America Under Kamala “Harris” Is A Third World Hellhole: Crime, Chaos, Devastation, Of An Order Of Magnitude That Will Never Recover Unless Donald Trump Becomes President Again

Posted on Tuesday, October 1, 2024
by Paul Ingrassia

The visceral scenes this past weekend out of Asheville, North Carolina, a town ravaged by Hurricane Helene, coupled with a report by ICE, the federal government agency tasked with tracking illegal migration, that over 435,000 convicted criminals – a staggering figure that includes 13,000 murderers – have infiltrated our country under the Biden-Harris administration, cut a portrait of mind-numbing, civilization-ending incompetence, that should frankly scandalize and embarrass every single red-blooded American, for the sheer magnitude of the depravity, one that has no precedent in our history. 

First, on the ICE data, which are remarkable for two key reasons.  First, ICE rarely gets involved in politics, especially in the lead-up to a highly contested presidential race by disclosing criminal data.  However, it is quite probable that the whole agency, one of the few that has been supportive of President Trump’s candidacy in the past, is on the chopping block, and may even be decommissioned altogether if Kamala Harris steals this election.  Thus, considering the existential stakes of this race for the agency, the damning disclosure of the migrant crime makes perfect sense. 

If there was still any doubt left as to the agenda of America’s present administration, look no further than the results of the last week: Kamala Harris is the candidate of managed decline – and, based on present events, that might be properly reframed as “managed decline on steroids.”

Rather than enter the eye of the storm – literally – and provide aid and resources to decimated communities, many of which are admittedly poorer relative to the national average and tend to vote Republican, dispersed in states like North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, all of which are red or red-tilting, Kamala “Harris” instead opted for a hackneyed photo-op – as pathetic as it was contrived, much like the candidate herself.

As Sean Davis, founder of The Federalist noted, the photo posted on Kamala Harris’ X page depicting Her Majesty, Queen of Incompetence, seemingly laser-focused on the developments from the ground, was, upon close inspection, really just staging another photo-op (and a slipshod photo-op at that!): “The paper is blank, the headphones aren’t even plugged in, this was staged several days after the hurricane, and instead of actually doing anything to help anyone, she’s tweeting.”

This was true: instead of immediately halting her campaigning activities and heading straight to the scene of the carnage, Kamala Harris was barnstorming on a swanky California fundraising tour – thousands of miles away from the storm.    To this date, she has not even scheduled a visit to Hurricane-torn areas, like the aforementioned Asheville or Valdosta, Georgia, where President Trump visited on Monday to bring critical supplies, like fuel, equipment, and water, to those most affected. 

On Truth Social, President Trump duly condemned Kamala Harris for her prioritization of donors over her constituents, correctly pointing out that Kamala’s photo was “fake” and “staged” – demonstrating a person “who has no clue what she is doing.”  But the President’s punchline was especially withering: “Under this Administration, Americans always come last, because we have ‘leaders’ who have no idea how to lead!

Hear! Hear!

As vice president, it’s – without question – Kamala’s (we don’t say ‘Harris,’ because most Americans don’t know who that is) constitutional prerogative to attend to all Americans, not simply her billionaire donors nestled in Beverly Hills and Silicon Valley, or blue voters sequestered in coastal elite areas, at a safe distance away from the havoc.  But clearly her interests lie elsewhere.  Biden, for example, spurned his fellow compatriots by granting Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the controversial leader of the Ukraine, another eight billion dollars for that winless quagmire – with 2.4 billion package specifically designated for security assistance, while flipping the proverbial bird at his own people, actually saying “there were no more additional resources” the federal government could furnish those regions most devastated by this storm. Is that stupidity or arrogance, or both? Does it even matter at this point?

To the extent Biden or Harris ever mosey into action, it will be too little, too late.  Their actions speak volumes and indicate an administration that could not possibly care less about the people over whom they purportedly govern.  Instead, it has been a “let them eat cake” mentality driving their actions: unapologetic disdain for their own people, an increasing share of whom are being deprogrammed from legacy media narrative strangleholds by the day and coming around to support Donald Trump.

At the same time these events unfolded, Real Clear Politics flipped Pennsylvania for President Trump, a trend that, should it hold, will guarantee victory for the 45th President come November.  Betting markets have captured similar trends: on Polymarket, the popular prediction platform, President Trump leads in each of the three key rustbelt battleground states – Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina – by widening margins.  It computes that the trajectory, particularly in the states listed, would hold given that two of those three states are squarely located in the path of the Hurricane Helene’s wreckage, and hence include those who acutely feel the administration’s incompetence firsthand.

As far as the administration’s strategy goes, it’s not enough that our leaders are incompetent.  Nay, like all good communists, they are zealously working overtime to ensure more competent leaders are prevented from upstaging them by doing their jobs better.  This was readily on display Monday when President Trump announced, again in a Truth Social post, that the federal government was colluding with the Democratic Governor of North Carolina, Roy Cooper, to not provide Donald Trump adequate security protection to safely visit the decimated areas and provide lifesaving equipment and other vital resources to those most in need (a form of election interference).

The deliberate steps being taken by the Biden-Harris administration to keep President Trump, and by extension, his supporters, unsafe and susceptible to attacks, both domestic and foreign, where the threat level remains at an all-time high, continues a malicious pattern going all the way back to the first attempt on the President’s life in Butler back in July.  It’s unspeakable, at this stage, especially after a second attack on him just fifteen days ago (another event that the mainstream media has worked tirelessly to memory-hole) that Donald Trump’s campaign is getting short shrift on vital resources to protect his life, which would be a travesty for any political leader – but, in particular, the man who is likeliest to become the next leader of the free world!

In Wisconsin over the last weekend, the President was forced to hold a campaign event in a scandalously small venue fitting 700 or so attendees, tens of thousands fewer than the number of people who showed up, who regrettably had to be turned away due to lack of space.  For security reasons, the smaller-than-usual venue was chosen.  If President Trump, as the Republican nominee, were given the full protections to which he is entitled by law, then he could have easily picked a venue to accommodate the additional 50,000 or so who were turned away due to our present administration’s monstrous degree of mismanagement. 

Kamala Harris could not possibly display greater contempt for her own people.  She is divorced from the realities of the ground like no other politician ever in American history — Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden included — who was pursuing the nation’s highest office.  That she remains this close in the polls is a biting indictment on the current state of the country, large swathes of which – in terms of people, financial resources, and even land – are basically outposts at this stage for subversive foreigners and foreign powers. 

How did we reach this utterly dismal state? Kamala Harris bears zero resemblance, in mind, body, or spirit, to Americans and their ancestral ties that through the generations chiseled out a flesh-and-flood nation from the principles laid down by the Founding Fathers some two and a half centuries ago.  She is an empty vessel that stands for nothing and is thus prone to all sorts of foreign meddling and politicking. 

This is far worse than your run-of-the-mill sellout or rank political hack; Kamala Harris personifies the cancer that has so plagued our country, which has nearly rotted it to the bone, and is sure to send it to its grave unless reversed, swiftly and without compromise. 

There is one hope to get us out of this rut – and that hope is called Donald Trump, the only politician with the prospect of handing a nation embattled by years of suicidal policies, a victory in November – and with that victory, a new lease on life, and the promise of renewal.

Paul Ingrassia is an Attorney; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights LeagueHe writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassiaSubstackTruth SocialInstagram, and Rumble.

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