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Gruesome NY Abortion Bill is Pure Hypocrisy

Posted on Monday, January 28, 2019
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson

Pro-life individuals have a good reason to be anxious. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law to legalize abortions up to birth. The “Reproductive Health Act” moved abortion from New York State’s criminal statute to the health code and allows for abortions up to the point of birth when the life or the mother’s health is at risk or the baby is not viable. Not only did Governor Andrew Cuomo sign the bill that provides access to late-term abortion, he celebrated the expansion of the torturous procedure.

Critics of Cuomo, such as columnist Matt Walsh, point out a mystifying fact. New York prohibits the death penalty for criminals who have committed heinous crimes, yet promotes the right for a woman to take the life of her unborn child up the child’s birth.

Life News shares the experience of a former abortionist. According to Dr. Anthony Levatino, the baby is injected with poison that goes directly into his or her skull or torso. He or she then suffers what is described as a painful death as the unborn child already has a developed nervous system. “If he has been writhing and suffering in agony for the past 24 hours, clinging onto life – then he will be injected again.” The baby, now dead, must be delivered, in a variety of instances gruesomely, such as into the toilet. Permitting this cruel procedure to take place on innocent babies in the womb, yet providing protection against lethal injection for convicted serial killers and child rapists points out the warped mentality of New York’s laws.

Most people say they favor righteousness in laws. The word is defined as devotion to a sinless life. It encompasses goodness, respectability, fairness and justness. Fake news, and leaders from the left, will tell you this new abortion law is fair and just, but the reality is that we are failing as a society to uphold protection of the innocent by permitting the cruelest injections to happen to babies about to be born. Other states, such as Vermont and New Mexico, are moving closer to legalizing radical abortion laws. Cuomo’s desire to protect violent criminals from lethal injection would make one believe that he cares about human life. Yet, his support of late term abortion, whereby human life that is clearly viable can be lethally injected, killed, and discarded, demonstrates an absolute absence of righteousness.

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5 years ago

Lord help us. This country needs to return to the teachings of the Bible.

Richard Blough
Richard Blough
5 years ago

Maybe that’s his way of preventing the suffering they would endure by his government’s oppressions if they had been born…

5 years ago

God help us!

5 years ago

We can no longer point any fingers at the Nazi’s of WWII. The Holocaust that we have created dwarfs what they did, not only in the sheer scope, but also in the pride Cuomo and the like take in perpetrating these murderous acts upon the most innocent of human beings.

At least the Germans were ashamed of what they were doing and attempted to hide their actions.

Fred Loe
Fred Loe
5 years ago

People do not have an original thought about anything anymore.Neither do they think or reason.It is the herd or group think that rules the day.I always shined away from groups because in the back of my mind this “mob” is mindless and would get me in trouble.To bad the entire whole left, progressive’s ,democrats or what ever they call themselves is full of mindless folks.How about being against capital punishment but be in favor of abortions at any time! You want to talk about Nazi’s, hate to think what is coming with robot minds indoctrinated in our public schools. But what do I know being A deplorable, white privileged ,WASP, and self made 70+ year old!

Bruce Kielty
Bruce Kielty
5 years ago

America is dying slowly every day…a home for the depraved, not the brave.

Thomas Booth
Thomas Booth
5 years ago

The most guilty are protected and the most innocent are not.

5 years ago

This is absolutely horrible. These people that want abortions should never have a baby. The people that passes these laws and the doctors that perform the abortions will surely go to hell.

Michael Bloom
Michael Bloom
5 years ago

Like Sodom and Gomorrah, it’s time for God to act.

5 years ago

A sad day in America when such a heinous sin is celebrated. God help us.

5 years ago

He should be injected and eliminated.

5 years ago

Funny how Democrats fight against the death penalty, supposed abuse of separated illegal alien children, but think it is okay to separate American families by the murder of our own children made legal. Heartbreaking…

Charles Parker
Charles Parker
5 years ago

We don’t have a right to kill other people, especially babies, whether born or not. I believe that a human life begins at the moment of conception.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
5 years ago

This is evil pure and simply! Andrew Cuomo has sold his soul to the devil! May God have mercy on him!

5 years ago

Democrats are Baby Killers!!

Phyllis poole
Phyllis poole
5 years ago

They have another life to live when their body leaves their soul. Where???!
There IS. a hell. Somebody should tell them.where are our priests. Pastors. And all of us??! Please pass this on so they wil kmow!!!

5 years ago

This is criminal! Who approves of this man and his irrational, immoral decisions?

5 years ago

The N ew York Governor has blood on his hands! He is now a Murderer. There are so many contraceptives available, there is no
reason for Women to get pregnant in the first place. All of a sudden they don’t want their baby, so this abortion is ok in their eyes.
New York and California should be removed from the United States with their radical views and it is getting worse not better.

Gary Evjen
Gary Evjen
5 years ago

Very seriously sad law that passed. Especially sad that there was cheering and a standing ovation when it was announced.

5 years ago

Where are the peoples minds about what life really is about? New York people not long ago was about families, looking out for each other and helping raise children together. Now they let a handful of nut jobs run their lives and destroy what their parents and grandparents worked for and believed in what a family was. Killing a child before birth, up to birth is so wrong. Yorkers will reap what they sow. It’s already showing. Bad people will live on as innocent die before birth.

5 years ago

It appears that Mr Coumo has no fear of our Creator nor does he believe in Final Judgement Day. He won’t be arguing at that time justifying his decision to satisfy his fellow Liberal followers.

5 years ago

What a sicko, he needs his head examined. This actually is murder, and all accused of this heinous act should be put in prison.

5 years ago

Lot of people are more concerned to save animals than the precious gift of life of a child….. They will receive severe consequences on the GREAT DAY OF JUDGEMENT…. they have definitely lost their way.. GOD help them

5 years ago

How do these people sleep at night????

5 years ago

The folks who think this abortion bill is Ok have no concept of humanity as sacred! God made us in His image but to pro-choice folks, God is a myth and people are only good when productive for the state! Babies are only good when wanted, otherwise they are to be discarded. This slope America is sliding down is only going to get worse as more and more of these kinds of folks take office! The young are indoctrinated into this mentality and anything holy is being marginalized or just outright deemed evil! What till religions they don’t like will one day become illegal (they will call it all hate). Jesus warned us of this so although we live in the world, we don’t become one with the world! Be prepared to keep standing for what is right by God no matter what!!!!

5 years ago

Why would any woman wait to have an abortion right up until it’s to be born if she is going to kill that poor innocent child? Other than to exercise the epitome of cruelty and selfishness, such acts should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law in any state other than NY. That’s worse than a cat I had that abandoned each kitten she had it just as they were born, my husband watched her do that over and over until he couldn’t stand it any more and then put her out of her misery with one blast of his shot gun.

5 years ago

May not matter to the growing bunch of progressives that disdain religious standards in favor of what currently feels politically correct; but what part of Hell is set aside for abortion and abortionists?

K. Taylor
K. Taylor
5 years ago

In case anyone doubts we are entering “end times,” how much more depraved can we get as a country than to countenance the murder of those about to be born? We need to enact a law against this behavior–if necessary add it to the constitution!

Beatrice Olmsted
Beatrice Olmsted
5 years ago

Absolutely aweful! How low we have stooped!

Rich Boeschen
Rich Boeschen
5 years ago

Cuomo is a pure hypocrite. How can he even live with himself? Hell will welcome him!!!

5 years ago

Some of us have been saying this about Cuomo for years. He is a hypocrit of the first order. He should never have elected but thanks to the uber left crowd of NYC we in New York State have the tail wagging the dog. The Republicans of NY need to develope new leadership that will take this state back.

5 years ago

Cuomo is a disgusting, evil man!

5 years ago

He’s crazy. He should take his kids already born and do the same. What’s the idiotic difference cause you’re.
Born and now you age and live. You live your life in (SECONDS) from birth……just do your killing at a
Different age in seconds. This would save him some money. Oh yeah why is he still here. It’s because
His mom and dad did the right thing. SHAME on you GOVERNOR. You’re a piece of crap so flush youself
So we won’t have to hear from you again.

5 years ago

We pro lifers need to stand up and stop allowing the noisy few to dictate the terms of words. They sanitize the what they do by calling it a woman’s choice or pro choice and we allow them to get away with this sanitizing of the truth of what it really is. Pro life people need to start calling it what it is. It is not pro choice but pro murder
Maybe if we call it what it really is it might shake the conscience of someone contemplating ending an innocent life.
Stand up for what is right and moral it’s not pro choice it’s pro murder

Danny Pruitt
Danny Pruitt
5 years ago

The truth is: Cuomo and those who supported that abortion bill are nothing more than premeditated murderers and deserve to be treated as such. To abortion these pre-born children is the worst kind of hypocrisy I can imagine. I guess next they will be wanting to do “post-natal” abortions (after birth abortions), not only on infants, but on “old” people as well, since they aren’t as “productive” or worth as much as, wage earning individuals. Rest assured that God hears the cries of those murdered children and there will be a day of reckoning for those murderers, especially Cuomo.

Mel Butcher
Mel Butcher
5 years ago

Typical hypocritical left

Richard Keyser
Richard Keyser
5 years ago

Time for those who have been silent all this time to be silent no longer. Vote the perpetrators out! Help elect pro life candidates! If you remain silent you are part of the problem. And PRAY!

Robert J Curry
Robert J Curry
5 years ago


Bruno Savo
Bruno Savo
5 years ago

Playing politics with human lives and defending legal murder cannot in any way be condoned

5 years ago

How have we come so far from human desency ! That is out right murder and that governor should be held accountable for enacting such a despicable law and a gross neglect of power.

5 years ago

I propose that the abortion age be extended to 62…. then we can abort Cuomo and a whole lot of others like him!

5 years ago

How can this happen?? It sure appears that the most dangerous place for a baby is in its mother’s womb!! Unbelievable. Why don’t we make adoption free… not abortion??

5 years ago

Andrew Cumo, the Governor who told us “America was never that great. “ has now made it possible for a potential mother to abort a baby at full term for almost any reason. What a pompous ass. This goes beyond the Holocaust and genicide. And he is patting himself on the back! Will wonders never cease? This man is a 21st century hitler.

5 years ago

Ive watched all of Dr Levatinos yt videos. I strongly recommend them. Start with his personal story. I thought i was fairly knowledgeable of the details involved in abortion. I was wrong. While this is an unpleasant and gruesome topic, its worth knowing the facts in order to be able to first think clearly about abortion, then communicate with those whose opinions are formed via the mainstream media. You can do it.

Frank Vitovitch
Frank Vitovitch
5 years ago

The Gov. should rot in hell for what he promoted.

5 years ago

Are all of the Cuomo family ignorant like the two loons on TV? I wonder, is it to late in NY or CA to abort adults? I guess murder isn’t a problem for them.

Verna Bedient
Verna Bedient
5 years ago

Oregon did this over a year ago. The state will let any woman come to Oregon for a free abortion at the tax payer expense. Absolute disrespect for life.

Carol and Bob
Carol and Bob
5 years ago

Our hearts are broken.

Stan Stevens
Stan Stevens
5 years ago

New York just legalized MURDER of newborn children, It is just disgusting and immoral. Cuomo should be excommunicated from the Catholic church and any other religion,

5 years ago

The ancient Israelites sacrificed their babies in the fiery arms of Baal. God brought judgment on them for their idolatrous abominations and had the nation, city, and temple destroyed by the way of the invading army of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. Could the invasion we see coming from the south of the border be a part of that judgement? Is ancient history about to repeat itself on our native soil? Our politicians and the legislation they pass are a stench in the Lord’s nostrils and judgment is very near for this nation!!! Come quickly LORD JESUS!!!!!!

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