
Association of Mature American Citizens Amac logo close-up on website page, Illustrative Editorial.

Which option below best describes the reason why you joined AMAC?

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6 months ago

None of the above. I joined because was tired of the liberal agenda that AARP spouted.

6 months ago

My real reason was loss of trust in AARP. due to their advocacy of the liberal agenda.

jim wood
jim wood
6 months ago

Let’s not get off course in our chance to bash the dems this week. Taking back our country is the foremost goal this election year so let’s get back on track next week and give us something to toss around that has some teeth. No time to be complacent with what is at stake. The current administration is a pathetic piece of crap and needs to be disposed of or our future is shot.

6 months ago

Fire whomever develops these polls. You missed (again) the most obvious answer.

I joined AMAC because it’s the anti-AARP and doesn’t use my money to promote values and principles which counter my own … most of the time.

Gary J
Gary J
6 months ago

I joined AMAC because I detest the nonstop overaggressive posturing by Leftist outlets.
I’ve moved from AARP because I am sick to death of their glamorizing loud mouthed pundits who despise my values and convictions.

Mist Carter
Mist Carter
6 months ago

With our republic in crisis, many AMAC’ers have joined to be united with other like-minded, conservative patriots. Besides the benefits AMAC offers, the weekly polls provide an arena where we the people can share our thoughts, concerns, encouragement, and outrage with the current state of our nation.

With that said, AMAC can just look at the participation of the weekly polls to see that the “reason for joining AMAC” is really not top-of-mind. AMAC can do better at offering a thought-provoking, current, and applicable topic than this week’s poll question.

Have a wonderful Resurrection Sunday!

He is Risen! He is Risen, indeed!

Greg Pressley
Greg Pressley
6 months ago

We signed up with AMAC we could no longer stand with aarp and it’s increasingly more liberal nonsense ideas. We want AMAC to stand strong for the common sense ideals of America’s past!

6 months ago

I like AMAC because it stands for the same things as I do. God, country, family and our Constitution. Thanks, AMAC.

6 months ago

We left AARP immediately when it whole heartedly supported Obamacare. We realized AARP is another private long arm of the corrupt Marxist Democrat party administration. Still shaking our heads at how AARP members still support AARP. Sadly, they treat conserative news fact at poison. Yet they allow themselves to be spoon fed the Democrat false hope of the new world order sweil.

The Old Marine Sgt
The Old Marine Sgt
6 months ago

I agree with BobA’s comment below. I too was looking for an organization that opposed the liberal garbage spewed by AARP.

Robert Zupanek
Robert Zupanek
6 months ago

Greatful to have this alternative to left leaning AARP

6 months ago

Mention AMAC to a hotelier and they look at you with a blank stare, say AARP and you are there best customer, so no I didn’t come for the discounts, the AARP magazine is full of warm fuzzy articles from all of their lefty cronies but the AMAC magazine reads like a NRA publication of doom and gloom. I support AMAC because I like to “Poke the Lions” and you do.

6 months ago

AARP went “woke” and weren’t advocating for seniors anymore.

Virginia J
Virginia J
6 months ago

I joined because of aarp supports so many undesirable issues that I did not agree with as a Believer in Christ and the benefits and discounts are very helpful. But most of all, I’m thankful to have joined in knowing there are others here who have the same political views as I do, as well!

6 months ago

I also did not want to join AARP as they are liberals! Our conservative ideals are being crushed by our own government! The DOJ and FBI are targeting and attempting intimidation of Conservatives; furthermore, we are under attack from illegal invaders who are stealing our Country by squatting, stealing, raping, and murdering innocent American Citizens. If you vote for a single Democrat, you are completely insane!!

William Hodge
William Hodge
6 months ago

In addition to representation AARP was spewing anti gun drivel and I would never give them a dime.

6 months ago

Not only did I get tired of AARP’s political tilt, I also despise their celebrity worship. I don’t know who half those people are, don’t watch movies any more. I like reading about the real heroes in this country, who have conservative ideals.

6 months ago

My real reason for joining was because I saw AARP as just another democrat/leftist voice & viewpoint. I wanted a choice that would more align with my beliefs.

6 months ago

I joined AMAC several years ago because I was tired of receiving AARP literature cluttering up my mailbox for 27 years and that organization is a wing of the demoncratic party. They back so many liberal and anti-American causes.

Marty M
Marty M
6 months ago

Main reason for me is to not contribute to the downfall of the USA by only caring about my pocket book!

6 months ago

The conservative Christian point of view made AMAC more attractive to us than AARP.

al spence
al spence
6 months ago

The same as what Boba wrote. AARP publicly said they have enough subscribers, but are advertising on tv every day all day.

Mike Ecko
Mike Ecko
6 months ago

To counter AARP.

6 months ago

It was only by chance that I found AMAC, since they do not advertise like AARP.
Glad I found them and joined!
God Bless America and everyone have a nice Easter!

6 months ago

my reason I joined was to have my voice be heard. I had never heard of AMAC till Mike Huckabee sent me an invitation to join. I checked it out and called right away to join. AARP is not for the people or America they are a mouthpiece for the dems. Sometimes my comments are held back by AMAC. My research has preceded sometimes what AMAC has not yet found. But everything that I saw, read and heard prior to the 2020 election has happened. And I could say that on the daily AMAC pieces. I wouldn’t have survived without it. When the president of the US makes chaos in the country, shuts your mouth, criminals and sex fiends and pedophiles run the country. Economically he is ruining the country and the taxpayers with it. It is nice to have a voice. We need law and order back plus our morals. We have become a lawless amoral country where the inmates run the country and we pay for that privilege.

6 months ago

I joined the day that I found out AARP was to receive 1 billion dollars for helping Obamba become president.
I couldn’t wait to turn 50 to join then 2 months later dropped AARP to become a member of AMAC.

6 months ago

Advocacy and Representation for sure!! Conservatives need to be heard and represented!!

Ross E Logan
Ross E Logan
6 months ago

We chose AMAC as a conservative alternative to AARP. We do appreciate the good news articles we find nowhere else, and wise counsel concerning Medicare Advantage or supplemental insurance.

6 months ago

Anything or anyone who will contribute to the salvation of America, conservative values, and the future of our children.

6 months ago

Because I’m not a left wing socialist lemming. The other guys are just a fund raising machine for Socialist Democrats.

6 months ago

I just wanted an alternative to leftist AARP.

6 months ago

I joined because I didn’t like how liberal AARP was becoming. I don’t want to support causes that do not align with my beliefs.

6 months ago

The real reason? AARP went Woke and they are hugely supported by big money from far left donors. They turned against the American people they proclaim to serve. I trash their publication every month without ever opening it. Sadly, and due to the world we live in today, AMAC couldn’t even list them as a reason in their poll. That says it all…

6 months ago

No need to preach to the choir! All I can say is in agreement with most of the responses that I have read. Needless to say, my AARP renewal notice was placed with the rest of the trash.????♿????????????????????????????????????

6 months ago

And to get that representation from a non-uberleftwing organization such as AARP.

6 months ago

Ways to improve AMAC:
Surveys. Allow selection of more than one option depending on the topic. Think through what other options to consider.
AMAC articles. Look at the caliper, quality and substance of the AARP news articles. Be more competative with top issues of the day.
AMAC over all – great job!!

Les Stout
Les Stout
6 months ago

After years of being a member of AARP I finally had enough of their liberal idiocy and support for all the miscreants and sexual perverts in America. The only reason I stayed with them as long as I did was to take advantage of certain benefits they offered, such as car rental discounts and a lower tab when eating at Denny’s, as shallow as that may sound. BUT, when I discovered Amac I told AARP where they could shove it and joined Amac!

Harry Roberts
Harry Roberts
6 months ago

Left AARP after the first year, couldn’t stand their left-leaning slant! Glad there was a more conservative alternative to be part of. Thank you!

Bob H
Bob H
6 months ago

AARP supported and contributed to Hilary…

Spartan Dave
Spartan Dave
6 months ago

Like many others have commented already, I joined because AARP does not represent the people and AMAC is what they should have been. For the people.

Steve G
Steve G
6 months ago

I was going to join years ago but never did. I listen to Mark Levin on my way home from work and he always promotes AMAC and then one day he advertised a deal I couldn’t refuse.

6 months ago

I’m for any group, organization, club etc that is against democrats and destruction of America by illegal parasite trash coming into the USA and treated like royalty.

Faith Overdahl
Faith Overdahl
6 months ago

I joined hoping my positions/thoughts would be relayed to the governing bodies and represented in a compelling way. I would like to know more about how that is happening.

6 months ago

well I joined AMAC becuse I was a member of AARP thats is all I ever heard of they started recruiting me at 40 years old so at 50 I joined then the whole Alphabet hins showed up in their magazine tellig me I MUST allow my grandchildren to becon=me a gender they are not and that if I didnt accept the abonation I was a racist so I cam=nceled my AARP and a friend of min on WINKIN told me about AMAC so google was actually my frined and I read researched and joined
Now I realized my membershipo expired on the 27th…..oops time to renew LL

The Ugly Truth
The Ugly Truth
6 months ago

I dumped AARP way back in the 90’s when the magazine arrived with Jane Fonda on the cover. That was the last straw of communist propaganda necessary to drive this Vietnam Veteran away..

6 months ago

OK, I’ll admit it, I joined because of the benefits and discounts. But now that I’m here, I appreciate a lot of the other things that AMAC is about. So the question becomes, so long as I join, does it matter why? (wink, smile)

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
6 months ago

Again, “all the above”. 🙂

6 months ago

I joined years ago because I knew AARP was so liberal & ripping off Americans with their healthcare monopoly & support of Obama care. I also look forward to the games every day as well as the news articles.

6 months ago

Once again, there needs to be an “All of the Above” choice, but that won’t be an easy way for AMAC to use this for a focus point for marketing. (Tsk, tsk AMAC!).
So, All of the Above, and as most everyone else is saying, a big ol’ California Howdy to AARP as well.

6 months ago

i don’t trust AARP especially since all their shenanigans over Obummer-Nocare, but I just love AMAC overall and my response to this poll is All of The Above.

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