

Which of these recent events is most significant to you?

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4 years ago

How about with a little over 90 days left to the election, the vast majority of establishment Congressional Republicans remain largely silent. Thus leaving President Trump, to once again, have to fight almost single-handedly for the American people and the country’s values constantly. Isn’t anyone else out there just a little tired of the establishment do nothing Republican members of Congress? Is this really acceptable behavior from the people you elect to Congress? I could name a lot of the RINO’s who always promise to deliver big things for a TV sound bite, but never actually get around to doing anything. However, the list is way, way too long and I have better things to do like working to get the President re-elected.
Thank you President Trump for doing so much for the American people in less than four years and hopefully there are enough intelligent voters keft in this country to give you four more years. It’s a tough job you’re doing, especially given the lack of support from so many members of Congress of your own party.

4 years ago

Rep Jordan did a wonderful job of showing what an ignorant slime ball dr fauci really is. That guy is so bought and paid for it is a crime that he gets any attention at all. The guy lies so much he has NO credibility. Pretty soon he’ll have us all in hazmat suits.

Marie M
Marie M
4 years ago

At this point I am fed up with the so called Republicans in Congress. President Trump is a one man army fighting through all the obstacles that confront him. There are a few Republicans that totally support him, Jordan, Nunez, McCarthy, Gohmert, Zeldin, Biggs, Scalise, Collins, Stefanik and Lesko to name a few. Our way of life is at stake and dependent on this November election to insure Trump wins and takes the House and Senate.

Dan W.
Dan W.
4 years ago

Hated to lose Herman Cain. He was the ultimate American success story.

4 years ago

I felt like I lost a fiend and brother when I heard Herman passed but every one of the listed events are significant.Also, we need more people like Jordan in congress who are willing to stand by Trump. The actions of the libs, Obama using the Lewis funeral as a political speech are making independents ears perk up and realize what’s in store for them if Biden wins. It’s imperative that we vote and change Washington in November.

4 years ago

There are so many important issues going on at the same time. President Trump is not getting the support he should from the uniparty, social media outlets are trying to silence any idea they don’t like in an effort to influence the election, anarchy is alive and well and ignored by the liberal left. And then there’s Fauci. Who made him, along with Gates, the sole authority on the Wuhan virus. His past associations should disqualify him. Gloves, masks, shields, now goggles? Really!!
God have mercy on us!

Larry Pollard
Larry Pollard
4 years ago

All of the above mentioned issues are main topics, everyone I know is fed up with this nations politicians on both sides. I don’t think the democrats want this to play out as the American peoples last option, YOU WON’T LIKE THE RESULTS!!!!

4 years ago

AG Barr is a CLASS ACT. Jerry Nadler isn’t fit to shine his shoes. If congress calls someone to appear before a committee they should allow them to answer the questions posed to them…Dems should be ashamed of how they acted.

4 years ago

If Dems steal next election by using mail in voting, Russian collusion will be minor incident in history books. Republicans like Romney and his ego and his cohorts will have destroyed the USA. Catholic Church will have failed its mission in not vigorously protesting loss of liberty to worship. CDC will continue in its political incompetence. Obama wins.

Phil M
Phil M
4 years ago

I left the Republican party perhaps 25 years ago. Or, to borrow from Ronald Reagan, they left me. At that time, having seen the inner workings of a couple campaigns, I started referring to Republicans as Democrat-lite. Ten years or so ago, based on their actions, I started calling the Republicans Socialist-lite. Now, I think of them as Communist-lite. As others in these comments suggest, there are a small number really good folks in Congress, and we’d sadly be better off if the rest just shut their mouths instead of spewing watered down versions of what the Communist Democrats offer.
Donald Trump has been a breath of fresh air in a putrid smelling Washington. I don’t always like his words, but I LOVE his actions.

Bevn in TX
Bevn in TX
4 years ago

I did not vote for “President Trump’s Executive Order to confront the censorship of conservative speech on social media platforms”. It may sound good, but it has not stopped the censorship of conservative speech on YouTube.

Michael Schwartz
Michael Schwartz
4 years ago

All the above…been a very active week

W. Spivey
W. Spivey
4 years ago


Deanna Drab
Deanna Drab
4 years ago


Samuel Sorrels
Samuel Sorrels
4 years ago

All of these items are important. But to the average American, lowering drug cost has been an issue for the past 10 to 12 years.

4 years ago

Each of these events is significant. I selected “100 Police Agencies…” because this is where I live. The DNC will put Milwaukee on the national stage. There will be protests, and I fear that the stage will invite people wanting to riot and destroy, and I hope that law enforcement is up to the task. Already Milwaukee is bad enough to be included in Operation Legend for its crime, shooting and murders, and the DNC could put Milwaukee on another list with Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, etc.

Deanna Drab
Deanna Drab
4 years ago

I am totally embarrassed of our “elected” officials on Capitol Hill. Supposedly they go there to do the will of the people. I do not know many people who would relish the rude treatment of our Attorney General. As he said, it was supposed to be a “hearing” to hear his answers to their questions. Instead it turned into a “look at me, look at me” moment for rude, contemptuous, greedy, camera-grabbing, holier-than-thou Democrats. Barack Obama famously quoted “we are NOT exceptional.” Well on that day and at that hearing, we WERE exceptionally nasty.

4 years ago

Herman Cain did not die OF covid, he died WITH covid.

4 years ago

This week was a new low for congress and the government in general. The Dumbocrats were really shameful in their treatment of Barr, how he sat there and put up with it all is beyond me. That moron Nadler wouldn’t even give him the courtesy of a bathroom break. Nadler couldn’t even acknowledge that there were riots in Seattle, calling them a “myth”. I get that he comes from a liberal district but it amazes me that he, Pelosi, Schmidt and Schumer continue to get elected year after year after year. They are truly the dumbest of the dumb. I pray for our country and our government but right now it’s feeling pretty hopeless. I hope that this country wakes up and is smart enough to get rid of the dead weight in November.

4 years ago

The most significant and potentially disastrous news is about mass mailing of mail in ballots. There will never again be a reliable election if this continues. Election fraud is enough of a problem already, without mailing out to every cat, dog, illegal resident, etc.

4 years ago

It was multi problem one or more just as trouble some

Mark Wilson
Mark Wilson
4 years ago

How about the BIGGEST story in humans 200,000 year history? The PENTAGON discloses it has “off world vehicles” and nobody even seems to notice… Well played government, well played…

Ray Criswell
Ray Criswell
4 years ago

With HCQ we do not have to wait for a vaccine to get back to normal.

4 years ago

The front line doctors coming out to tell the truth about the treatment available for the coronavirus and the need to get on with our lives.

Lex Sewell
Lex Sewell
4 years ago

I agree with Marie M.

Gerianne Bell
Gerianne Bell
4 years ago

I was targeted and removed from Facebook for my Conservative comments. I know that I am not alone. Many of my friends have also been censored. It too common

Joseph A Hudak Jr
Joseph A Hudak Jr
4 years ago

The hapless Dems showed their asses BIGTIME in the AG Barr hearing this past week. The more America sees of these clowns the better for Republicans in November.

4 years ago

There is so much to be concerned about why was fair voting not on in the poll? All of the above is important to me but a fair election is first and foremost. We have endured the past 3 1/12 years watch Democrats trying to steal our votes in the 2016 election. Now they are already vamping up to completely steal it outright in 2020. Democrats have 0 shame and cheating is part of their playbook. They will steal your vote and you had better be ready.

Jim VH
Jim VH
4 years ago

The democraps will never be ashamed as long as the media allows them to get a free ride on everything. Jim Jordan was not combative. He asked a simple question and exposed Fauci for the political fraud that he is. Obama is Obama, total loser, eulogy my ass, more like a campaign speech, no class what so ever. (Never let a crisis go to waste). I think there should have been one more pick. The doctors on the steps of the Supreme Court about the use of Hydroxychloroquine. If there is a chance it may help why are the naysayers including Fauci saying no? Money. It’s cheap, been around along time, and available now, but no money to be made. Also president Trump suggested it so that instantly made it worthless in their eyes.

Kerri J Deal
Kerri J Deal
4 years ago

it signified how Obama is still trying to destroy America and will do anything to do it-

jim doyle
jim doyle
4 years ago

presidents Trumps executive order to ban illegals from being counted in redistricting voting boundaries

Stan Beckham
Stan Beckham
4 years ago

For me it would have to be “All of the above”. Too much crammed into one week to pick just one.

4 years ago

I think each item is a block-buster, to have them all land in the same week is overkill.

O. King
O. King
4 years ago

The cheap CoVid-19 cure that has been suppressed in order for some companies to make huge $$ and the cost put on the public for hiding this information through opressive masking rules and businesses forced to close.

4 years ago

I had a hard time choosing one. Obama’s speech, he needs to stay home. Prescription drug costs being lowered will have a large positive impact on my family and many others. Trump doesn’t get enough positive coverage. Plus, its well time conservatives get a voice.

4 years ago

The way William Barr was treated is forefront for me, as is the way Ovomit took the opportunity at a FUNERAL to spew his hateful venom. The Dems are all despicable! TRUMP 2020!!!

4 years ago

Once again, all of these news items were important to me. My condolences to Herman Cain’s family. This Country lost another forward thinking businessman like President Trump. We voted for President Trump because of his business sense and because he wasn’t another senseless politician. Sadly, we have way too many of those!

4 years ago

I expect the Republicans to cave, as they always do, when it comes to the current debate regarding COVID relief. Of course, adding an additional $600/week unemployment check on top of the state unemployment check that allows people to make more money on unemployment than what they made when they were employed, will be a disincentive to returning to work. I was laid off from work a number of times in my life through no fault of my own. I did not receive an extra unemployment check from the feds during my unemployment. At one time my state unemployment ran out and I had no income for several months until I finally found a job. If I had refused any job offer my unemployment checks would have been discontinued. I had to provide documentation that I had applied to at least 3 jobs per week, including the name, address, phone number and contact person. It’s time for businesses to be allowed to open up at full capacity and for Americans to get back to work. Use common sense (unfortunately not so common) measures to reduce risk. We need to take the politics out of science and stop the censorship about opposing scientific studies.

4 years ago

Every one of those items disturbs me, unable to eliminate any of them

Shirley Everett
Shirley Everett
4 years ago

No lie is bold enough for the louses in Congress. The fact that the louses are all Dems is a coincidence??? (Except for Romney, the has-been.) We have got to win in November. God bless President Trump and God bless America.

Karen Hammonds
Karen Hammonds
4 years ago

That anti-American, renegade U.S. Representatives can violate protocol by forbidding a called witness from being heard at a “hearing” is yet another troubling concern over their apparent lawlessness. There are criminals holding office in our federal government. I pray God Almighty removes them from those offices very soon.

Lawrence D Loveless
Lawrence D Loveless
4 years ago

The Censorship of the Frontline Doctors is was the most significant

Joe G.
Joe G.
4 years ago

Happy Saturday! It has bed been a busy week, but it is all not gloom and doom. President Trump continues to do what he said he would. President Trump’s agenda is not stopping while he campaigns. The President is tireless, resilient, determined, thoughtful, caring, intelligent, patriotic, and the right man for the toughest job in this country. Everyone, we knew when we elected President Trump we were putting the right candidate in the position at the right time.
It’s now time to support him again! Hang Ole’ Glory for all to see. If you don’t have an American flag, please find a way to sacrifice for a couple of weeks to be able to buy one and fly it proudly. Let’s bring patriotism front stage for all to see that we are not alone in our beliefs that this country was founded on free speech, freedom of peaceful Assembly, and most of all Freedom of Religion!
Please go to the parking lot of where you would worship tomorrow. If we all just show up there is nothing they can do to us. There are more of us than there are of them! Send them a message! Keep doing it every Sunday until this lockdown is ended. Please practice social distancing, can’t believe I wrote that but it will keep us, the most vulnerable group, safe.

God Bless All Americans!

Anita Pardue
Anita Pardue
4 years ago

President Trump’s decision not to continue the pandemic money and unemployment has caused us to lose the company we’ve owned since 1984. We are almost 60 years old and cannot recoup from this. That means my husband, myself, my 81 year old mother in law and two children will be in the streets within a month; two months if we’re lucky. We’ve been loyal to President Trump since the day he decided to run for President, but our loyalty is of no worth to honor members of Congress. Small businesses and families such as ours can’t survive. We‘ve already lost our health Insurance, life insurance and our business. Is that not enough to sacrifice without being put into the streets?
I will not vote for Biden, come Hell or high water. However, unless pandemic funds and unemployment are renewed for another 26 weeks, none of the five members of my family will note for Trump.

Leslie Jones
Leslie Jones
4 years ago

As usual, Democrats had a week of marching in lockstep while too many Republicans claimed the right to have whatever contrary opinion came into their heads. President Trump keeps doing all the right things to benefit everyone while the Democrats continue to support every minority with a beef. Clearly the system is fractured but Congress again showed us that unless Republicans get out and vote in November we will be in the hands of the most radical idiots this country has ever faced.

Barry Crozier
Barry Crozier
4 years ago

The “hearing” by the House “Intelligence” Committee was a farce and it should be an embarrassment to the Democrat party. Starting with the grandstanding of the Democratic members who were clearly not interested in hearing AG Barr’s answers to anything and ending with Jerry Nadler’s refusal to grant AG Barr’s request for a five minute break. When the phrase, “ I reclaim my time” becomes Democrat speak for, “ I’m not interested in your answer”, then the Committee Democrats have ceased to have purpose. It was the most uncivilized, disrespectful display of arrogance yet.

Michael E Delaney
Michael E Delaney
4 years ago


Kathy L.
Kathy L.
4 years ago

At this point, there are too many recent events that seem significant from the verbal abuse that Attorney General Barr received from the Democrats to Herman Cain’s death to the political speech made by former President Obama at a funeral.

Michael E Delaney
Michael E Delaney
4 years ago

Republicans do not deserve my vote

Dennis Tucker
Dennis Tucker
4 years ago

The phrase, “regain my time”, is totally unfair and biased, and should be forbidden in any debate! Either way, AG Barr ate the Democrats’ lunch!

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