

What is your opinion of Joe Biden’s handling of the Israeli/Palestine conflict and the recently announced cease-fire between Hamas and Israel?

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Russell Klinger
Russell Klinger
3 years ago

Joe Biden is a complete moron. He has not done a thing about the border and he does not back Israel. He takes his orders from the anti-semite squad. Antifa+Hamas=Democrats. The squad does nothing but promote racism, they should all be removed immediately.

3 years ago

The ceasefire is good for the FakeASStinians. It gives them time to build more rockets with the money that could have been used to build infrastructure or improve their lives. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

Norman Goad
Norman Goad
3 years ago

We need more people to speak out in support of Israel. Hamas and the Iranians need to know how many Americans disagree with our present administrations lack of support of the Israeli peoples plight.


Jim VH
Jim VH
3 years ago

The moron in chief did nothing about “handling” the conflict , more he along with Obama and the rest of the Democraps encouraged it as well as financed hamas.

Johnny Cox
Johnny Cox
3 years ago

Biden is like a school bully, He tries to make the group like him but resorts to his bullying tactics when his has been ignored. HE IS TROUBLE ,even our adversaries around the world knows how weak he really is, he is playing with fire ,with the Middle East, and doesn’t have a clue.

John Guest
John Guest
3 years ago

Biden is an imbecile! He makes Jimmy Carter look like a genius.

Bruce David
Bruce David
3 years ago

What disgusts us even more-the anti-American squad [AOC, OMAR MI moron Rashid].

3 years ago

it flabbergaste me that after so many years of supporting Israel and they have been a strong ally, that the Demoncrats would turn their backs on them and support terrorism. You could understand it a little bit when we had a Muslim president but not now. This may be a look into who is actually calling the shots in the oval office

Tom M
Tom M
3 years ago

In the first place, one has to accept that Joey, who for the last 50 years has been nothing more than a useless politician who has accomplished absolutely zero, is actually making decisions. Does he even have the capability of making an honest decision? Nope. His brain is wrong, his politics are very wrong and his entire life is a hologram.

I do not agree with the people running Israel forcing the entire population to get poisonous injections. And the Middle East is one giant soap opera with hundreds of players all trying to destroy one another or control one another.

No one has any answers that are acceptable to all sides and thus the fighting will go on into eternity or until they blow each other off the face of the planet. It is most sad that children and innocent citizens are being killed…but that is the seemingly acceptable insanity of humans. The idiots in charge always find a way to justify war…as long as they are the people not dying.

Joey is a dunce and should stay in the basement where he belongs watching CNN propaganda all day long.

3 years ago

Recall Biden and his goonies before the ruin this country. We need Mr. Trump back in office.

Jean Ludtke
Jean Ludtke
3 years ago

We’re playing with fire by siding with the Hamas and Iran. God will bring victory to Israel.
We are going to end of paying a huge price for betraying them.
Continue to pray for Israel.

Bill Keller
Bill Keller
3 years ago

By sending “aid” to Hamas and Palestine, Biden is funding terrorism. He charged with aiding terrorism and he should be impeached.

3 years ago

The rational people in this world know that the Palestinian government is run by Hamas. Any aid to the Palestinian government is aid to Hamas. It won’t be much longer before the puppet masters pulling Biden’s strings decide to take him off his meds. Then we have Camel face as president of the United Socialist of America. God help us.

John Di Donato
John Di Donato
3 years ago

As usual Joe is late to the dinner table and demands the whole turkey

3 years ago

Biden is a mafia boss.

3 years ago

There was peace in the Middle East when President Trump negotiated the Abraham Accords, which the current administration has disregarded…(along with anything that was good for America)!! Biden is pitiful and doesn’t know where he is half the time, much less make a decision, which is why the RADICAL left is running this country! Kamala can’t lead either when she’s supposed to be handling the border crisis and won’t even go see the human mess they have created by doing away with “anything Trump””! This is their plan…to tear down American, divide us by skin color, and rebuild it as a Marxist, socialist and eventually Communist country!! Critical Race Theory is a TOOL to put us back in the segregation era! We cannot let them tear us apart! AMERICA IS NOT RACIST! God Bless America and all her Citizens!

3 years ago

Joe Biden is dense – dull in the head. He and prince Harry should play chess and the game would last years.

Jamie Martin
Jamie Martin
3 years ago

Lord have mercy on our nation.

3 years ago

My Bible makes it clear that God gave the land to Israel “forever”. There should not be a two state solution ever.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
3 years ago

There will never be a two-state solution. It was proposed on five occasions and refused by the Palestinian authority. We must finally admit that the P.A. is as much of a terrorist organization as its military arm comprised of Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and funded by Iran. Until these four are totally destroyed and dismantled and the education of the children is taken out of the hands of the mullahs who preach hate and death to Israel, this will never end. The so-called Palestinians, a nonexistent group should be removed from Gaza and moved to the Sinai Peninsula, governed by a coalition of middle eastern countries including Egypt, Jordan, and Israel, and permanently disarmed until the current generation no longer exists. This would allow today’s children to become responsible adults of the future.

3 years ago

Biden is a trader and hates Israel and the USA. He need Jesus in his life or leave this country.

3 years ago

The Palestinian terrorist such as hamas waited to see if the marxists/communist demorats, Biden/Harris would be elected, to start killing Jews and others! They knew they would not get away with it under a Trump Presidency. Under Trump, Arab nations were signing peace treaties with Israel like never before. Such as Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Bahrain, UAE, Egypt, Jordan and Morocco is considering, etc.

3 years ago

As usual Biden takes credit for something he did not do!

Terry Baugh
Terry Baugh
3 years ago

It’s sad how we now have the dumbest president in our history, as well as one of the most corrupt. Add to that his rapidly diminishing cognitive abilities and complete deference to his Marxist puppet masters, and our country is in big trouble

Amber Spiller
Amber Spiller
3 years ago

Im not a Christian. Im Spiritual as was Jesus, Buddha, etc. Grew up Roman Catholic and went to mass religiously w/my Gramas. The U.S. was founded on Christianity(while they stole the land from my people…the Native Americans) and anyone that comes here and tries to force their religion superior to Christianity is just dumb. In America, you are FREE to choose, however, you’re not free to eliminate nor eradicate it. I have read the bible. Israel(even though Jesus wasn’t Christian) is important to America and Christianity. It’s not new. Listen, go into another country and try to oust their religion with Christianity. See how that works out for you in the middle east and beyond. Unless you conform to THEIR religion, they’ll kill you. That Omar, Tlaib, etc would have been BEHEADED in other countries.
One final note: The fact that Christian Pastors did not rise up to defend their God given right to assemble during the SCAMdemic baffles non-Christians….if you’re not paying attention.
God needs to be put back in our country and President Trump needs to be put in the WH where over 100M Patriot’s voted him to be Nov 3, 2020.
Blessings to all????

David Westenberger
David Westenberger
3 years ago

Gen. Colin Powell’s military advice was respond to active attacks with everything you have and as fast and hard as possible…Israel should have told Biden “we don.t need your help” and just put Hamas back to the stone age…Biden destroyed a Trump peace treaty

Harvey Finders
Harvey Finders
3 years ago

Joey will destroy our Relationship with Isreal

Perry Dangerfield
Perry Dangerfield
3 years ago

Because this administration will give the Palestinians money, HAMAS will continue to fire rockets into Israel. This government’s tacit support of terrorism at home and abroad is dangerous!

3 years ago

First of all, Joe is not handling anything, he is being handled by our enemies within. It is a disgrace what they are doing and obvious that they would like to eliminate the Jews. It is only a matter of time that their goal is to go after Christian’s next, conservatives and anyone else that is a free thinker.

Richard Farrar I
Richard Farrar I
3 years ago

Joe R Biden Jr.s whole political career and possibly private life seems to be taking credit for others work product, being included as a co-signer with little to no input in legislation and outright plagiarisms. Egypt deserves full credit for this. What did the USA pay to Egypt for Biden Administration to be “Inclusive” in getting credit?

3 years ago

It is time that we boycott the media we need to shut it down. We need to constantly bring them to court and drain there money. The media in the United States needs to be dismantled.

Judy Smith
Judy Smith
3 years ago

Excuse me, but how does Biden have any right to take credit for the cessation of fighting (only temporary for sure since he has no idea what was going.) He couldn’t even decide which side he was on. I don’t care what he says, I believe what God says–that He will curse anyone who curses (doesn’t ally himself with Israel) and bless those who bless it.” There is a final war coming someday. Even Jesus said that He doesn’t know because only the Father knows. But that war will come. I pray that the United States is on the right side, but we can each and all be as individuals.

Michael Dunkman
Michael Dunkman
3 years ago

I have NO respect for slo-jo and kamaltoe. He fueled the conflict by sending hundreds of millions, so they could start firing rockets into Israel.

Karen Le Seure
Karen Le Seure
3 years ago

Biden is behaving like any other Communist would. Anyone who does not see this needs to pull their head out of the sand and re-educate themselves!

Richard Rizza
Richard Rizza
3 years ago

I doubt Joe even knows about the palestinian conflict.

3 years ago

Biden is a terrible pres , a traitor to the people of the U.S.

3 years ago

As some have said already, if you’ve been paying attention you know that President Trump managed to negotiate a peace agreement between the Palestinians and Israel that lasted until the fake administration (had to say it) took over and look what happens. Hamas who’s backed by Iran who is backed by this fake administration (gave them truck loads of money) started lobbing thousands of missiles into Israel from hospitals and schools. Hamas uses the Palestinians as shields i.e. women and children as a means to deter Israel and then denounces Israel and blames them for killing innocent women and children. Until one side or the other is innihilated this will never end. I would hope we all support Israel as they are our last line of defense in the middle east. If Israel goes, so does America. Just my opinion.

Dee Hay
Dee Hay
3 years ago

The Biden (Marxist run Administration) is selling out America not only in this conflict, but in all their actions.

3 years ago

Just like a leftist to take credit for something positive that they had nothing to do with

J D Graves
J D Graves
3 years ago

Biden will again send more of our money to the Palestinians (Hamas) and war will resume.
There will never ever ever be a two state solution. Biden is a idiot.

3 years ago

This whole situation is way out of control. The administration that had invaded our White House are completely incompetent.

Tom K.
Tom K.
3 years ago

As usual, “My enemy’s enemy is my friend”
Ok, for those of you in Rio Linda. Biden and the Nation of Islam both hate the U.S.A.

Nick Selembo
Nick Selembo
3 years ago

Well what has changed here. Trump had just negotiated the Abraham accord and was turning the corner on peace in the Middle East. Biden gets in and we go back to the same policies when his boss “Sadam” Obama was President. Obama hated Israel, no surprises there and now Joe is doing what he is told to do and go back to the same policies like a good Marxist puppet would do. Joe is taking the Presidency to new levels. I thought Carter was the dumbest President we ever had but Joe will pass him up in NO time flat.

Jay Berg
Jay Berg
3 years ago

Xiden is a criminal dementia-ridden treasonous fraud. He and his family should be in jail. Put a freakin’ poll out for that fact!!

Richard Wellington
Richard Wellington
3 years ago

Palestinians (Hamas) would not have thought about beginning this conflict for one second if Trump was in the white house. Trump would have crushed them. But with Sleep Joe – they knew he wouldn’t have a clue on what to do.

Richard Lee
Richard Lee
3 years ago

Biden gives money to Paletine HAMAS who buy rockets to attack ISRA then acts out a cease fire scenario.

3 years ago

Biden is not qualified to be in the role he is in. He is compromised by fraud and corruption. He should resign or be impeached.

3 years ago

He is not, Obama is calling the shots and Obama hates Israel!!!

Joseph Halsted
Joseph Halsted
3 years ago

Highly doubtful Biden is making this (or other key) decisions. Quite evident the strings on this pretty puppet are being controlled by those who’s interests are NOT in the best interests of the citizenry.of the USA or our best longtime allies.

3 years ago


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