

Which did you think was the best part of the Republican National Convention? Please choose three.

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4 years ago

When I first heard that the Republican National Convention was not going to have the big audience, I thought, “Oh no, President Trump does so well in that kind of venue.” Choosing any 3 of the choices would be a whole lot better than what the democrats are offering. It was difficult narrowing it down to “the best” 3.

I didn’t see the convention in its entirety, but what I did see left me absolutely delighted! The speakers did such a good job explaining how this administration’s policies helped them. They didn’t need some politician to put cash in their hands, expecting their votes in return. Instead, they enacted policies that would help the greatest number of people without making them dependent upon the federal government. Each of them spoke well, from the heart, and it’s easy to see how re-electing the Trump/Pence ticket is the only logical and sensible option.

Loved the fireworks…

Steven Eric Handwerker
Steven Eric Handwerker
4 years ago


Kevin Folger
Kevin Folger
4 years ago

I loved the RNC this week. I felt that it brought a bright spot to a very dark world. With the riots, chaos and the COVID crisis going on, the upbeat message from the Republicans was encouraging. While politics doesn’t fix all that is wrong in this world, it does help to have people who love this nation and are committed to keeping America moving forward running for important leadership positions. The Republican Party reflects my values much more than the Democratic Party.

4 years ago

My hope is that the people who can’t think for themselves and vote based on what they see on the six o’clock news watched the convention. Uplifting and gives our country hope for a strong future despite the oppositions desire to change us, and not for the better.

Susan Peters
Susan Peters
4 years ago

REALLY hard to choose just 3. Loved the entire tone of the convention with the emphasis on patriotism and diversity. This is the GOP as I always wanted it to be.

Jack Stone
Jack Stone
4 years ago

This president has remade the GOP into what I’ve wanted to vote for all my life. Exposing RINO’s has been just as positive as presenting the stark contrast with today’s Democrats.

Greg C
Greg C
4 years ago

Returning to Judeo-Christian roots to restore peace to our country.

Ruth Verhegge
Ruth Verhegge
4 years ago

The entire convention was wonderful. I have never before watched all of a convention before but I found myself looking forward to it starting each night. I did choose three but it was very difficult.

4 years ago

I loved that the opera singer sang Vincero – I will win.
Wonder how many noticed that.
I agree with the comments here.
It was hard to choose only three best things.
I watched both conventions.
It is easy to choose the worst thing from the other convention.
Obama’s speech. Absolutely despicable. Dishonest and villainous.

How did they get the fireworks to say Trump 2020?

Michael O Jones
Michael O Jones
4 years ago

All of the statements in the poll were awesome. The Republican convention, as a whole, was the most awesome television of the year. It’ so sad that so many people will not be able to see and understand the truth.

Murray Paxton
Murray Paxton
4 years ago

It was ALL very very GOOD…MAYBE JUST A BIT TOO MUCH BOSTING. I pray that we all know the source of our strength! .

Jon Kirsch
Jon Kirsch
4 years ago

I watched the entire convention. It was very well executed, with no time between speakers, excellent speakers, excellent personal stories from everyday people, NOT the people who think they are god’s gift to the world (actors, actresses, politicians). The few politicians that were featured were very good. I can not, in my wildest nightmares, imagine why anyone would vote for the Biden/kamala ticket UNLESS they want the government to act as God, and control all we do and all we eat, and what we get for healthcare, and watch all that we do. This came out loud and clear during the conventions – The Republican convention was far above the Dem convention in supporting personal liberty, We the people, and supporting your personal pursuit of happiness the way you see it. YOU must vote AND vote Republican.

4 years ago

The speeches by Tim Scott, Alice Johnson and Melania Trump.

Martin Manhart
Martin Manhart
4 years ago

I liked all the flags framing the podium at the White House for President Trump’s acceptance speech, simple and very classy!
And his speech was impeccable!
4 more years, please.
I hope, with God’s help it will happen.

Roger Cook
Roger Cook
4 years ago

I thought the RNC was OUTSTANDING. Very moving, it made me proud to be a Supporter of President Trump.

4 years ago

Ivanka had it right … Washington didn’t change Trump, Trump changed Washington. And how about that Kentucky AG? His comments shined a light on the “new” self-thinking black voter. The Convention carried a positive message. It was excellent, there were so many bright moments.

4 years ago

The Republican National Convention was awesome — interesting, uplifting and ingenious. Only in America could our current adverse situation be turned into the best RNC to date. It made me proud to be an American.

john koo
john koo
4 years ago


4 years ago

Didn’t watch (either) convention. Only saw some snippets that were presented on the news channels I watched. I already know where my vote is going and nothing said at either convention is going to change it.

Dorothy Hartley
Dorothy Hartley
4 years ago

I really loved watching the convention. I had a hard time deciding on just 3 because I loved it all. This was the best convention I have ever watched. As a Christian, the speakers reflected the values that I hold dear.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Wish RNC could send in field teams to show the riots & what the Dems wrought & that the goal of said riots is to Destroy America.
Show Dem history on race since 1965 to date
Use history against them.
Have women speakers better dressed for role.
ID events outside RNC events IF warranted.
for 2024?
But it beats DNC by far.
& check out Common Sense Party website & join in.( for CA now)

Alien Chronicles
Alien Chronicles
4 years ago

It’s the presentation and the delivery that made the RNC convention watchable, believable, and inspiring. Prepandemic conventions were rodeos and state fairs replete with all the hoopla of Friday night football games. This convention was tightly packaged, programmed, and broadcast. It left the Left with nothing to critique by their inept commentators and pandering elitists. I loved that the RNC featured common, garden variety every day Americans to speak instead of the likes of Romney, Ryan, Boehner, and the herd of RINOs. I don’t like watching conventions but this one? I loved it. God bless America.

David Williams
David Williams
4 years ago

Bringing back ‘One Nation under GOD’, the way to make America great again! Watched every bit of the RNC convention, and re-watched many of the testimonies multiple times… It’s a no-brainer, we must vote TRUMP-PENCE, continue to drain the swamp, and each of us do our part to make America great again. Thank you President & Mrs. Trump, Vice-President & Mrs. Pence, our prayer is that your type of leadership would prevail in the House and Senate.

John Rapp
John Rapp
4 years ago

The best part of the RNC, I believe, is during the acceptance speech of President Trump, when he described Americans as ones, who when their backs were against the wall (or similar words) they turn to Almighty God (said is a loud clear voice)!!! The greatest need in America today is to remember our Christian roots, and get back to standing on God, through Christ, in the public arena. History books written in the last hundred years largely leave out God; we must read the earlier ones! The Scriptures say that God humbles the proud, but exalts the humble (toward Him). This is truly how America will be great again, although I am very thankful that He has had mercy on us in raising up President Trump. One example of our Christian roots, I have learned about in recent years, is that the capitol building in Washington DC was used for church services, in the chambers of Congress, on Sundays, starting when it first opened in 1800, and this went on for decades. Even Thomas Jefferson attended the services. By the 1850’s it was the largest church gathering on Sundays in all of Washington and beyond. Source – WallBuilders.org. America is an exceptional nation because of courageous forefathers who kept God’s name, through Christ, in the public arena (humbled themselves to exalt His name), and then God exalted our nation.

Dianne Torres
Dianne Torres
4 years ago

The Democrats have proven the old adage No God, No Peace. When you KNOW God, you KNOW Peace. It’s easy simple and consise, most Republicans get it. We are being led on a downward spiral, in this country. I had such an ill feeling the whole 8 years BO was president that we were on borrowed time. He made a promise to transform us and he did. He took us down a socialistic path toward destruction. put us in so much debt. Gave cash to fund terrorism, and the rioters we see today are his goons that are his trained fleet. People forget so quickly. Our only hope has always been written in 2 Chronicles 7:14.  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. WAKE UP AMERICA, JESUS needs a voice before He returns. Some Of our loved ones will be left behind in this carnage if we don’t speak up. When the light is taken away, nothing but darkness prevails. Do you want the fires to be the only light seen? God Loves each and everyone of us us, Nancy and Chuck too. Pray for them.

4 years ago

The best thing about the convention for me was to physically present to the public, people with a positive message who have benefited from this administration and to offer candidates to vote for, as opposed to just people to vote against. It was to invite people to join as opposed to excluding people who do not agree. I would wager there were many curious people who watched who came away finding the message much more appealing than what the MSM would have one believe.

Keith Bailey
Keith Bailey
4 years ago

The most PRO-LIFE president in my lifetime!

Debra Noë
Debra Noë
4 years ago

It was difficult to narrow it to three choices. I pondered, changed my choices and finally settled on three, but still wish it could have been six!! The entire convention was encouraging, hopeful and patriotic. DNC didn’t come close.

Dr. Richard Zeile
Dr. Richard Zeile
4 years ago

I think the presentation of speakers, especially the staging of the President and Vice-president acceptance speeches, was notable better than that of the DNC which had too many empty room speeches and dead silence transitions. There was more of a convention feel to the RNC which I appreciated, though part of this was the genuine enthusiasm I have for the Republican positions and personalities. I felt that the DNC was too cloying in some of the human interest emphasis, though occasionally the RNC veered in that direction. But other people love that sort of thing. RNC had clearer policy substance beyond the feel-good segments, another plus. All-in-all, I thought it a very appealing presentation!

4 years ago

I could have selected all options. The entire convention was a positive message, showing belief in the American people, and what can be accomplished by the country. I was very proud of all of it and watched every night! Rona McDaniel did an excellent job pulling it all together, and it was all about “us”, normal people telling stories of how our great President Trump and his Administration and policies have helped them. We have much to be proud of.

John Lenski
John Lenski
4 years ago

The Republican convention was like a classic Hollywood production compared to the Demoncrats super 8mm home movie.

Evelyn Green
Evelyn Green
4 years ago

The fact that Every speaker said God Bless America

4 years ago

Actually I thought this RNC was the first Real True Honest Convention.
It really showed real people who know,work with,and have had them lives better because of the Trump Administration.
Well done!

4 years ago

The Cuban exile could have been the only speaker and the convention would have been a success. The US is the only viable country to escape to. Once the left takes over there’s nowhere left to escape to.

Judith Crouch
Judith Crouch
4 years ago

I would like to hear President Trump acknowledge our Native Americans more in his inclusion of Americans

Deeder Eichelberger
Deeder Eichelberger
4 years ago

We so very much need to keep President Trump in office. So choices were hard to pick–how about all of them!!

Tom M
Tom M
4 years ago

I liked everything that I saw. Too bad it couldn’t be re-run. Worth watching again.

Michael Rantz
Michael Rantz
4 years ago

America grows on positive reinforcement and facts, proven ideas that work. This is what the Trump administration has been trying to show the American people. Unfortunately, the democratic/(Socialist) party has other ideas, none of which actually benefit the American people. Not their values, morals, or growth. I managed to to pick the top 3 choices (by my choice) but it took some time to go over the top picks. I felt every choice was a legitimate choice, which made it even more difficult. God Bless America. Nikki Haley 2024.

Linda Trott Dickman
Linda Trott Dickman
4 years ago

I was no longer afraid to be a white, Christian woman of a certain age and a Republican. I recognized that country that the convention highlighted, and with new exciting voices. Voices that blended past politics and into national pride and purpose.

4 years ago

?nailed it!

4 years ago

Of the above choices, I could not pick only 3.
I only watched the last night & I am sorry! I’ve always hated conventions & never watched more than a few minutes, however this one was different. I loved all the diverse speakers & their messages. I watched it on C-span so I know I got it in its entirety, I do not trust the networks. I loved all the patriotism, & constantly asking God to bless America. We need his blessing now, more than since the Civil War.
I felt the President gave the best speech that I have seen, although it was long. (I got tired & turned it off, ut did record it).

Amelia Norman
Amelia Norman
4 years ago

The very best RNC in history!!! Trump produces quality in everything he touches!!! God really blessed us with this President and Vice President!!! I pray the mail in voter fraud will NOT be allowed to happen in Nov 2020 and then fix permanently, so, NEVER AGAIN in any level of election!!! Where are courageous men that will ensure our laws already on the books are ENFORCED??? Our judiciary is corrupt at ALL levels it appears now…… if this is NOT fixed it will destroy America!!!

4 years ago

There is such a difference in worldview between the camps. Democrats are allied with anti-godly forces like abortion as ultimate truth, antifa and BLM as legitimate, progressivism as disavowing God, refusing to allow God to even be mentioned in their proceedings, corruption and calling legitimate governance corrupt, fostering hate and violence while accusing opponents of the same. My concern is that too many people will fail to see the differences and the stakes.

4 years ago

The choice is easy…… It’s either Biden with BLM and Antifa running the country, or President Trump where law and order triumphs over anarchy

madge m schmid
madge m schmid
4 years ago

I don’t like President Trump’s ego or his tweets but I do believe he loves America and our people.I don’t understand how all the democratic mayors and governors can allow all the riots in their town. Looting, setting fires and beating people up is terrorism NOT peaceful protesting.BLM says they seek justice, what about the little boy that was shot point blank,what about all the slain officers,what about all the other people killed by blacks? This isn’t about color, this is about privilege,spoiled brats that have no respect for law and order.I believe we have a lot of bad cops and need to address that and our justice system but we can’t allow people to be afraid to go out for fear of getting shot or their streets and homes being burnt down along with businesses that had nothing to do with the THUGS. This has to stop and the democrats aren’t going to do their job to protect! Apparently none of them had jobs ,who is funding them,who put the bricks out on street corners for them to throw? As for my family and I , WE WILL protect ourselves if the government can’t and won’t!

John D
John D
4 years ago

The RNC stands in stark contrast to the cynical, dark DNC’s “E-convention”. Of particular delight to me, were the many stories of how the Trump Administration helped average Americans through their own challenges and fights the deep-state for all of us. It was good to hear a summary of accomplishments during the past 4 years. The prevailing message of hope was welcome in these days of fake media reporting and “peaceful protests”. Trumps competence on the job as well as his tenacity to push-back against socialist Dems assures his reelection.

4 years ago

PBS, our government broadcast machine, cut out some of the best speakers so they could try to dominate the rnc with their talking-head naysayers. How can they not be called to task or yanked off the air?

4 years ago

How about: All of the above?

4 years ago

At the RNC, the best part really was the cross section of individuals (selected, of course, but still…) who spoke of the actual things that the current administration has accomplished and how it personally improved life for them. This was a representative cross section from all of society and all “races”. And this spoke VOLUMES about how in-touch Trump is with Americans; how pro-American and pro-America Trump is. It was “look, he really is OUR president, ALL of us”.

There was no counterpart at the DNC. No one could come out and state specifically how this administration’s policies or actions had diminished or harmed life for them. Nothing was offered on how this administration had been anti-America (as the founders set it up, and as the Constitution was designed to maintain it) or anti-American. They had no support for their position of why “orange man bad” (apart from what appeared to be a statement of “we just don’t like him”).

Melissa Elliott
Melissa Elliott
4 years ago

President Trump has proof of his work despite the problematic left! God Bless America! MAGA!!!

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