An Open Letter to Joe Biden: Your First Term Is Your Last Term

Posted on Tuesday, December 13, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
biden walking, to prohibit fishing in Maine

Thanks, Mr. Biden. Life was hard enough when you came along; you, Joe, have made it harder. Your progressive decisions did not result in progress if that’s what you thought the word meant. They couldn’t work and they didn’t. Americans are worse off now than ever before. You’ve put the country in a hole so deep it will take your successors years, if not decades, to set things right again. 

You are old enough to know better. You saw with your own eyes Joe, during your life time, that socialism, as a form of government, doesn’t work. Yet you decided to try it and, sure enough Joe, it isn’t working. Instead it’s causing distress. Your policies and decisions — from day one — have resulted in grief for most of the citizens you are supposed to be helping; millionaires like you don’t feel the pain but the average American does — particularly seniors living on a fixed income. The cost of living is at a 40 year high; millions of citizens are having to skip meals to make ends meet.

On the day you took office, the rate of inflation stood at a manageable 1.4%. A year and a half later — the first 18 months of your life in the White House — it was at a not-so-manageable 9%. How did that happen? A consensus blames it on your wasteful government spending. If you don’t know how it works, Joe, it’s simple: you and your Congress run by socialist Democrats started spending money in larger and larger amounts. Eventually you had to borrow to keep spending. And then the Federal Reserve had to print money to cover your spending and borrowing. Pretty soon the average Joe — not you Joe Biden — couldn’t afford the things they want and need.   

Meanwhile, you and your cronies seem to be taking a devil-may-care attitude to the inflationary plight of the average American citizen. As Congressman Jason Smith [R-MO], a member of the House Budget Committee, has reported, “Washington Democrats have embarked on a massive, reckless spending spree that has driven consumer prices up 13.7 percent since President Biden took office and landed American families in an economic recession.”

On his website, Smith says “the President has dedicated his entire tenure in office thus far to pushing massive spending increases for far-left policies such as $400 billion in welfare for wealthy environmentalists and big corporations, a $500 billion slush fund to states and localities packed with waste, more than $330 billion canceling student loans for wealthy borrowers, and $80 billion to double the size of the IRS. President Biden’s track record clearly shows that his Administration is focused on prioritizing reckless spending while ignoring his Administration’s inflation crisis and America’s growing fiscal crisis.”

I know that my opinions won’t mean much to you Joe, nor will they cause you to change your miscreant ways. I can, however, hope that they might open the eyes of one or two voters who unwittingly cast their ballots for you in the 2020 Presidential Election. It’s fair enough to say that, at best, you disappointed them.

At least one publication declared that you are happy about the outcome of the midterm elections because you still managed to keep Democrats in control of the Senate albeit a minor win since you lost the House. Unfortunately for you, even many of your former supporters seek to have a new name for the Democratic ticket in 2024.  Unfortunately for your party the mess you made of your first term in office is likely to taint your party’s presidential ticket.

PS: Perhaps Joe, you are part of the reason that Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s [D-AZ] decision to change her designation to [I-AZ]? Think about it. Maybe it was you who prompted Ms. Sinema to leave the Democratic Party. You not only lost the House in the midterms, you’ve also made the Senate a somewhat friendlier place for Republicans.