Biden Wrong on Abortion – and Women

Posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden mingle with guests at a Women’s History Month event.

Former Obama Secretary of Defense Bob Gates famously wrote, Joe Biden got just about every foreign policy decision wrong. He has also gotten just about every domestic policy decision wrong. Now, Biden says he knows women, and the GOP defiles the “power of women.” Wrong again – and ironic.

Biden is reading cue cards making him an advocate for women, boldly demonizing Republicans, pretending he knows what women think. Maybe not. Says Biden, the GOP “does not have a clue” about “the power of women…” Forsooth, consider hard facts.

How ironic that Biden, the old womanizer, pretends to be pro-female. His Supreme Court nominee was unable to define a “woman,” his policies set girls back decades in academics, sports, bathrooms, gut 40 years of Title 9 progress. He puts women in harm’s way defunding police, leaving them unprotected, reducing domestic interventions – as attacks grow.

Biden’s drug abuse is record is sheer horror, record overdoes, many girls. With 80 percent of domestic abuse is tied to drug abuse – who do you think legalizing drugs hurts most? Women and girls. Girls’ suicides are at a record, women’s employment down, Biden’s inflation killing single moms – Do you hear anything about that?

Now, Biden says he knows women, and infers – based on his administration’s policies, congressional Democrats, and blue states like New York, women want to be able to kill a child at nine months. Really?

First, by virtually every poll, the Democrat position – which permits abortion in the second and third trimesters, after a heartbeat and picture of the little human, after babies can exist outside the womb – is NOT what women believe right. Biden is wrong.

While women split on “abortion,” numbers go hard against Democrats, when the question is “do you support Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer for “abortion on demand?” Support for abortion in the 2nd trimester, never mind 3rd, is just 28 percent. When you get to “late term abortions,” a giant majority oppose the Democrats.

Second, those who cast a baby in the womb as “not a baby,” but human-shaped “blob of cells,” glibly push abortion for socio-economic reasons. They say “poor, black women” deserve it. But does this really make sense? 

Whatever someone wishes to think, a baby in the womb, especially after 2nd trimester and into 3rd, is plainly human. Not to see this is to consciously look away, indulge cognitive dissonance for convenience. The push to abort babies for money is repugnant to the conscience, is for most Americans. 

But now, to say that black babies should be aborted more often because their mothers are poor, because they are minorities, because they are not ready to parent, to encourage that decision, to make money off it, take taxpayer dollars from the majority which opposes 2nd and 3rd trimester practice, is utterly immoral. By the way, it is also racist.

Third, Democrats ignore, dismiss, and otherwise disparage the black American majority view of abortion. Blacks are far less supportive of abortion than white Democrats. One must wonder on this.

Only 31 percent of blacks thought abortion was morally acceptable in 2007, way below the Democrat view. Today, only 50 percent of black Democrats think it is morally acceptable, 34 percent of black non-Democrats. Only 22 percent of black non-Democrats think it should be available no restriction, only 35 percent of black Democrats, yet 45 percent of all Democrats – so more whites.

But who gets most abortions? How is it, that white Democrats push abortions largely utilized by blacks, when the larger black population is more opposed to abortions than whites? Is that not presumptively wrong? Is the inference of racism not…worth exploring?  

Would it not be more compassionate, honest, giving, and moral to help young black women bear their children, get an education, job, learn parenting, advance themselves and their children, rather than encouraging them to not parent – by pushing abortion?

Fourth, with education, as opposed to reflexive abortion promotion, abortion numbers have dropped markedly, in half since the 1980s. From 30 per thousand, to 14 per thousand. Why? Because there is innate value in a child and mother, in allowing the mother to bear her child, helping both, whether directly or via adoption.

Fifth, while 20 percent of American women have had an abortion by 30, that number is falling. Moreover, 80 percent have not had an abortion. When Biden attacks Republicans as out of sync with women, that is hogwash. The GOP is more closely aligned with women’s issues – whether as parents, non-parents, single, married, black, white, Hispanic, or other. Numbers just do not lie.

Bottom line: Mr. Biden can go hurtling into November’s mid-terms hellbent on pushing abortion, decrying a Supreme Court decision that returned regulation to the states, in many ways returned “the conscience of the nation.” Thankfully, facts are against him. He is off chasing an agenda Americans do not agree with, again. Bob Gates was right, wrong on just about everything. At least he is consistent.

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