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Which poses the largest threat to American jobs?

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6 years ago

Actually I would preferred to be able to choose more than 1. Offshore outsourcing, bad trade deals & Illegal immigration all have contributed.

6 years ago

you forgot 1 and that is the greedy Union and there workers . once apron a time they were good for are country but over the past 50 yrs not at all

Scott M. Conklin
Scott M. Conklin
6 years ago

OTHER. Why? Simple. The number one threat to jobs (which I define as a healthy, competitive, diverse, and capitalist idea-driven jobs economy) is Democrat policy-making. Every major city and every state having been controlled by Democrats for more than a decade has fallen pray to out of control taxation and spending, increased crime, increased poverty, hemorrhaging of educated people, hemorrhaging of major corporations, increased dependence on goverment programs and cradle-to-grave mentalities, and so many more destructive results.

Put aside your distrust, your petty disdain, your social justice warrior efforts, your concerns of personal morality…think of the future of this great country. Take an honest assessment of the Republican platform of smaller government, lower taxes, individual accountability, personal freedoms, and all that is the basis of the founding of our Republic, versus the Democrat platform of fostering government dependence, socialistic tax and spend programs, lax immigration and open border policies that lead to declining economic health, higher taxes, lower wages, loss of jobs, and a society that values one person’s feelings over the freedoms we have been bestowed by our God, the blood and life given by our greatest patriots in uniform, and our founding fathers, and the choice becomes simple.

You must choose a side. You must go to the polls in November and increase Republican majorities in both the House and the Senate. Your failure to do so will haunt you for the rest of your days, and those of your children and grandchildren. You will have failed to protect your loved ones, and by doing so failed to perform your most important duty for God, country, and family.

6 years ago

Affirmative Action is high on my list for obliterating a “work ethic” on the job because most people “on the job” are token workers and have no competency or need no competency since getting jobs for them is through cronyism, extortion, intimidation (public humiliation) and black mail. Mercenary (token) workers who are on the job for the pay check are contract violators, frauds, and are working under false pretenses. To “follow up” on this “game” we would have to observe that they actually don’t earn a “salary” since they are perpetrating a fraud to “rip off” their employer so pocket Grand Larceny through extortion. Patent (universal) FRAUD.

6 years ago

All facets are threats to American jobs…by ALWAYS placing “America First” we can diminish their impact on America! BUT, we must address the changes that are Impacting America’s culture…

6 years ago

I agree with Ham there is no single answer. I am dumfounded why the black communities are not marching in the streets over all the jobs they have lost to the illegals.

Mark Statler
Mark Statler
6 years ago

Centralized economic “planning or management”! Even President Trump, certainly the GOP establishment, offer too much “different” management. We need government to shrink deeply in expenditures as well as interference in the economy. The only legitimate purpose of government is to defend our liberty. Not to “manage” us or the economy.

6 years ago

Not a simple question. The answer is actually a combination of all of the above plus a lot of things not talked about. Such as, demand for higher minimum wage for jobs that are truly entry level.

6 years ago

I voted other because I would have preferred to have included several of these items, Illegal immigration is however a major concern followed by bad trade deals. Made in America used to mean being able to buy a product that lasted for decades rather then months, Take for instance a simple air compressor, You could buy one that you could hand down to your children, today your lucky if it lasts a couple of years. We need to return manufacturing jobs to america, build quality products that can be rebuilt and repaired not just thrown away. High schools need to reinstate woodworking, metal shop and home economics classes to teach our couch potato kids valuable skills.

David Turton
David Turton
5 years ago

All the above and a few more

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