AMAC Magazine Exclusive: The History of The Sock Hop

Posted on Friday, March 1, 2024
by Alexa Astuto
Photo: 'Sock Hop at Glebe Collegiate 1950's' by Ross Dunn, CC BY-SA-2.0 via Flickr and Wikimedia Commons.

The only thing coming close to the excitement of America’s history (besides its sock hops) is that feeling when you’ve got all your quiz answers right! Test your knowledge of America’s vast cultural sock hop history by checking your answers from the latest Yesteryear Quiz below.

Let's Play Odd-One-Out

black and white school dance 1950s yesteryear

1. Which of these was NOT a genre of music commonly found at the sock hop?

dance black and white school gym yesteryear 1950s

2. Which of these dance moves was NOT commonly seen at a Sock Hop?

The Macarena
1950s family on couch black and white yesteryear

3. Which of These Artists had music that was NOT commonly played at sock hops?



Bonus Question...

black and white yesteryear image family on couch 1950s

4. What does the term “cutting the rug” mean? ___________________

To Dance Furiously

Did you know…

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