As Israel Fights, Biden and Harris In Freefall, Pander to Jew-Hating Fringe

Posted on Monday, November 6, 2023
by Tammy Bruce
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris meet with national security advisers before a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the terrorist attacks by Hamas over the weekend, Tuesday, October 10, 2023, in the White House Situation Room.
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris meet with national security advisers before a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the terrorist attacks by Hamas over the weekend, Tuesday, October 10, 2023, in the White House Situation Room.

Timing is everything. And is itself a statement. In the aftermath of the October 7 monstrous assault on Jews in Israel by the Hamas terrorist group, Americans have watched in shock and sadness people in this country marching in support of the terrorist savages, ripping down notices of the missing and kidnapped, along with open statements in public and on social media condemning the Jewish people, wishing for another holocaust, and celebrating the savage mass murder Israel suffered on that horrible day at the hands of Islamist terrorists.

The open displays of support, waving the flag, and wearing the colors of a gang of Islamist terrorists that had just murdered 1400 Jews, injured thousands more, and kidnapped hundreds, is in itself a hate crime as the actions, images, and slogans are meant to cause even more terror in hearts and minds of Jews here at home and around the world.

What unfolded even before Israel responded to the October 7th savagery was a tsunami of Jew-hatred on campuses, on social media, and in the streets. So what does the Biden administration do during such a desperate and terrifying time for Jews and Americans everywhere? Vice President Kamala Harris, in a video posted on the platform X, announced the Biden administration would develop “the first ever US National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia.”

Yes, timing is everything, and this timing was a blunt object meant as a statement to everyone that you should look away from what’s happening to the Jews and instead focus on the Democrats’ preferred – and false – narrative – that bigoted Americans are subjecting Muslims to a surge in hate crimes and violence.

The problem is that the FBI’s own data contradicts Harris’s assertion. Harris and the other useful idiots in the White House were well aware that the day before their announcement, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to the Senate that, in the aftermath of the October 7th attack on unarmed civilians in Israel, antisemitism had reached “historic levels” here in the US.

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported: “Wray noted in his testimony that while Jews account for less than 3% of the U.S. population, around 60% of religious-based hate crimes target Jews. Last week, the Anti-Defamation League reported a 21% spike in anti-Semitic activity in the United States since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7. (Other countries have seen larger spikes as well as arrests of people suspected of planning terror attacks targeting Israelis and Jews.)”

All normal human beings agree one hate crime is one too many. But the left has never cared about the individuals they claim to champion. They see people as cannon fodder in their political and cultural fights for power. Identity politics and the ‘hate crime’ construct are part of their mission to portray certain protected groups as perpetual victims, which, for those cynical and vile politicians, offers an alibi for the increasingly violent behavior of their fringe political allies. Will those responsible for the Democrats’ BLM and Antifa “summer of love” 2020 riots hand the Democratic riot torch to Hamas “by any means necessary” supporters for an election year of riots, chaos, and murderous bigotry?

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich observed on X, “The Democratic Party is rapidly developing a pro-terrorist wing. When the Vice President’s stepdaughter raises $8 million for a terrorist organization, there is something sick going on. When the Vice President responds to a nearly 400% increase in antisemitism by talking about Islamophobia, there is absolute pro-terrorist bias.”

But none of this is a surprise. It’s been developing for years. Many of us who emerged out of the left have been warning of the increasingly disturbed and violent left. Whether it be David Horowitz, myself, Andrew Breitbart, or David Mamet, among others, for decades, we have been the mythic Cassandra warning of the growing danger. That danger has arrived.

As expected, there is further evidence that the Biden/Harris “Islamophobia” focus is all about themselves and their jobs. The Washington Times reports, “A Reuters/Zogby poll released Tuesday found that just 17% of Arab Americans support Mr. Biden, down from 59% in 2020. In contrast, 40% of Arab American respondents said they would vote for former President Donald Trump in 2024…” And yet the Democrats think they are losing Arab Americans because they’re not parroting the Hamas-supporting extremists enough? Here’s a newsflash: Just because someone is Arab American doesn’t mean they support “the Squad,” love baby-killing terrorists, or hate Jews. It also doesn’t mean they think they’re victims, enjoy being used as pawns, or appreciate being a Democrat fetish. Regardless of religion or ethnicity, all Americans are being slammed by Biden’s policies. A new CBS News/YouGov poll finds that a whopping 73% of Americans say “things are going badly in America.”

There is some argument that this shift away from Biden is due to Arab Americans rejecting Biden’s support for Israel. The clear shift by Americans from all backgrounds to Trump belies that argument, considering, among other things, Trump’s demonstrated support of Israel and the Jewish people.

The Democrats’ big problem is that they push policies and attitudes that Americans reject. They may think they can hide Biden in the basement again during this next campaign, but what they cannot hide is the fact that they feel beholden to a crowd of leftist extremists who hate this country and feel comfortable openly supporting a psychopathic, mass-murdering terrorist group. The Democrat Party’s bigotry and racism have been on display for decades. For those who looked away, it is now undeniable.