

What is your view of the National Rifle Association (NRA)?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
4 years ago

I became fed up and annoyed with their constant demands and ceaseless pleading for more and more money which
bordered on harassment while their officers lived lavishly at the palatial NRA HQ. on the backs of the membership.
I am now a proud and satisfied member of GOA which I recommend to all 2a patriots without hesitation or reservation,
and the difference has been like that of night and day. I would urge all to check them out and join even if you are
not a firearms owner.

#Trump/House/Senate/2020 – Deus Vult !

4 years ago

Am a member of both NRA and GOA.

Ed Goodwin
Ed Goodwin
4 years ago

Answering this question as posed would not provide my view of the NRA. I am a lifetime member. However, I feel there is fiscal malfeasance involved and I can’t provide them my wholehearted support.

Don Sowers
Don Sowers
4 years ago

I think the NRA started as a good organization but has evolved into something much different. There is a lot of problems within the NRA and until ‘new management’ is instituted and a more transparent NRA comes forth, I cannot join.

Dave in Fairfax
Dave in Fairfax
4 years ago

I’m a Life Member of NRA as well as a member of GOA, VCDL, SAF FPC and CCRKBA. Negotiating Right Away is the only one I made a mistake by joining. Since its inception the NRA has NOT been a pro-2A group, check the comments made by its founder about citizens’ right to keep and bear arms. It has had its hands in writing every piece of federal anti-gun legislation that there is, although it denies it or tries to explain away its actions. This survey is skewed in favor of No longer Relevant Anyway in that it doesn’t have any choices that allow for being a member and disgusted with the actions of the BoD and WLP. They were FORCED into making a pretense of being more than a training group and have fought to remove all power by the membership to have control over the organization.

4 years ago

The NRA’s steadfast defence isn’t all that steadfast! I became a GOA member.

Roland Alvarez
Roland Alvarez
4 years ago

I fully support the NRA. I am also a life member!

Mike Hyneman
Mike Hyneman
4 years ago

The NRA has been engaged politically, to far too many questionable things. I support Gun Owners of America. The NO COMPROMISE GUN RIGHTS ORGANIZATION! The NRA has proven over the decades that they will bargain away the right of the citizen for the benefit of the group. The United States Constitution is formed to protect the rights of the individual against the masses.

4 years ago

The NRA has compromised in the past on gun control legislation, therefore, I no longer trust them.

GOA has my support now.

Celia Melao
Celia Melao
4 years ago

The NRA is a necessary organization in today’s state of affair. They are the voice of our second amendment rights.

4 years ago

I am also a member of the GOA. I believe they do a much better job. Though I support the NRA I will probably not renew my membership due to their internal issues.

Rick Veldman
Rick Veldman
4 years ago

Life Member. They have been steadfast In their support for 2nd Amendment and in fighting leftist Democrats. We shouldn’t have to fight for our rights but Democrats insist on it so now we fight.

4 years ago

I support the NRA but don’t want to be a member. Are names of those saying they would provided to them? This is a strange wording.

Joseph McHugh
Joseph McHugh
4 years ago

The hierarchy of the NRA have violated their appropriate stewardship duties regarding the membership’s money. This has soured the taste of all who formerly held that organization in high esteem. One NRA leader was fired, and another barely held on to his position due to the corrupting effects of money.

The NRA now has two goals, 1) to regain its former respect as a fine organization, and 2) to continue to oppose all who would deny access to firearms, one of the inherent rights inscribed in the Bill of Rights.

The speeches and writings of the Founding Fathers made the intent of the Second Amendment clear to all who seek to enjoy individual freedoms. That intent was to provide a means for the people to resist possible government abuse of the other rights described in the Constitution.

Politicians fear private ownership of firearms because they know that one cannot abuse the rights of an armed populace. In plain words, fear the government that fears your guns.

4 years ago

I need the right to protect myself, my family and my property.

Michael Setzer II
Michael Setzer II
4 years ago

I’ve always supported the ideals of the NRA, but joined a few years ago with all the attacks and false information that Left was putting out on them.
Don’t currently own a gun, but 48 years ago, dad was a member of a Gun Club, and brother and I went thru the 2 full day training course they had. First day was all book and information work. Second day was actually showing the weapons showing lots of physical weapons and the features of each. Then finally, got to fire about a half dozen weapons. Gave a good understanding of the weapons, and the responsibility to use them safely.
2nd Amendment is critical to keeping the US Strong. It’s more than just having a Gun..
God Bless and Be Safe.

Jim V H
Jim V H
4 years ago

I agree with the freezing senior. My wife and I are lifetime members and I’m getting tired of be asked for more money for a “better lifetime membership”. It is true they are not what they used to be. It seems no who it is anymore, “follow the money “.

4 years ago

I believe in the NRA’s stated goals, but I cannot in good conscience renew my membership while Wayne LaPierre refuses to step down from his control of the organization. His actions in recent years tell me that for him, it is all about him. That taints and cripples the organization. No number of cheap freebies will make me renew, just news that he has finally stepped down will do so. It’s sad he will not act for the good of the organization now when we need it so badly.

4 years ago

An NRA Life Member, but also SAF and pro-2A organizations in my state. Contributions to SAF are tax deductible. NRA has issues but still the big dog in the fight.

Jinger Jenkins
Jinger Jenkins
4 years ago

My husband is a member of the NRA.. while we both support the beliefs of the 2nd amendment. I do not like that the NRA is constantly looking for MORE money! They would honestly bleed their members dry if they could. I know takes alot of money to pay off people, I am sure they are doing that while living high on the hog!

Jack Dawes
Jack Dawes
4 years ago

NRA is the ONLY gun rights organization able to effect change, even in the most anti-gun years of American politics. Other organizations join NRA lawsuits and paint themselves as the champions of 2A, but not supporting the NRA is like choosing to vote for a candidate you may like better but know can’t actually win the election.

Les Powell
Les Powell
4 years ago

NRA needs to MOVE from New York Fire management that includes Wayne and clean up there act!!! I will not keep my membership if these steps are not taken Republicans should win VA this election cycle because of 2nd amendment at risk in VA because they have lost their way…. The NRA is not protecting The rights in VA because the scandal there involved in New York, NRA is more concerned about stealing money from we the members instead of What NRA stands for. shameful..

Bruce David
Bruce David
4 years ago

NRA provides useful teaching tools for several segments AND gives us a powerful voice against a hostile, leftist Democratic party.

4 years ago

Over the years NRA has done some shady stuff and I don’t think them helping their members

4 years ago

I do not like the way the questions are worded so I can not respond. In fact, most polls are worded so that thinking and considerate people can not answer.
I stand with the second amendment.

Don McNeil
Don McNeil
4 years ago

I have supported the NRA in the past, but times are changing. Smaller groups have been much more effective against the anti gun push, while it appears NRA is content rubbing elbows with the powers that be. Unless NRA shows a productive effort, I will put my support in other movements like VCDL and GOA.

Don in Pa
Don in Pa
4 years ago

I read all the comments here and needed to object to most of them because:
1. Our Guns and freedom to own one would have long ago been taken away if not for the only real powerhouse in DC to stand against it. No one quotes GOA or anyone else for that matter when a national gun assault begins.
2. If you want to keep your 2nd amendment Gun Freedoms ( which protect all our other freedoms) you better join the NRA or all these complaints will mean nothing when there is a knock on your door.
3. If your looking for the perfect organization in a imperfect world , it’s not available , until you arrive in heaven…if your a Christian. No NRA is needed there.
4 So as long as we are stuck down here freedom is not free and we can defend it or lose it. That’s the reality and our only choice. Join the NRA unless you want to go into the DC swamp by yourself!

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
4 years ago

If someone really believes in our Bill of Rights then the 2nd Amendment must be respected. The NRA has its faults, but defending the 2nd Amendment is not one of them. Therefore, I support them and am a member. Have been for years.

Fred Sebastian
Fred Sebastian
4 years ago

I am an NRA LIFER, don’t give a rats why other/s think whatever about the NRA and certainly don’t know (for real) what the officers get for a salary.
The REAL task is to defend the 2A! The GOA is a “mini” NRA so whats the diff?
When the the air fills with the smell of sulfur I also will donate……..blood & treasure, as I have done in the past.

4 years ago

I am a Life Member of the NRA, and will hold judgement about their finances until the actual facts come out. I certainly won’t trust an Anti-2nd amendment NY Attorney. I am also a member of USCCA, and have found their programs, and personal insurance protection to be worthwhile..

4 years ago

The NRA is instrumental in keeping our 2nd amendment rights.
With the current unrest in the country and the push to defund the police we need that voice.
Be prepared, it could get worse.

Ken Wallin
Ken Wallin
4 years ago

I am a benefactor life member of the NRA. I support them 100%. No one is perfect but it is the best organization to fight for our 2nd Amendment rights. They do more to help elect 2nd Amendment supporters and get pro 2nd Amendment legislation passed than all the other organizations together. NRA strong!!

Judy Smith
Judy Smith
4 years ago

Okay, yes, I support the Second Amendment just as I support the others; but I choose not to have a gun myself for personal reasons. At my age (82), I don’t want to be the old dog that tried to learn new tricks. I don’t like all the publicity because there are many young people out there who will undoubtedly end up as death statistics because they bought themselves a gun just because they could. I don’t deny that anyone who feels the need for a gun or who likes hunting needs one, but how many have bought guns over the last twenty-five years just because the right to gun ownership was talked about so much. Teach kids peaceable ways to handle disputes and prove there is no need to settle them by fighting. If a gun is required, call on someone who has authority and the legal right to settle the quarrel to handle it. Cool off what’s in the news.

4 years ago

The NRA could put more effort into defending gun rights and the second amendment. Their top executives are paid too much and they give away too many trinkets that are made in China. heir home state of Virginia has way too many gun related laws for me to believe that the NRA is actually defending the second amendment. The RED FLAG laws that the NRA supports are a violation of our second amendment freedom. The NRA was a good organization when I joined in 1973 but they have weakened to those who want to rewrite our constitution. I am a member but I am not happy with the representation.

4 years ago

The NRA undermines the 2nd Amendment. It called for background checks which miskt result in false denials. It called for the bumpstick ban and for red flag laws. It came into Nebraska and sabotoged our firearms laws preemption bill which Nebraska Firearm Owners Association had fought so hard to get passed. After NRA got the Omaha Police Union to turn against the bill it had to be pulled rather than have it be voted down making it difficult to resubmit. I do not support the anti second amendment NRA.

Bill Gorto
Bill Gorto
4 years ago

The NRA does a lot of good. They show Americans the pros of owning a gun and how to use it. The Armed Citizen stories tell a lot.

Melissa Dougherty
Melissa Dougherty
4 years ago

We no longer support the NRA. They have not been wise in their handling of funds. If they can’t do that what else have not been honest about. It needs to be disbanded. We belong to AZCDL. Great group. We are life members of NRA that should let you know how dissatisfied we ar with NRA

4 years ago

The 2nd Amendment is essential to protect our rights as American citizens.
Without the 2nd Amendment, all of our rights would be stripped away for ever!
Our Constitution would be gone and, along with it, our rights and freedoms.
We The People, must never allow this to happen…the 2nd Amendment is the only thing that stands between freedom and tyranny…

S Clark
S Clark
4 years ago

I am a new gun owner and had intended to join the NRA until I heard about top leadership abuse of funds and corruption. My hard earned money will not go to any organization that is not fiscally responsible and ethical. I will find another gun rights group to join; but I support the NRAs original purpose of defending 2A rights and proper gun training.

Ron Lewis
Ron Lewis
4 years ago

I am a life long member and I whole heartily believe in the 2nd amendment but I think the leadership of the NRA is totally incompetent and should be replaced. In the last few years it is difficult to try to determine what they do with all the money they constantly badger you into giving. Something is not right.

R D Dobson
R D Dobson
4 years ago

Self defense is a God given right. Our 2A is confirmation. The NRA is 2As best friend.

Kevin Grant
Kevin Grant
4 years ago

I think the NRA is a good way for govt to track gun owners,and take them eventually

Jeff buniak
Jeff buniak
4 years ago

When the “powers that be,” ie: Supreme Court, fail at their constitutional interpretation duty for the safety of the law abiding public, why be surprised when someone else takes up the mantle of the founders?

4 years ago

I dropped my membership in the 70’s when I got tired of their relentless requests for additional donations. They don’t seem to be “relentless” in their support of the second amendment since they have caved on several issues involving restricting the freedoms of gun owners. There isn’t a response to this question that fits my current opinion of them. I feel they are no longer in full support of the American gun owner. Moderation and compromise are not the answer when it comes to constitutional rights.

Joseph Phelps
Joseph Phelps
4 years ago

God’s grace is enough for me but I support the Constitution of the United States fully.

john koo
john koo
4 years ago

They are more important now than ever with this nonsense down size police departments. It is left up to you to protect yourself and your family.

4 years ago

I first joined the NRA when I was in high school. We had a rifle club and our shooting range was in the school basement. That was in the late 1950’s. We all learned gun safety both the boys and girls in our school. If we were trying to do this now there would be wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Democrats.

Pamela Brida
Pamela Brida
4 years ago

The NRA is an essential organization for American citizens especially today when there are vindictive Marxists in high places of power determine to take away our Second Amendment rights.

Brian Bowser
Brian Bowser
4 years ago

I used to be a member. Golden Eagle member. Contributed to the NRA-ILA. Too willing to compromise. I’m not willing to let the camel get its nose under the tent. I give my money to Gun Owners of America. The only NO COMPROMISE gun rights organization.

Cheryl Palumbo
Cheryl Palumbo
4 years ago

I support the 2nd amendment I’m just not sure the NRA is transparent in its politics.

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