AMAC Mourns the Loss of Herman Cain

Posted on Thursday, July 30, 2020
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

We at AMAC are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our friend Herman Cain and send our deepest sympathies and prayers to his family. Herman was a fierce advocate for conservatism and the embodiment of America’s can-do spirit. We will miss him dearly. Herman Cain truly embodied the American Dream. A man of strong conviction, unwavering love for his country, and the example of American can do spirit. Herman was born on December 13th, 1945 in Memphis, Tennessee. He faced adversity from the very beginning of his life. Growing up poor in Atlanta, Georgia, as he watched his parents work tirelessly to provide for their family. Some may have seen this as a challenge, but Herman grew up with the same work ethic his parents taught him. Herman also had an extensive education, he earned his Bachelor of Science BS, in mathematics at Morehouse college in Atlanta, GA, and continued his education at Purdue university earning a Master of Science MS, in computer science. While completing his master’s degree he worked full time as a civilian ballistics’ analyst for the United States Navy. He then climbed the ladder in a corporate career, eventually becoming the CEO of Godfather’s Pizza.

Throughout his life, Herman had a keen interest in public policy. In 1996, he dipped his toes in American politics for the very first time serving as a senior adviser to the Dole/Kemp presidential campaign. He was a firm believer in conservative values and was very outspoken about his beliefs. He faced more adversity when he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2006. This was a pivotal time for Herman because when he defeated cancer, he felt that he must impact the world in a bigger and bolder way. His strongest run for the Presidential campaign was the race in 2012 where he ran for the republican nomination. He heavily focused on taxes with his 9 – 9 – 9 plan.

In a speech at CPAC in 2011, Cain said, “Stupid people are ruining America.” He saw the problems our nation was facing before it became clear for the rest of us. He opposed Obamacare, even claiming if Obamacare was implemented when he was diagnosed with cancer, he would have died. Herman Cain was a supporter of AMAC and a friend of Daniel C. Weber. He saw the value in our mission and did what he could to help AMAC grow and make a difference in Washington. His conservative values were fundamental to his character. A man of deep conviction for the lord and a charismatic appeal that encouraged you to be better, Herman Cain will be deeply missed. He is survived by his wife Gloria, two children and grandchildren.