Transgenderism – New Questions

Posted on Friday, June 14, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

First, an overview: Compassion is the right answer for anyone facing a psychological challenge, fear, anxiety, depression, and what medical literature calls “gender dysphoria,” or believing one is female when genetically male and vice versa. But something new is afoot, and it’s worth commenting on.

A recent medical survey, conducted in this age of “transgenderism,” where the use of hormones and (rarely) surgery is expected to alter one’s sex, found something odd. More than three times as many men are choosing to reject their genetics for hormones, as the other way around.

Specifically, one in every 30,000 genetic males claims to be female, while one in every 100,000 genetic females claims to be male. Rendering no judgment on the survey, and putting aside arguments we know based on morality, fairness, science, and what this has done to girls’ sports, identities, privacy, dignity, and safety… why are the numbers so disproportionate?

Wider research produced no data to answer that question, but data may not be needed. In an upside-down world, where cultural, social, biological, moral, and well-established human norms are thrown aside, and replaced with deconstructionism, atheism, and anti-everything-ism, these disproportionate – although small – numbers of “transwomen” over “transmen” stand out. Why?

The answer, intuitively, is that men decide to invade women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, sports, scholarships, and protections meant for genetic girls in Title IX – taken from girls by Biden – to claim the benefits that were intended for genetic females. Classless, illegal until Biden, but true.

In other words, while possessing XXY or XYY karyotypes (male chromosomes), not X or XXX karyotypes (female), genetic men claim the right to compete against genetic women. Since males have stronger bone structure, musculature, and irreversible attributes of advantage in sport, males “identifying” as females get a competitive advantage over genetically female competitors.

Putting aside cultural, social, biological, moral, and other questions, the core fact is that incentives exist for a male with no hesitation about his physical advantages over genetic women to switch genders, pump hormones, and win in sports. The reverse, of course, does not happen.

Put differently, if ethics and personal code bet a backseat to “identifying” as a different gender and winning, we should expect more males to claim womanhood than the other way around. And that is what we see – oh and this, yes, they win more.

Is this it? Maybe, the numbers are small, but the impact on girls and disadvantage in sports is huge, knocking girls’ confidence and knocking them off the podium, and out of scholarships.

That situation, of course, was presented by Riley Gaines – knocked off the podium at the NCAA championships by a 6’4” male who swam three years as a male, then switched to swim his senior year against genetic girls – and took home trophies genetic girls would have won.

All this is upsetting, but is there more? Again, maybe. A loose survey of organizations pushing transgenderism to the detriment of genetic girls shows left-leaning women in leadership. Unclear is whether they are genetic females or “transwomen” (men “identifying” as women), of course.

Corroborating the idea that “transgenderism” is being pushed for political reasons are real surveys. Most Americans (65 percent, and 86 percent of Christians) “believe there are only two genders, man and women.” Most (65 percent, 79 percent of Christians) are not “comfortable using gender-neutral pronouns.” So, the majority – thankfully – disavow woke culture.

Instead, politically left-leaning women seem the biggest “trans” pushers, eager to push hormones and irreversible surgery on genetic males, turning them – as they see it – female. Very few men, except those involved in this process, seem to be pushing transgenderism. What does that mean?

The answer is unclear. In a prior day, the phenomenon might be called “misandry,” or human experimentation, or some new feminism, but numbers tell us this much: Three times as many men end up in female locker rooms, bathrooms, showers, and prisons as the other way around; and many pushing this radical sexual agenda, at the cost of genetic girls, are leftist women.

Make what you will of that. One way or the other, the movement continues to disenfranchise genetic girls and women, giving men an advantage the law never intended. Compassion is the right answer … including compassion toward those historically defined as girls and women.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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