

What should the United States’ foreign policy stance be towards Iran?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

They play the long game when it comes to their stated goal of defeating The Great Satan, aka America.
The ONLY advancements their culture have acquired has come from the West and as such
the Mullahs are determined to use said acquired technology(s) (atomic weapons) to wage Jihad against the West
until total defeat and subjugation has been achieved.

#TRUMP2020 Deus Vult !

5 years ago

Do not allow Iran to develope nuclear weapons.

John Laak
John Laak
5 years ago

Do what President Reagan did. Take out some of their oil rigs.

Jim Eckland
Jim Eckland
5 years ago

Fact is, we really don’t know what’s happening in the Middle East. The truth is not getting to the “We The People ” which is necessary to chart the correct course. The media and ” Deep State” , so called , are probably responsible. Also the Council On Foreign Relations which continues to work towards World Government are taking steps the American people would not approve of. God Bless America.

5 years ago

We missed an opportunity when we told Israel not to take action against them a few years ago

5 years ago

Allow Japanese fighters to launch from our carriers & take out one Iranian (or terrorist) boat for every tanker attacked. Iranians understand ONLY this kind of diplomacy, proven by the fact they were talking with a Japanese representative when the Japanese tanker was attacked. The mullahs have no principles beyond their blind fanaticism.

Adam Freeman
Adam Freeman
5 years ago

People, since Islam is incompatible with Western civilization, as is Pharisee Judaic Talmudism, we need to arm all of the Mid-East Nations, as we have armed Israel, and let them either practice a Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) policy or exterminate each other. It worked for the USA Empire & the USSR Empire for decades, didn’t it? Isn’t it working for India & Pakistan right now? America does not get its oil from the Mid-East and we have no “dog in the fight”.

5 years ago

I think it’s time to send a US submarine and lay a few cruise missiles on their Bandahar naval base, and call it Bandagone. They have committed acts of war, and that would get their attention as nothing else will.

5 years ago

When we have had a spineless administration that sent millions on pallets to Iran on private planes to hide it from the American public. it showed weakness and compliance with a terrorist state. It also showed what a Tyrant we had in the Oval Office it’s time to show Iran we do not have the same mentality in office

5 years ago

They’re will never be “normalized” relations with this country, at least until leadership there changes. They hate America.

5 years ago

Blow their ships out of the waterz

5 years ago

Blow their boats out of the water

5 years ago

Carpet bomb Iran, destroying their air, naval and nuclear plants. Bomb the administrative buildings, eliminating the leadership. But do not invade. Let the people rise up and change leadership.

Jim McLain
Jim McLain
5 years ago

Iran hasn’t directly attacked the United States (this time.) There is time to deal with their aggression. However, I do believe it is time for Mr. Trump to draw “a line in the sand.” The Iranians are poking a sleeping eagle and we need to be in a position to say, “We told you not to do that.” They seem to think all American presidents are as passive and apologetic as Mr. Obama. If so, they are as foolish and as feckless as Mr. Obama was. Mr. Trump will bide his time waiting for Iran to push just a little too much. Then Mr. Trump will strike if he feels it is in this Country’s best interest. He is a counter-puncher, that one. I sleep sounder knowing he is at the helm.

Ed S
Ed S
5 years ago

Most if not all of the problems we are having, from illegals invading the southern border to hostility with other countries, are directly related to the previous administration and the do nothing congress.

5 years ago

The “Persians” have been this way for thousands of years. Nothing will change their ways.

Theologically Speaking
Theologically Speaking
5 years ago

Iran thinks themselves the agent of their fake and false god ! Their entire goal is to start Armageddon and their god and prophets are to step in and save them ! We should take out every boat, gun ship and even radar stations they have ! Any and all military moves by them must be destroyed and left as dust !

Their goal is our total destruction, even if there were only 3 of them they would try for our and Israel’s destruction !


5 years ago

First, support the Iranian people in a clear , public manor in a constant bases by using the social media. Secondly, cut off Russia and China from helping Iran specially when Iranian people don’t like to see so many Russians and Chinese doing so well in Iran and having influence over their leaders. Thirdly, Iranian leadership has billions of dollars in real state and investments outside of Iran for their rainy days and many of their children enjoy lavish life style in the west at the expense of the people so go after them and publicly shame them and expose them on every turn for the good of suffering Iranian people.

Mark Jebe
Mark Jebe
5 years ago

The Koran doesn’t preach what most Americans would think of as religion; it is a 7th century manual for tribal conquest. It preaches pillage and murder. Muslims aren’t just allowed to victimize us, their religion demands they victimize us, and commands them to deceive us about it. It’s called taquiia, strategic lying. Iran’s Shia mullahs preach a particularly dangerous brand of Islam. They’re waiting for the Mahdi, the 12th Imam to return and lead them to world domination, but this will only happen amidst widespread death and chaos. That’s why they want nuclear weapons, to bring about widespread death and chaos, and cause the Mahdi to return and lead them to victory.

There is no way to reason with a person or nation willing to commit suicide in the act of killing others. There is no argument we can make to stop them. The only way to stop them is to prevent them from getting nuclear weapons an the means of delivering them.

Iran has been allowed to mine, import and enrich uranium under Obama’s nuclear deal. In theory they’re not allowed to enrich beyond reactor grade, but since we can’t inspect their facilities, how do we know they aren’t squirreling away a few pounds of weapons grade uranium each month? We don’t, and once they have as little as 60 pounds of weapons grade uranium it will be easy for them to build a low tech, gun-type bomb, like Little Boy (the bomb dropped on Hiroshima). A ton of enriched uranium is enough for three dozen Little Boys.

These simple bombs are too big for suitcases, but could easily be hidden inside 40′ shipping containers, to be shipped to and detonated in coastal cities of their choosing, say Boston, New York, Miami, New Orleans, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle.

That’s why we have to isolate them, because the nuclear agreement gave them access to uranium, and their motives aren’t political. They aren’t trying to build an empire. They’re trying to bring about the end of days, so they don’t care if they die while killing us, as long as we die too.

5 years ago

iran can never be trusted. Wasn’t that long ago they seized a group of our sailors which they used for propaganda purposes. Not sure of the timeline, was that before or after the Obama Administration gave them billions of dollars. Doesn’t really matter. The appeasement route doesn’t end well. Negotiations with a terrorist state that calls for the destruction of America is useless.

Ray Ruthenberg
Ray Ruthenberg
5 years ago

Another false flag operation. Israel and Saudi Arabia hate Iran, so they lean on puppet US to supply arms and spill blood for them It’s happened in Iraq and Syria, nor Iran is the next target. The oil companies love it.

Greg Russell
Greg Russell
5 years ago

Iran is the worlds leading state sponsor of terrorism. They have repeatedly stated that their only reason for existing is to wipe Israel off the map. There cannot be peace globally with a functional Iran.

5 years ago

I personally believe Trump is handling this situation very carefully. He is listening to his military advisers and is not putting any red line in action. Trump is no a Hawk and would use military force as a last resort. But if Iran ever attacks any of our assets Trump will not hesitate to use Force.

Charles Leveque
Charles Leveque
5 years ago

We certainly don’t want a full scale war, but if they are guilty of aggression they need consequences! If nothing is done and they get away it, they will only do it again, and probably worse. We should always leave verbal communication open, but that alone won’t stop them. Possibly more sanctions. They need to pay monetary damages to the fullest amount allowed, and if necessary, military force.

5 years ago

It really should be all of the above .

5 years ago

Iran’s ruling body is evil. Evil always needs to be dealt with harshly. There are good people there that are trapped in this evil regime. That still needs to be considered but the ruling body needs to be squeezed out.

5 years ago

No problem that one well placed nuke wouldn’t solve.

5 years ago

Middle Eastern nations have been at war since biblical times ( Judism vs.. Islam ).
Nothing we have done or will do will stop it. It will take a nuclear war (Armaggedon ) to stop it.
Stop sending our young service people ,and money, to combat it. Its not effective. Its just killing to many
of our service men and women, and its a waste of our money.

5 years ago

America tried Diplomacy once.
Iran has there own Agenda. They, think of us as Infidels. I say, put sanctions on them. Until there leaders decide to treat the USA, with respect.

Alan Juhl
Alan Juhl
5 years ago

It’s well past time to cut off the head of the snake. We need to invade Iran, destroy their missile and all their nuclear systems and cripple their oil fields. Set them back 50 years on their world domination plan

5 years ago

We have 2 choices. Sit on our thumbs like Obama did and wait for them to come after us again. Or go after them. It’s not the people of Iran who hate America. It’s the leadership. Take them out and Iran would be a very different place in a very short time.

5 years ago

It’s my understanding that the Imam and the Muhlas want to return Iran back to the 6th Century. So, lets just let them do just that. Back in the 6th Century, so to speak, they’ll be of no trouble to us or other advanced nations.

William Hutton
William Hutton
5 years ago

We are beating them and every other potential enemy economically. We probably need to catch up with our cyber watergate tactics with China and others though!
Our President is doing a fabulous for only being on the job 2 1/2 years!

Kenneth W Billman
Kenneth W Billman
5 years ago

Capture one of the boats attaching the mines and expose their behavior to the World. Then see if the U.N. will do something.

5 years ago

Enough is enough! You can’t t fix STUPID!!

5 years ago

President Trump will do what needs to be done with regard to Iran, he listens to his military advisors and takes everything into consideration especially the lives of our men and women currently serving. He puts America first!

5 years ago

The poll didn’t mention NONE OF THE ABOVE. We have NO BUSINESS in the Middle East. PERIOD. What needs to happen get to get warmonger John Bolton OUT before we’re not only stepping up war in the Middle East and Africa, but in Venezuela as well. Enough already. These wars DO NOT protect us. Just look at the southern border. THAT is the REAL danger.

5 years ago

Seek and destroy is an appropriate response to regimes who persist in disrupting the world order. Wimps who persist in using diplomacy in hopes of pacifying dictators have never learned history’s lessons. That approach never works.

Sheree Lewis
Sheree Lewis
5 years ago

We have to strategically deal with this matter between the President and all of his top Military trained officials. They need to work together and our country needs prayer. We need godly leaders looking to include godly guidance and prayer. For all Americans.

5 years ago

For the life of me, I can’t understand why any group of people can think it would be a good thing to wipe out the rest of the world. But, I absolutely believe that if they could accomplish that, they would just kill each other, because that’s the only thing they know. So, what’s the point, what’s the gain? I’ve always been instructed to never argue with a fool, so I guess it just goes on until some other group says “that’s enough” and eliminates the problem. Thank God for the alternative. You can read all about it in the Holy Bible.

Alan Esterley
Alan Esterley
5 years ago

You can’t normalize relations with a radical Islamic Nation

5 years ago

I like the way Greg thinks. Sanctions obviously haven’t hurt enough, but I’ll bet hard cash that bombing an oil rig a week would work. Let’s git her done!

Wayne Teeters
Wayne Teeters
5 years ago

Iran is our enemy. They openly talk of our total destructuction. This has been their stance for 40 years., and countless deaths. Time for us to take a stand before the left regains power and continues Obama’s policy of submission. There c a number be no peace with a murderous regime, only victory or defeat.

R. Dorien de Lusignan
R. Dorien de Lusignan
5 years ago

We are now reaping the results of the Obama “apologize for being an American, We are too scared to do what is right” approach to the world. That part of the world has no respect for weakness or “let’s all just get along” diplomacy. Thank God for our current President, as unconventional as he is compared to run-of-the mill politicians, sometimes uncomfortably so to some.
Obama sent pallets of money to quiet them for a time while never settling any real issues. Billary Clinton was at the same time making deals with America’s enemies in exchange for money paid to the Clinton Foundation and Whorehouse Fund. Obama gave money away, Billary gave favors away, both gave America way. What a setup for the rest of us. And now Biden wants to start it all over again. God help us to stop the Liberal agenda. Sincerely and in Christ, Dorien de Lusignan

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
5 years ago

To quote Teddy Roosevelt “Walk softly, but carry a “BIG” stick.”

Tommy Reeves
Tommy Reeves
5 years ago

Our Military should blow Iran’s small patrol boats, like the one videoed with night vision removing an unexploded mine from a tanker, out of the water.

Before the tankers leave the loading ports in the gulf, their hulls should be inspected by divers for bombs or mines that may have been attached while being loaded. Once the tankers are under way, they should be escorted by one of our DDG Destroyers to protect them until they are a safe distance from Iran.

5 years ago

Iranian religion and only purpose is to eliminate non-believers at any cost. This won’t “diplomatically” change.

Wayne D Peterkin
Wayne D Peterkin
5 years ago

If I thought we could really isolate Iran from the rest of the world I would have voted for that. But we can’t. China is threatening to step in and do business with Iran just as the latest aggression in the Persian Gulf unfolds. What I do favor is keeping shipping lanes cleared with our minesweepers, sinking any submarines without warning found operating in the Persian Gulf as a threat to shipping, and sinking any and all small Iranian boats outside of Iranian waters because they are often (if not always) a threat to other navigation. At one time not long ago, some Iranian non-military vessels were fitted with missiles that could be used against our military as well as civilian shipping. Take a hard stance. Otherwise, why do we even have a naval presence in the gulf?

5 years ago

The policy decision is best left in the hands of the experts who have a great deal of information not made public. No matter the media source it is not prudent to make a call based on feeling that is vital to our nations security.

5 years ago

My choice of kicking Iran’s butt was not on the list. I wanted to go slaughter Iranians when I was in the Army Infantry in 1979-80, but we had a coward named Jimmy Carter in the White House. I am still fit and ready to go wipe them out today. I volunteer!

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