It started out as a pretty good thing to keep in touch with family and friends. Now it has become a sewer. What I can’t believe is how much personal information people will put on these sites, inviting problems and crime. Then those same people will be the first one’s to complain about privacy issues.
Lew Rigaud
3 years ago
I DO NOT use these leftist platforms!! These social media platforms are tools for the Nazis that are running this country in the ground!!
3 years ago
Fakebook is run like a propaganda machine.
Pat Norris
3 years ago
I left Fakebook…yes I spelled it December. Never used Twitter and rarely used Utube. Google is bigger than all and needs taken down lots of notches. Amazon has gone woke. Stopped using Coke products too.
3 years ago
Fakebook and Screw-Tube are tyrants of fascists denying free speech. There are always two sides to a story and somewhere in the middle is the usual truth. Think of a divorce, you listen to both sides, and you realize no one was a saint and both parties had a piece involved in the divorce. Quit suppressing our free speech and free thought there is not always a single answer just your narrative that might be wrong.
8 months ago
Mark Zuckerberg IS a TRAITOR! He is also the modern day Ray Croc and STOLE Facebook from the creators! He spent $430 Million for election interference and SHOULD be punished for TREASON!
3 years ago
YouTube is worthwhile for watching PragerU videos. The others are worth less than nothing.
Mike Parker
3 years ago
When these platforms began censoring, they ceased being forums for open discussions and morphed into purveyors of Group Think.
RH Appleby
3 years ago
Seems to me that while I did have membership in Twitter and Facebook, that there were more fake news information than there was real news. So, I dropped membership in both.
Uncle Pat
3 years ago
I do not use them. My wife began with Facebook in the very beginning and wanted me to join in. So, I checked out a few of the posts and declined. Why would I want to know if a friend woke up, had breakfast, walked the dog, etc.etc. I concluded that the whole idea was ridiculous and have not changed my mind in the last 25 years.
Tom M
3 years ago
The only one I use is You-Tube, basically as a research and info tool. I never use SM for news and never watch TV either, except for some occasional sports, but that is dwindling too. My next phone will be a Linux phone or one that is de-googled. I avoid Apple, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Fraudbook and all the rest of them as much as possible. Big tech has become extreme socialist and anti-American…just like big pharma and the medical mafia.
3 years ago
Since all major corporate structures are owned by Vanguard and BlackRock very little choice is given to the plebe society therefore individual choice products/services is an illusion.
3 years ago
I only use Facebook and that is mainly because I have a nonprofit that we promote there and I have a lot of memories of my son there. I have an account on MeWe. I like MeWe, but it does not offer me the same options for my nonprofit to promote it it will be cost me a lot more to do what we do on Facebook. I have had accounts on Instagram and Twitter, bug I hate them and don’t understand their purpose.
Clara Marchbanks
3 years ago
It’s crazy when something I have wanted to share Facebook kicks it back because they don’t happen to like it.
3 years ago
Facebook is a tool of left used to propagandize leftist agenda. When Zuckerberg interferes with election box placement by dictating they be placed in heavily Dem areas, that is proof of his leftist ideology.
3 years ago
Social media is insipid nonsense for the weak-minded who are easily influenced and controlled.
3 years ago
Time to remove all restrictions on social media. Either we have free speech or we don’t.
Jay Yule
3 years ago
I use FB to connect with friends not for news or political stuff
Cheri Collins
3 years ago
I use FB occasionally, but usually only to see what friends have posted. I don’t like the way they censor postings – seems rather facist to me – as one other poster said, “we are either free or we arent”. I use You Tube as a research tool for “how to” instructions – but ONLY for that.
Bill Day
3 years ago
“Social Media” is ridiculous ! Also, dangerous to the young, who……by their very ignorance, cannot differentiate between truths and outright lies. It’s great, I suppose, for the cowardly who hide behind their electronic gizmos as they spread their craziness. I’d use stronger language BUT, I choose decorum……
3 years ago
Simple texts and emails work for me. I’m on fakebook to follow friends but never post. Also on linked in and am constantly getting friend requests from people I don’t even know. Clearly both are platforms for fishing & information gathering on people. Trust both of them about as much as I trust Fauci & the CDC..
3 years ago
Facebook is nothing but advertisements which means money for them! They forget about freedom of speech, expressing opinions or thinking that they can not control! Everyday it gets worse!
3 years ago
I only have a Facebook account to see what friends post. I would get rid of it, but there are a few groups that I follow for recommendations. And the jokes about our fake President are funny. I do have a Parler account, and follow a few news people.
Martha Clark
3 years ago
I don’t use any of them any more. I really despise FB and Tw a t t e r. (*Martha spits in their direction*)
3 years ago
A waste of time. You can text folks you know or God forbid, pick up the phone and call them. Would you put your business out on the street for any assclown to see? That’s exactly what you do when you use ANTI-social media. You get what you deserve. The ANTI-social media maggots thank you for making them rich and powerful. Isn’t ignorance great until you find out you’ve been duped?
Kevin S
3 years ago
I needed to pick two: it’s negative AND I’ve never done Fecesbook or Instacram. I was on Twitter for a month or two, then was banned without a reason and Several requests to explain went unanswered. It’s both a shame and an insight that the followers of social media are utterly clueless (or careless) of the damage these outlets wield.
3 years ago
I abstain from all social media, my time is too precious!
3 years ago
Zuckerberg et al are today’s most useful idiots. They have the fascist Democrats an inch and now the fascists own them. I have no doubt that noncompliance would result in massive regulation, but I have no sympathy for these fools. They are smart enough to know better, but arrogant enough to believe it would never happen to them.
Martha Clark
3 years ago
I hate Tw a t t e r and Facebook. All of these are just addictions for the young – and old. Facebook in particular ruined my relationship with partner of 20 yrs. He just couldn’t stay off it – like a drug!
Jeff Beck
3 years ago
I refuse to use social media……. period.
That said, I believe they are way too big and they need to lose their government protection from lawsuits.
3 years ago
Negative view AND I never use them!
3 years ago
I use YouTube for the videos that cover things I’m involved in. Aviation, Oval Track Racing, Boat and Ship Videos. I have never used the rest of them, and probably never will!
Pat E.
3 years ago
I’m probably not a very good barometer for this issue, as I refuse to do ANY “social” media, unless you consider email social media. Seems we have precious little personal interaction as it is; these options just exacerbate things. And from my observation, a great deal of it appears to be negative—who needs that?!
3 years ago
Social media is a plague on the earth.
3 years ago
I don’t believe the social media should be allowed to perform censorship. Having that kind of power never treats everyone equally, and it’s only words. If we don’t like them we can ignore them, but it shouldn’t be up to someone else to decide what should be shown, and what to deny.
Dolf Reeves
3 years ago
I realize that these organizations are private enterprises. However, when they heavily censor the content of the site and disseminate not only their own propaganda and even censor the president of the USA; they need to be regulated and controlled by the Congress. All viewpoints should be allowed without any censorship. These should be open forums that allow people to draw their own conclusions based on actual facts and not heavily slanted propaganda.
Jamie Martin
3 years ago
If you have been silenced or removed from FB, I urge you to sign onto the class action lawsuit. Stop complaining and do what is necessary to stop them. They are stopping and controlling our Constitutional rights to free thoughts and SPEECH. Wake up already, before you have no rights given to you.
3 years ago
I only use Facebook. I can keep in contact with family and friends. My comments, however, occasionally lands me in Facebook jail because I’m usually against Facebook’s political narratives.
Adrienne McPherson
3 years ago
Social media is poison.
Mary Whitley
3 years ago
Social Media is bad for our children, teenagers and young adults. They are lacking social skills that they learn by talking to someone face to face. Just as is texting. We don’t want to hold conversations with each other anymore. As for me, I want to hear the voice of the person.
3 years ago
I use YouTube, none of the others. Mostly watch YouTube for interesting and/or historical video. There is some conservative content worthwhile.
3 years ago
I only use Facebook for political reasons, trying to convert the sheep before it is too late. Twitter is a cesspool.
Everett Riggs
3 years ago
Anyone that uses social media should have their head examined.
Ann Hinds
3 years ago
I am an Admin on a political page where we are constantly censored. However, #walkaway is building it’s own platform and we will be moving from facebook. We will still keep a presence on facebook because our platform will be an echo chamber where we won’t reach those who need to see the truth. Facebook took down our main page with 550,000 members without warning. Twitter is full of negative (substitute mean and ugly) people so we are also not spending as much time there.
Dawn Counsell
3 years ago
I believe in our Bill of Rights. It’s a shame that the social media outlets don’t and use their platforms to manipulate the American people. May God have mercy on their souls.
John G.
3 years ago
I was on Facebook but got off because it was becoming a communistic leaning enterprise to appease the Democratic Socialists.
3 years ago
When social media can ban the President of the United States, sensor and block free speech about news reports of Hunter Biden’s laptop showing “pay for play” by the Bidens, sensor and block opinions based on scientists about COVID-19 coming from and being engineered by a lab in Wuhan China and now working with the current Democrat government to “track” and block anyone commenting about the effectiveness of vaccines…they are stomping on our Constitutional rights!! This used to only happen in Communist countries….China, Russia, Cuba, etc.block free speech and now it’s happening in the United States of America! Read Mark Levin’s new book, American Marxism!
3 years ago
Rip it/them down and build a swamp.
There is always room for improvement.
3 years ago
I do neither Facebook or Twitter. My friends and family can text or email me if they wish. These, Facebook and Twitter, are for the left only and discriminate against all who don’t agree with the left. I thought the Demorats were against discrimination. Only goes to show that We The People need to wake up and make drastic changes in 22. Together we can make this happen.
3 years ago
Social Media is just a way for people, news and other platforms to push their agenda. I have a FB account but mostly for the memes or check in with family. Depending of the source, I may read something. But it just for amusement.
It started out as a pretty good thing to keep in touch with family and friends. Now it has become a sewer. What I can’t believe is how much personal information people will put on these sites, inviting problems and crime. Then those same people will be the first one’s to complain about privacy issues.
I DO NOT use these leftist platforms!! These social media platforms are tools for the Nazis that are running this country in the ground!!
Fakebook is run like a propaganda machine.
I left Fakebook…yes I spelled it December. Never used Twitter and rarely used Utube. Google is bigger than all and needs taken down lots of notches. Amazon has gone woke. Stopped using Coke products too.
Fakebook and Screw-Tube are tyrants of fascists denying free speech. There are always two sides to a story and somewhere in the middle is the usual truth. Think of a divorce, you listen to both sides, and you realize no one was a saint and both parties had a piece involved in the divorce. Quit suppressing our free speech and free thought there is not always a single answer just your narrative that might be wrong.
Mark Zuckerberg IS a TRAITOR! He is also the modern day Ray Croc and STOLE Facebook from the creators! He spent $430 Million for election interference and SHOULD be punished for TREASON!
YouTube is worthwhile for watching PragerU videos. The others are worth less than nothing.
When these platforms began censoring, they ceased being forums for open discussions and morphed into purveyors of Group Think.
Seems to me that while I did have membership in Twitter and Facebook, that there were more fake news information than there was real news. So, I dropped membership in both.
I do not use them. My wife began with Facebook in the very beginning and wanted me to join in. So, I checked out a few of the posts and declined. Why would I want to know if a friend woke up, had breakfast, walked the dog, etc.etc. I concluded that the whole idea was ridiculous and have not changed my mind in the last 25 years.
The only one I use is You-Tube, basically as a research and info tool. I never use SM for news and never watch TV either, except for some occasional sports, but that is dwindling too. My next phone will be a Linux phone or one that is de-googled. I avoid Apple, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Fraudbook and all the rest of them as much as possible. Big tech has become extreme socialist and anti-American…just like big pharma and the medical mafia.
Since all major corporate structures are owned by Vanguard and BlackRock very little choice is given to the plebe society therefore individual choice products/services is an illusion.
I only use Facebook and that is mainly because I have a nonprofit that we promote there and I have a lot of memories of my son there. I have an account on MeWe. I like MeWe, but it does not offer me the same options for my nonprofit to promote it it will be cost me a lot more to do what we do on Facebook. I have had accounts on Instagram and Twitter, bug I hate them and don’t understand their purpose.
It’s crazy when something I have wanted to share Facebook kicks it back because they don’t happen to like it.
Facebook is a tool of left used to propagandize leftist agenda. When Zuckerberg interferes with election box placement by dictating they be placed in heavily Dem areas, that is proof of his leftist ideology.
Social media is insipid nonsense for the weak-minded who are easily influenced and controlled.
Time to remove all restrictions on social media. Either we have free speech or we don’t.
I use FB to connect with friends not for news or political stuff
I use FB occasionally, but usually only to see what friends have posted. I don’t like the way they censor postings – seems rather facist to me – as one other poster said, “we are either free or we arent”. I use You Tube as a research tool for “how to” instructions – but ONLY for that.
“Social Media” is ridiculous ! Also, dangerous to the young, who……by their very ignorance, cannot differentiate between truths and outright lies. It’s great, I suppose, for the cowardly who hide behind their electronic gizmos as they spread their craziness. I’d use stronger language BUT, I choose decorum……
Simple texts and emails work for me. I’m on fakebook to follow friends but never post. Also on linked in and am constantly getting friend requests from people I don’t even know. Clearly both are platforms for fishing & information gathering on people. Trust both of them about as much as I trust Fauci & the CDC..
Facebook is nothing but advertisements which means money for them! They forget about freedom of speech, expressing opinions or thinking that they can not control! Everyday it gets worse!
I only have a Facebook account to see what friends post. I would get rid of it, but there are a few groups that I follow for recommendations. And the jokes about our fake President are funny. I do have a Parler account, and follow a few news people.
I don’t use any of them any more. I really despise FB and Tw a t t e r. (*Martha spits in their direction*)
A waste of time. You can text folks you know or God forbid, pick up the phone and call them. Would you put your business out on the street for any assclown to see? That’s exactly what you do when you use ANTI-social media. You get what you deserve. The ANTI-social media maggots thank you for making them rich and powerful. Isn’t ignorance great until you find out you’ve been duped?
I needed to pick two: it’s negative AND I’ve never done Fecesbook or Instacram. I was on Twitter for a month or two, then was banned without a reason and Several requests to explain went unanswered. It’s both a shame and an insight that the followers of social media are utterly clueless (or careless) of the damage these outlets wield.
I abstain from all social media, my time is too precious!
Zuckerberg et al are today’s most useful idiots. They have the fascist Democrats an inch and now the fascists own them. I have no doubt that noncompliance would result in massive regulation, but I have no sympathy for these fools. They are smart enough to know better, but arrogant enough to believe it would never happen to them.
I hate Tw a t t e r and Facebook. All of these are just addictions for the young – and old. Facebook in particular ruined my relationship with partner of 20 yrs. He just couldn’t stay off it – like a drug!
I refuse to use social media……. period.
That said, I believe they are way too big and they need to lose their government protection from lawsuits.
Negative view AND I never use them!
I use YouTube for the videos that cover things I’m involved in. Aviation, Oval Track Racing, Boat and Ship Videos. I have never used the rest of them, and probably never will!
I’m probably not a very good barometer for this issue, as I refuse to do ANY “social” media, unless you consider email social media. Seems we have precious little personal interaction as it is; these options just exacerbate things. And from my observation, a great deal of it appears to be negative—who needs that?!
Social media is a plague on the earth.
I don’t believe the social media should be allowed to perform censorship. Having that kind of power never treats everyone equally, and it’s only words. If we don’t like them we can ignore them, but it shouldn’t be up to someone else to decide what should be shown, and what to deny.
I realize that these organizations are private enterprises. However, when they heavily censor the content of the site and disseminate not only their own propaganda and even censor the president of the USA; they need to be regulated and controlled by the Congress. All viewpoints should be allowed without any censorship. These should be open forums that allow people to draw their own conclusions based on actual facts and not heavily slanted propaganda.
If you have been silenced or removed from FB, I urge you to sign onto the class action lawsuit. Stop complaining and do what is necessary to stop them. They are stopping and controlling our Constitutional rights to free thoughts and SPEECH. Wake up already, before you have no rights given to you.
I only use Facebook. I can keep in contact with family and friends. My comments, however, occasionally lands me in Facebook jail because I’m usually against Facebook’s political narratives.
Social media is poison.
Social Media is bad for our children, teenagers and young adults. They are lacking social skills that they learn by talking to someone face to face. Just as is texting. We don’t want to hold conversations with each other anymore. As for me, I want to hear the voice of the person.
I use YouTube, none of the others. Mostly watch YouTube for interesting and/or historical video. There is some conservative content worthwhile.
I only use Facebook for political reasons, trying to convert the sheep before it is too late. Twitter is a cesspool.
Anyone that uses social media should have their head examined.
I am an Admin on a political page where we are constantly censored. However, #walkaway is building it’s own platform and we will be moving from facebook. We will still keep a presence on facebook because our platform will be an echo chamber where we won’t reach those who need to see the truth. Facebook took down our main page with 550,000 members without warning. Twitter is full of negative (substitute mean and ugly) people so we are also not spending as much time there.
I believe in our Bill of Rights. It’s a shame that the social media outlets don’t and use their platforms to manipulate the American people. May God have mercy on their souls.
I was on Facebook but got off because it was becoming a communistic leaning enterprise to appease the Democratic Socialists.
When social media can ban the President of the United States, sensor and block free speech about news reports of Hunter Biden’s laptop showing “pay for play” by the Bidens, sensor and block opinions based on scientists about COVID-19 coming from and being engineered by a lab in Wuhan China and now working with the current Democrat government to “track” and block anyone commenting about the effectiveness of vaccines…they are stomping on our Constitutional rights!! This used to only happen in Communist countries….China, Russia, Cuba, etc.block free speech and now it’s happening in the United States of America! Read Mark Levin’s new book, American Marxism!
Rip it/them down and build a swamp.
There is always room for improvement.
I do neither Facebook or Twitter. My friends and family can text or email me if they wish. These, Facebook and Twitter, are for the left only and discriminate against all who don’t agree with the left. I thought the Demorats were against discrimination. Only goes to show that We The People need to wake up and make drastic changes in 22. Together we can make this happen.
Social Media is just a way for people, news and other platforms to push their agenda. I have a FB account but mostly for the memes or check in with family. Depending of the source, I may read something. But it just for amusement.