Pro-life individuals have a good reason to be anxious. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law to legalize abortions up to birth. The “Reproductive Health Act” moved abortion from New York State’s criminal statute to the health code and allows for abortions up to the point of birth when the life or the mother’s health is at risk or the baby is not viable. Not only did Governor Andrew Cuomo sign the bill that provides access to late-term abortion, he celebrated the expansion of the torturous procedure.
Critics of Cuomo, such as columnist Matt Walsh, point out a mystifying fact. New York prohibits the death penalty for criminals who have committed heinous crimes, yet promotes the right for a woman to take the life of her unborn child up the child’s birth.
Life News shares the experience of a former abortionist. According to Dr. Anthony Levatino, the baby is injected with poison that goes directly into his or her skull or torso. He or she then suffers what is described as a painful death as the unborn child already has a developed nervous system. “If he has been writhing and suffering in agony for the past 24 hours, clinging onto life – then he will be injected again.” The baby, now dead, must be delivered, in a variety of instances gruesomely, such as into the toilet. Permitting this cruel procedure to take place on innocent babies in the womb, yet providing protection against lethal injection for convicted serial killers and child rapists points out the warped mentality of New York’s laws.
Most people say they favor righteousness in laws. The word is defined as devotion to a sinless life. It encompasses goodness, respectability, fairness and justness. Fake news, and leaders from the left, will tell you this new abortion law is fair and just, but the reality is that we are failing as a society to uphold protection of the innocent by permitting the cruelest injections to happen to babies about to be born. Other states, such as Vermont and New Mexico, are moving closer to legalizing radical abortion laws. Cuomo’s desire to protect violent criminals from lethal injection would make one believe that he cares about human life. Yet, his support of late term abortion, whereby human life that is clearly viable can be lethally injected, killed, and discarded, demonstrates an absolute absence of righteousness.