AMAC Members Help Pass Vital Protections for Women’s Rights in Louisiana

Posted on Friday, May 31, 2024
by AMAC Action

Baton Rouge, Louisiana – The Louisiana State Senate this week passed HB 608, the Women’s Safety and Protection Act, sending it on to Governor Jeff Landry for signature. Passage of this bill comes following a coordinated messaging campaign from AMAC members in Louisiana urging their senators to vote “yes” on the bill.

In total, AMAC members sent nearly 260 messages to their elected leaders in support of the legislation.

This bill establishes crucial safeguards for the privacy and security of women in public spaces, including locker rooms, changing facilities, school restrooms, prisons, and domestic violence facilities. It specifically defines “man” and “woman” according to biological sex and prohibits males from entering female-only spaces.

AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom said, “AMAC members throughout the country have consistently turned their support for women’s and parental rights into action, and our Louisiana members are no different. We look forward to Governor Landry signing this bill into law.”

As left-wing activists continue to wage war on biological reality and push harmful and anti-science radical gender ideology, AMAC Action will continue to stand for the right of women and girls to access safe and secure female-only spaces. Governor Landry should swiftly sign this common-sense bill into law.

For media inquiries please contact Alyssa Lopresti: [email protected], 631-337-0106

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