AMAC Action Weekly Advocacy Update: National Poll Worker Recruitment

Posted on Friday, August 18, 2023
by AMAC Action
Navy Blue AMAC Action Weekly Update

National Poll Worker Recruitment Day is August 23

According to the United States Election Assistance Commission, poll workers are critical to the success of an election. Having an adequate number of poll workers to staff polling places on and before Election Day can ensure voters receive the assistance they need at the polls and can help provide a positive and smooth voting experience for all.

While specific duties and compensation vary depending on location, poll workers are the face of the election office during voting. Most jurisdictions task election workers with setting up and preparing the polling location, welcoming voters, verifying voter registrations, and issuing ballots. Poll workers also help ensure voters understand the voting process by demonstrating how to use voting equipment and explaining voting procedures. It is important to note that these positions are typically divided between Democrat and Republican registered voters. If there is a shortage of Republican poll workers, for example, those positions would be filled by Democrat registered voters. It is vital to maintain an even balance between the parties working the polls.

AMAC members responded in great numbers to work the polls for the 2022 mid-term elections. Thanks in part to their efforts, there was unprecedented conservative scrutiny on these elections last year. With the future of America hanging in the balance as we approach the 2024 presidential election, even more conservative participation in the election process is necessary to protect our sacred right to vote and ensure free and fair elections.

Please click here to learn more about becoming a poll worker for the 2024 election cycle. It is an honorable duty, and your participation can make a huge difference!

National Conference of State Legislatures

This week, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) met in Indianapolis, Indiana. NCSL is the largest bipartisan gathering of legislators and legislative staff in the United States and for three days attendees gathered for in-depth discussion on trends and unique policy approaches. Terri Haverly, former South Dakota State Senator and AMAC Action’s State Advocacy Manager, attended to ensure state legislators understand AMAC’s importance and to connect with other like-minded organizations for tools for our advocates.

There were discussions on elections and redistricting, health and human services, and of course budget, taxes, and pensions.  An Air Force veteran herself, Terri was a member of NCSL’s Military and Veteran Affairs Task Force and networked with current members to discuss state bills that affect our veterans. 

Terri observed, “All states are unique and face their own challenges and AMAC Action benefits when we connect and learn from other states’ experiences and approaches.  I enjoyed reconnecting with former colleagues and the opportunity to share AMAC’s message while gathering resources that will be valuable to our advocates.”

Legislative and Policy Support

S. 2074 and H.R. 4250 – PRESS Act

The PRESS Act serves to protect journalists who are protecting their sources. It effectively establishes a “shield law” that corresponds to state level protections already in place in most states. This is a critical component of free speech because informants may be unwilling to share important information if they feel they or their families will be targeted by a weaponized law enforcement agency, or other similar entity. Click here to see AMAC Action’s letter of support.

Meet & Greets

In IN-09, Representative Erin Houchin, Indiana Senate Majority Floor Leader Chris Garten, and Indiana State Representative (District 62) Dave Hall met with AMAC members and answered questions.

Chapter Meetings

Members of congressional districts WI-01, -04, and -05 combined and discussed AMAC Action in the news, Wisconsin legislative news, and watched the video “Shutting Down the Woke Agenda in our Schools.” In OH-01, Ohio State Representative (District 56) Adam Matthews gave a state and federal legislative update, including pending legislation. In the At-Large District of Alaska, members got an introduction to a statewide program for veterans and an update on honest elections.

All-State Chapter Meeting

On Thursday, Florida had its third virtual All-State Chapter Meeting! FL-19 Chapter Leader Nancy Stamp hosted, Florida State Senator (District 33) Jonathan Martin gave a Florida state legislative update, and Lori Roman, President and CEO of American Constitutional Rights Union, spoke on Election Integrity and Protecting Vulnerable Voters.

American Conservatism: Concise Guide to Conservatism by Russell Kirk

Chapter 5 – Conservatives and the Family

The family “keeps sterile collectivism at bay. It teaches us the meaning of love and duty, and what it is to be a true man or a true woman. It is the primary ‘little platoon we belong to in society.’” As conservatives, we know that without the family, nothing very significant nor important in our culture can be preserved or improved. It is the backbone of our communities and society, and it gives us roots and a connection to others. “The family is true voluntary community, inspired by love and common understanding.”

Next week: Chapter Six – Conservatives and the Community

Quote of the Week

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

― John Adams, Founding Father, political philosopher, second president of the United States, 1770

Fight to save the America we love! If you’d like to become a volunteer AMAC Action Advocate, please contact us at (855) 809-6976 or [email protected].

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