Quietly, under the radar, many young Afghans – the faithful who were abandoned by Biden – are finally making their way overland to countries on Afghanistan’s periphery, then flying to third countries in the Middle East, and finally – with the help of everyday Americans – being brought to safety. Biden says do not look behind that curtain – but look.
How strange to get news, on a rolling basis, of the utter failure of US policy, of a presidential decision that left innocent and hopeful girls, women, and young men to fight, flee, suffer indescribable tortures and death, and then to hear – like a faint voice from the grave – that some are escaping. With the help of resourceful, unflagging Americans, some young Afghans are now finding their way to freedom.
Mainstream media are not covering this, likely never will. The cascading failure of the Biden decision to cut and run in Afghanistan is a disgrace. At a time when less than half a dozen Americans in uniform were lost each year, the decision to cower to the Taliban remains Biden’s single biggest failure.
At a time when tens of millions of young women and pro-American youth were about to come into their own, run local and national government, lift themselves with education to posts of authority, control, and management, Biden and his base declared victory and fled, leaving them for dead.
Arguably, this decision not only abandoned innocent civilians and allies in Afghanistan but contributed to the reckless Russian thinking that now has left hundreds of innocents dead in Ukraine. The ripple effect of Biden’s Afghanistan decision and folly will continue as long as he presides.
The irony here, with more details to follow, is that many former US aid workers, military, diplomatic, and largely idealistic Americans were not about to throw in the towel. They could not, in good conscience, just abandon those who – when the shoe was squarely on the other foot – had saved them.
Risks that these young allies, true believers in America, and our values face – even now – are enormous. The Taliban is ruthless – and hunts them. But the Taliban needs money, craves (undeserved) legitimacy, and does not have an internationally recognized airport (or equipment to keep the airport functional).
So, there is an opening, and a constellation of stars – courageous Americans, Europeans, Middle Eastern countries, and intrepid young Afghans – are continuing to trickle out. May these brave, bold souls continue to do the impossible, permitting the trickle of freedom-seekers to continue, perhaps grow.
The Biden White House, State and Defense, Democrats in Congress who glibly, insensibly defended the idea of a chaotic departure, giving away billions in equipment, airbases, and security, then giving the Taliban lists allies over 20 years, and finally leaving allies to die – are responsible for the carnage.
Mainstream media still ignore it, but it is there. And a note of hope: These true believers in America, young Afghan men, and women who were schooled on our bases, in pro-American schools, who were mere children when they and their parents were promised not to be left behind, are finding ways out.
They are now finally, some of them, getting out – even if most will not soon get out. Their voices, gratitude for the informal efforts to get them out, clarity about what happened, what Biden really did, and how that upended one nation’s hope and betrayed another’s honor, will be heard.
In short, when people tell you not to look behind that curtain, that Afghanistan is over, that all is well, that Biden did fine, that our allies were all ferried to safety – do not believe a word. And those who know, like a candle under a basket, will one day speak. Their courage is real; their truth is powerful.