AMAC Members Help to Secure Big Win Against Woke Banking

Posted on Thursday, May 23, 2024
by AMAC Action
JP morgan chase sign; banking

Washington, D.C. – This week, JP Morgan Chase (JPMC), the world’s largest bank, held its annual investors meeting. At that meeting, a conservative shareholder withdrew a resolution requiring the company to report on how its policies might discriminate against employees and customers based on their political or religious views, citing concrete efforts by the bank to de-politicize its culture and business practices.

This turnaround from JP Morgan Chase comes following a coordinated campaign last year from AMAC Action, the Free Enterprise Project, and the Alliance Defending Freedom to pressure the bank to stop targeting conservative companies and individuals. AMAC Action launched a call-to-action campaign from April through September of last year where AMAC members sent more than 91,000 messages to key executives at JPMC telling them to stop abusing the civil rights of their customers.

Notably, prior to AMAC Action’s messaging effort, JP Morgan Chase had denied financial services to firearms manufacturers, taken steps toward divesting from oil and gas companies, and without explanation blocked payments and closed accounts associated with conservative individuals and organizations, including the National Committee for Religious Freedom, former U.S. Ambassador Sam Brownback, and retired General Michael Flynn, Jr.

Now, following the nationwide outcry from AMAC members, in its most recent climate report, JP Morgan Chase made an explicit commitment to serving customers “regardless of political, social or religious viewpoints.”

AMAC Action Senior Vice President Andy Mangione said, “I believe our members’ overwhelming response to this campaign shows how they recognize that corporate wokeness tramples all over our civil rights as consumers. AMAC members made it clear that they do not want wokeness anywhere near a boardroom.”

In addition to advocating for state and federal laws that align with its members’ values, AMAC Action is also committed to holding large corporations accountable for betraying the trust of their customers and advancing a far-left political agenda. Woke banking is a particularly sinister threat, as it threatens to de-stabilize the American economy and endangers the financial security of millions of American citizens who want their hard-earned dollars invested with profits, not politics, in mind.

In the months and years ahead, AMAC Action will continue to monitor the actions of JP Morgan Chase and other banks to ensure they continue to follow through on promises to end their persecution of conservative employees and customers.

For media inquiries please contact Alyssa Lopresti: [email protected], 631-337-0106

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