All Eyes on Venezuela

Posted on Wednesday, December 20, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Oil refiner view in punto fijo city, Paraguana peninsule, Falcon state Venezuela

Another “Biden Special.”  Just when you thought you had seen it all, along comes another Biden Special, the chance to shake your head, wonder what is going on, and ponder another imponderably pathetic presidential action. All eyes on Venezuela.

First, in an act of appeasement similar to indulging Iran before Iran sent Hamas into Israel, indulging Putin before he hit Ukraine, and scampering out of Afghanistan to let the Taliban kill 100,000 US allies, 20,000 US visa holders, Biden just lifted sanctions on Communist Venezuela

Why? Because apparently, he needs cheaper oil, having shut down much of US fossil fuel production and boldly offended former oil-producing allies, like Saudi Arabia, Canada, and Iraq.

Call this a Biden hat trick, three goals in a game, or just triple foolishness. Why?

This immoral act of appeasement will have no effect on US oil prices, likely to rise. It is a blatant act of appeasement for a violent communist nation long under US sanctions, close to Iran, which in turn supports Hamas, at war with Israel.  

Moreover, Venezuela has been sending military-aged males up the Pan-American Highway to our border as a large number of Iranian warships visit their ports.

Finally, Biden’s appeasement greenlights Venezuela to intimidate or invade neighboring Guyana, threatened for months, in order to grab Guyana’s oil.

That means if the US buys oil from Venezuela after that invasion, we are really buying oil violently stolen from Guyana – with Biden’s implied permission.

But the craziness gets crazier, as you knew it would. As soon as Biden lifted sanctions, Venezuela kidnapped at least one American and demanded ransom. 

Sound like what Iran did with Hamas in Israel after Biden lifted the hold on the six billion dollars Iran wanted? If Iran can do it, why can’t Venezuela? Biden is silent.

Now get this, in another blunder, as if to cover up the appeasement of Venezuela, Biden has sent US troops on joint maneuvers with Guyana, that oil-rich nation communist Venezuela aims to invade to sell oil to countries like – the US. 

You cannot make this stuff up. Then think about this fact, another level of craziness. Biden’s minions are just back from the UN Climate Conference, where they pledged to give China time to address climate change, as China builds mega-coal plants to feed a grid 87 percent fossil-powered, with no sign of change ahead.

This happens as Biden pledges the US will end fossil fuel use by 2035, no more gas stoves, cars, trucks, snowplows, trains, planes, mowers, blowers, or anything. Right. 

Okay, now we have all that settled, why then is Biden doing joint military exercises with oil-rich Guyana to prevent Venezuela from invading that country for oil?

I think I get it, finally. The plot has thickened to the point where even dumb conservatives, fossil fuel guys like me, can figure it out. This is not about oil at all, not in the least. I think the truth is elsewhere.

What is really happening? You know what it is, about solar and wind power. Biden is afraid Venezuela is going to steal Guyana’s solar panels, so we will stop them.

Or maybe our satellites have picked up Venezuelan special forces sneaking in and dismantling Guyana’s wind turbines, taking them back to Venezuela, must be it.

Here it is, then. Biden is just doing a head fake with Maduro’s Venezuela. Biden does not really want the oil. Nor does Biden think Maduro wants Guyana’s oil, but he suspects Maduro will steal Guyana’s sun and wind power, thus joint exercises.

As for Venezuela’s tight relationship with Iran, Russia, and China, that is all disinformation. Trump made it up. They are really gearing up for climate heaven, all going solar and wind, dumping trillions of oil barrels. Makes perfect sense, not.

Bottom line: Biden is on another goose chase, appeasing enemies, endangering US national security, caving to communist nations who hate us, dropping sanctions, and buying oil at top dollar after shutting down our oil, gas, and coal advantage.

If you had written a script about how to undermine US national security, endanger US lives, raise the price of survival, bankrupt US companies and seniors, you could not have done better, another “Biden Special.” All eyes on Venezuela.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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