44% Call Biden's First 100 Days a "Failure"

Posted on Sunday, May 2, 2021
by AMAC Newsline
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AMAC Exclusive
On Wednesday night, President Biden delivered his first address to the United States Congress. In it, he declared “America is on the move again.”

But in a recent survey, a plurality of Americans (44%) don’t agree with him, considering his first 100 days in office a “failure.” Only 36% called them a “success.”

As Biden looked back on those 100 days on Wednesday night, the contradictions and shortcomings of the agenda he has pursued during this period became glaringly evident.

Perhaps the visuals of the moment were the first clue to ordinary Americans that something was badly amiss. For the first time in history, a President addressed a socially-distanced and mask-wearing Congress. This was no doubt arranged by a party and an administration that claims its actions are based on science, despite the fact that the CDC recently released new guidelines that said fully vaccinated people may “Visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing.” What happened to “science”?

When it comes to the vaccine, Biden gave zero credit to his predecessor, President Donald Trump, who in fact began the Operation Warp Speed program that produced the vaccines Biden now claims credit for, despite the fact that he did more than anyone during the campaign to promote vaccine skepticism.

On law enforcement, Biden once again declared that America is host to “systemic racism.” The problem is that mountains of data show the President is simply wrong about the supposed “systemic racism” among law enforcement. During the campaign, he offered tacit support to the “Defund the Police” movement, despite the fact that, as even CNN admits, numerous American cities have seen double digit rises in homicide and other violent crimes—the biggest increase in decades—as police departments have scaled back, and experienced a record number of retirements.

He also claimed that his plan would “root out systemic racism that plagues America and American lives in other ways; a change to deliver real equity…” As Kamala Harris herself made quite clear during the campaign, “equity” means equality of outcome, and as on everything else, the President has signaled he won’t stop until the federal government brings “equity” to every area of American life.

In the meantime, the President’s party has voted for D.C. statehood in the House. Such a bill is constitutionally dubious, at best, since the Constitution specifically designates D.C. as the federal district, and assigns no Congressmen or Senators to it. Thus, the only way to make D.C. a state would be to amend the Constitution—an effort that would be too difficult for power-hungry Democrats who are clearly attempting to permanently cement their power by gaining what would no doubt be two more Democrat Senators.

Biden himself has established the “Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States” to “analyze” the possibilities of packing the Court—a scheme Biden denied he would engage in during the campaign (before he then refused to answer whether or not he would), and which he himself called a “bonehead idea” back in the 1980’s as a Senator (referring to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous court-packing scheme).

On education, one of Biden’s first actions was to abolish the 1776 Commission, which called for a renewed civics education in America that would focus on teaching the next generation about our founding principles. In its place, Biden’s department of education has already begun promulgating rules in anticipation of the passage of the dubiously titled “Civics Secures Democracy Act” that will funnel billions to programs that advocate Critical Race Theory.

Critical Race Theory itself claims the United States is inherently and systemically racist. Any difference in outcome between white Americans and African Americans, for example, is ascribed to “white supremacy.” This makes the President’s statement during his address to Congress that “White supremacy is terrorism” rather disturbing. White supremacy is obviously horrific, and should be condemned at all times and every place. But if, according to Critical Race Theory and many in his party, much of what ordinary American do and enjoy are examples of “White Supremacy,” exactly how many of those things will be considered “terrorism” by the new administration? Time will tell.

President Biden plans to achieve this fundamental remaking of American society by unprecedented spending—despite the fact that the COVID pandemic which led to 2020’s record-breaking deficits is coming to an end. How will this be paid for? The President had no solutions beyond saying that the “rich” who already pay the vast majority of federal taxes should pay their “fair share.” What is “fair”? He never says.

In short, President Biden’s address to Congress was boring and full of platitudes. But for those with ears to hear, it was the most radical policy agenda ever proposed by any American President in history.

President Trump warned in 2020 that Biden would be a “Trojan Horse” for the radical left. It appears that is exactly what he is shaping up to be.

America is indeed on the move again—to the edge of a cliff.

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/44-call-bidens-first-100-days-a-failure/