Congress needs to get a handle on the national debt, all else is secondary.
Apparently, some people can’t quite seem to grasp the effects that debt has on the economics of America.
6 years ago
This poll is completely useless. Both McConnell and Ryan have said exactly what both houses of Congress will be focused on before recess. Which doesn’t include any of the options being offered anyway.
This is a great Poll because it shows how poorly the Republican run Congress has failed to tackle the important issues of today. What have they done about the National Debt- except increase it!
The President is trying to cut the costs of prescription drugs, not the Congress. And of course we still are stuck with Obamacare.
If the Republicans lose control of the house in November it will be because of a lack of leadership on their part.
What are they afraid of?
5 years ago
None of the above, I think the 2most imporntant are stopping every penny of financial support, ie food stamps, housing allowance, etc to NON CItizans should be immediately ended, second they should fund the wall
Charles Slattery
5 years ago
Take care of DACA who in effect ARE US citizens! now! Stop the deportation of illegals that have lived here for 5,10, 30 yrs or more. They have families, jobs, businesses and need a path to full citizenship. They are here because congress has not done their job of closing the borders and returning them in a timely manner.
Karen Woods
5 years ago
None of them would be top of my list really, but I feel immigration issues and border control should be #1
5 years ago
Getting rid of lobbyists period would end so much problems in this Nation.Redundancy in Government would cut spending also.
5 years ago
Why are they getting a recess? So much work to be done on all these. I know they want to get home to schmooze with their constituents but still, when I was working, I couldn’t take a recess if my work wasn’t done.
Bruce Bielfelt
5 years ago
Gramgreat… you hit the nail on the head. Want to run for Congress??? I might add one more thing. Write a law which makes it illegal for sanctuary states and cities to exist in the union and take their governors and put them in jail as well as their mayors .
5 years ago
Stop “abortion” (murder of the innocent)…!
5 years ago
Get off their lazy butts and do something other than argue, do what our tax dollars and votes pay for and put them into office for. To represent their constituents!!!!!!!!
John Wyckoff
5 years ago
You are missing the most important in the poll; fund the wall!
Nancy Sexton
5 years ago
Would like to hit more but can’t. Get rid of a forced health insurance Obama No Care Insurance.
Mark Sirinides
5 years ago
Pass laws that help Trump fulfill his agenda. ObamaCare must go but also: make tax cuts permanent and FUND THE WALL – all of it.
5 years ago
Who put this poll together? Confirm Kavanaugh, fund the wall, pass a budget for a change!
5 years ago
All the choices were worthy but I chose to lower the cost of prescription drugs because right now it’s good politics. But there is a lot we should do ASAP, fund the wall!, stop giving aid to illegal aliens, stop giving foreign aid to countries that don’t like the US. Allow insurance to be bought across state lines.
Kevin Walls
5 years ago
None of the above, I think the 2most important are stopping every penny of financial support, ie food stamps, housing allowance, etc to NON CItizans should be immediately ended, second they should fund the wall. Second Choice is TERM LIMITS and put all congress past and present on same laws that they pass laws on.
Steve McLeroy
5 years ago
This poll is trivial. How about to confirm Cavanah to the Supreme Court. How about to do their job and stop obstruting Pres. Trump. How about putting Hillary, Obama and the supposed clowns in jail like Muller and his criminals he has runninf things. How about Congress needs NO RECESS BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING.
5 years ago
Build the wall. Mandatory E-Verify, fix other immigration problems. Make the tax cuts permanent. Nationwide voter ID law. National concealed carry bill. All are more urgent than the given choices and will become more difficult after the mid-term election.
Rick Marchione
5 years ago
Congress needs to stay put and get down to business. This summer break was first introduced before Mechanical Air Conditioning in buildings, to escape the heat in Washington. As far as returning to their districts to work, most are in the Tropics. They get enough time off during the year as it is. Get Busy.
5 years ago
Trump’s lack of action/focus on the national debt is a big disappoint to me.
5 years ago
Stop foreign aid and #2 cut congressional pay and cadillac benefits as it’s obvious to me they can get nothing done,When you retire from Cinress you should go on Social Security like the rest of us
R Hogan
5 years ago
Get funding for the wall!
5 years ago
First of all this “poll” should have had an “all of the above” button with a spot to place your own priority. Yes, it is a poor reflection on Congress. From what I am hearing, Congress has passed some legislation, but its been Sen. Mitch McConnell who is sitting on them! Can you say “Harry Reid? (BTW how is it McConnell’s approval rating sits around 19% but keeps getting re-elected?)
The “swamp” is large,smelly and loaded with dangerous “creatures”
Jedssica Byrnes
5 years ago
Handling the National Debt. What is the liklihood of Trump reintroducing the Gold Standard at $10,000 an ounce? National Debt could be wiped out. The US has more gold than the next 3 highest countries put together. I also have the opinion that Prescription Drugs kill people.
Nan V.
5 years ago
They should NOT go on recess…. they don’t have their work done.
Robert Steiner
5 years ago
Dennis Chick
5 years ago
Kathleen McCrory
5 years ago
Needed a choice for “all the above”.
5 years ago
I say keep the Democrats far far away from Washington and don’t come back. They don’t do squat anyway. Let the republicans pass the bills and laws. The democrats don’t want to help our country just obstruct.
5 years ago
None of the above! Stop supporting ILLEGAL aliens and build the wall!
At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664.
The Federal government spends a net amount of $45.8 billion on illegal aliens and their U.S.-born children after the honest ones pay $18,968,857,800 in taxes. This amount includes expenditures for public education, medical care, justice enforcement initiatives, welfare programs and other miscellaneous costs. It also factors in the meager amount illegal aliens pay to the federal government in income, social security, Medicare and excise taxes.
Figures from
Mary Kenny
5 years ago
They should get with the program and do them r jobs
5 years ago
Put voter ID in place before the November election. You know the Anti American Democrat Socialist Party will have people voting from their graves.
5 years ago
Prescription drugs affects more people on a personal level than anything else listed.
Tony hylton
5 years ago
Lowering prescription drug prices is easy for folks to understand. The other issues mentioned are more complicated and subject to nuances.
Everybody can understand lowering prices. Git ‘er done !!!
Jim C.
5 years ago
AND, confirm Judge Kavanaugh.
5 years ago
Since Obamacare is in the lead, it needs to be repealed and replaced with something affordable. There was way too much discussion about only repealing which would be a disaster. There need to be affordable options for the self employed as well as many others! I would just like congress to do something. Why do they need a recess? They are largest group of people collecting a paycheck and not producing any work! If we did that, we would be fired!
Eric Thomas
5 years ago
While I would prefer getting rid of the rest of Obamacare, doing so NOW, right before the All Important Mid-Rem Elections, May have a rallying effect for a certain segment of the Independent Voter Bloc AGAINST the GOP while Lowering the Cost of Prescription Meds would be seen as a Huge POSITIVE, especially by the Senior Vote Across the Political Spectrum. 😉 Think People, Think. 🙂
5 years ago
The incentive to vote is to keep Congress red!
5 years ago
Of course I am sure everyone will agree, all of the above. The one and most important issue you left out was funding for the wall. As far as I am concerned Trump should not sign any funding bill without the wall.
Shut down this wasteful government in need be.
Jake Lloyd
5 years ago
Go home and stay there.
5 years ago
It’s JOB !! To much to list . America you have 80 days to make the change .
Judith k Sanders
5 years ago
In favor of a voter registration identification to prevent illegals from voting. Aliens have no right to vote in our elections unless they are here legally. A drivers license does not do the job. We need proof of citizenship.
5 years ago
None of the above , immigration and rid this country of illegal alians
Larry Hendry
5 years ago
Mid term election is the most critical for Trumps agenda to succeed We have to win to stop socialization of the country and close the boarded
5 years ago
Congress needs to fully fund a Southern border wall and make illegal entry a felony.
5 years ago
Worthless poll! Stop spending money on these illegal ‘s! No food stamps, no welfare, do away with birthing rights. Mother not a citizen? Newborn not a citizen! Build the wall! No recess! Work not complete! Pass a budget!
Craig Thomas
5 years ago
We just had a 9/11 the anniversary, how about hold a military tribunal for the terrorists we are holding in Gitmo!Eliminating that cost would be a start to save the country to save MILLIONS!
5 years ago
Incentivize people to vote …. Pass a bill to fully fund THE WALL.
5 years ago
Lousy bastards, all, need to grow a set and start passing our agenda. The wall, appeal Obama care, immigration and all else. Bringing tax reform 2.0 now, nothing, but a rouse. They said they couldn’t do it along with tax reform 1.0, what’s different now? They bring it now only to have your attention during the midterms and lied to us that at the time it couldn’t be done. This was nothing but a strategy based on our trust in their honesty and our ignorance.
Now it’s midterm and they run on the credits of what Trump has done and not what they have done. If I listed the congress achievements next to Trumps the congress column is bare. And now they say that if we don’t vote for them we will regress. same fear tactics as their brethren democrats. Screw them! I say let Trump continue to MAGA, KAGA, without them as he has done for the past two years and gamble that in 2020 we will have some real patriots to vote for.
McCarthy and Scalise have
done nothing. Two more Ryan boys in the same mold as
Boehner. As for the rest, color them yellow. Here chick chick chick chick, here chick chick chick chick!
Congress needs to get a handle on the national debt, all else is secondary.
Apparently, some people can’t quite seem to grasp the effects that debt has on the economics of America.
This poll is completely useless. Both McConnell and Ryan have said exactly what both houses of Congress will be focused on before recess. Which doesn’t include any of the options being offered anyway.
This is a great Poll because it shows how poorly the Republican run Congress has failed to tackle the important issues of today. What have they done about the National Debt- except increase it!
The President is trying to cut the costs of prescription drugs, not the Congress. And of course we still are stuck with Obamacare.
If the Republicans lose control of the house in November it will be because of a lack of leadership on their part.
What are they afraid of?
None of the above, I think the 2most imporntant are stopping every penny of financial support, ie food stamps, housing allowance, etc to NON CItizans should be immediately ended, second they should fund the wall
Take care of DACA who in effect ARE US citizens! now! Stop the deportation of illegals that have lived here for 5,10, 30 yrs or more. They have families, jobs, businesses and need a path to full citizenship. They are here because congress has not done their job of closing the borders and returning them in a timely manner.
None of them would be top of my list really, but I feel immigration issues and border control should be #1
Getting rid of lobbyists period would end so much problems in this Nation.Redundancy in Government would cut spending also.
Why are they getting a recess? So much work to be done on all these. I know they want to get home to schmooze with their constituents but still, when I was working, I couldn’t take a recess if my work wasn’t done.
Gramgreat… you hit the nail on the head. Want to run for Congress??? I might add one more thing. Write a law which makes it illegal for sanctuary states and cities to exist in the union and take their governors and put them in jail as well as their mayors .
Stop “abortion” (murder of the innocent)…!
Get off their lazy butts and do something other than argue, do what our tax dollars and votes pay for and put them into office for. To represent their constituents!!!!!!!!
You are missing the most important in the poll; fund the wall!
Would like to hit more but can’t. Get rid of a forced health insurance Obama No Care Insurance.
Pass laws that help Trump fulfill his agenda. ObamaCare must go but also: make tax cuts permanent and FUND THE WALL – all of it.
Who put this poll together? Confirm Kavanaugh, fund the wall, pass a budget for a change!
All the choices were worthy but I chose to lower the cost of prescription drugs because right now it’s good politics. But there is a lot we should do ASAP, fund the wall!, stop giving aid to illegal aliens, stop giving foreign aid to countries that don’t like the US. Allow insurance to be bought across state lines.
None of the above, I think the 2most important are stopping every penny of financial support, ie food stamps, housing allowance, etc to NON CItizans should be immediately ended, second they should fund the wall. Second Choice is TERM LIMITS and put all congress past and present on same laws that they pass laws on.
This poll is trivial. How about to confirm Cavanah to the Supreme Court. How about to do their job and stop obstruting Pres. Trump. How about putting Hillary, Obama and the supposed clowns in jail like Muller and his criminals he has runninf things. How about Congress needs NO RECESS BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING.
Build the wall. Mandatory E-Verify, fix other immigration problems. Make the tax cuts permanent. Nationwide voter ID law. National concealed carry bill. All are more urgent than the given choices and will become more difficult after the mid-term election.
Congress needs to stay put and get down to business. This summer break was first introduced before Mechanical Air Conditioning in buildings, to escape the heat in Washington. As far as returning to their districts to work, most are in the Tropics. They get enough time off during the year as it is. Get Busy.
Trump’s lack of action/focus on the national debt is a big disappoint to me.
Stop foreign aid and #2 cut congressional pay and cadillac benefits as it’s obvious to me they can get nothing done,When you retire from Cinress you should go on Social Security like the rest of us
Get funding for the wall!
First of all this “poll” should have had an “all of the above” button with a spot to place your own priority. Yes, it is a poor reflection on Congress. From what I am hearing, Congress has passed some legislation, but its been Sen. Mitch McConnell who is sitting on them! Can you say “Harry Reid? (BTW how is it McConnell’s approval rating sits around 19% but keeps getting re-elected?)
The “swamp” is large,smelly and loaded with dangerous “creatures”
Handling the National Debt. What is the liklihood of Trump reintroducing the Gold Standard at $10,000 an ounce? National Debt could be wiped out. The US has more gold than the next 3 highest countries put together. I also have the opinion that Prescription Drugs kill people.
They should NOT go on recess…. they don’t have their work done.
Needed a choice for “all the above”.
I say keep the Democrats far far away from Washington and don’t come back. They don’t do squat anyway. Let the republicans pass the bills and laws. The democrats don’t want to help our country just obstruct.
None of the above! Stop supporting ILLEGAL aliens and build the wall!
At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664.
The Federal government spends a net amount of $45.8 billion on illegal aliens and their U.S.-born children after the honest ones pay $18,968,857,800 in taxes. This amount includes expenditures for public education, medical care, justice enforcement initiatives, welfare programs and other miscellaneous costs. It also factors in the meager amount illegal aliens pay to the federal government in income, social security, Medicare and excise taxes.
Figures from
They should get with the program and do them r jobs
Put voter ID in place before the November election. You know the Anti American Democrat Socialist Party will have people voting from their graves.
Prescription drugs affects more people on a personal level than anything else listed.
Lowering prescription drug prices is easy for folks to understand. The other issues mentioned are more complicated and subject to nuances.
Everybody can understand lowering prices. Git ‘er done !!!
AND, confirm Judge Kavanaugh.
Since Obamacare is in the lead, it needs to be repealed and replaced with something affordable. There was way too much discussion about only repealing which would be a disaster. There need to be affordable options for the self employed as well as many others! I would just like congress to do something. Why do they need a recess? They are largest group of people collecting a paycheck and not producing any work! If we did that, we would be fired!
While I would prefer getting rid of the rest of Obamacare, doing so NOW, right before the All Important Mid-Rem Elections, May have a rallying effect for a certain segment of the Independent Voter Bloc AGAINST the GOP while Lowering the Cost of Prescription Meds would be seen as a Huge POSITIVE, especially by the Senior Vote Across the Political Spectrum. 😉 Think People, Think. 🙂
The incentive to vote is to keep Congress red!
Of course I am sure everyone will agree, all of the above. The one and most important issue you left out was funding for the wall. As far as I am concerned Trump should not sign any funding bill without the wall.
Shut down this wasteful government in need be.
Go home and stay there.
It’s JOB !! To much to list . America you have 80 days to make the change .
In favor of a voter registration identification to prevent illegals from voting. Aliens have no right to vote in our elections unless they are here legally. A drivers license does not do the job. We need proof of citizenship.
None of the above , immigration and rid this country of illegal alians
Mid term election is the most critical for Trumps agenda to succeed We have to win to stop socialization of the country and close the boarded
Congress needs to fully fund a Southern border wall and make illegal entry a felony.
Worthless poll! Stop spending money on these illegal ‘s! No food stamps, no welfare, do away with birthing rights. Mother not a citizen? Newborn not a citizen! Build the wall! No recess! Work not complete! Pass a budget!
We just had a 9/11 the anniversary, how about hold a military tribunal for the terrorists we are holding in Gitmo!Eliminating that cost would be a start to save the country to save MILLIONS!
Incentivize people to vote …. Pass a bill to fully fund THE WALL.
Lousy bastards, all, need to grow a set and start passing our agenda. The wall, appeal Obama care, immigration and all else. Bringing tax reform 2.0 now, nothing, but a rouse. They said they couldn’t do it along with tax reform 1.0, what’s different now? They bring it now only to have your attention during the midterms and lied to us that at the time it couldn’t be done. This was nothing but a strategy based on our trust in their honesty and our ignorance.
Now it’s midterm and they run on the credits of what Trump has done and not what they have done. If I listed the congress achievements next to Trumps the congress column is bare. And now they say that if we don’t vote for them we will regress. same fear tactics as their brethren democrats. Screw them! I say let Trump continue to MAGA, KAGA, without them as he has done for the past two years and gamble that in 2020 we will have some real patriots to vote for.
McCarthy and Scalise have
done nothing. Two more Ryan boys in the same mold as
Boehner. As for the rest, color them yellow. Here chick chick chick chick, here chick chick chick chick!