscal year and the highest annual total on record,” Pew Research reported last year. Biden pledged to fix America’s broken immigration system, but all he’s done is reversed some of Trump’s immigration policies and then housed these new, illegal criminals in hotel rooms at taxpayer expense. 

And then there is the disaster in Afghanistan, where President Biden’s disastrous retreat left Americans behind enemy lines, despite his promise to evacuate all Americans and get them home before Biden handed the keys of Kabul over to the Taliban terror group. Months later, Reuters reported that some 900 Americans were left behind by the commander in chief.

Finally, the biggest broken pledge of this presidency has been Biden’s pledge to “shut down this virus, not the U.S.” A recent focus group of Democrat voters in Pennsylvania gave the Biden Administration a “C- grades or lower,” POLITICO reported, as the President’s policies have had harmful effects on the economy and the American way of life. The President’s sagging poll numbers are directly correlated to his mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic. A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll showed only 53% approve of Biden’s response to the pandemic, down from 69% when he first took office. 

Oppressive mandates, record-inflation, out-of-control tax and spending bills, foreign policy blunders, and a year full of broken promises is all that the Biden administration has delivered for the American people so far. 

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action