AMAC Magazine Exclusive: Trucks Are For Girls

Posted on Friday, August 4, 2023
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

AMAC Exclusive – By Lori Roman, President, ACRU

In this AMAC Magazine exclusive article

Lori Roman, President of the ACRU, shares a heartfelt story about growing up as a young girl and why an upbringing like hers is vital to ending the war on gender. 

Trucks are for Girls

The curly-haired five-year-old was in trouble again. The year was 1967, and her kindergarten teacher had sent her to sit in the corner for the third time that week. The same crime was committed almost every day during recess. The little girl acted a lot like a little boy.

During indoor recess, she would not play with the toys on the girl’s side of the classroom and insisted on playing with the toys on the boy’s side. She had no interest in the kitchen set, but she loved the trucks…

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